NSF LogoNSF Award Abstract - #0223998 AWSFL008-DS3

Real Time Monitoring of Rivers and Estuaries: Planning Workshops

Latest Amendment Date June 16, 2004
Award Number 0223998
Award Instrument Standard Grant
Program Manager Thomas D. Waite
Start Date August 1, 2002
Expires January 31, 2005 (Estimated)
Expected Total Amount $92310 (Estimated)
Investigator Michael H. Roberts mroberts@pace.edu (Principal Investigator current)
Sponsor Pace University
1 Pace Plaza
New York, NY 10038 212/346-1200
Field Application 0316000 Trace Contaminants
0313040 Water Pollution
Program Reference Code 1440,1689,9197,EGCH,


0223998 Roberts This planning grant provides support for a series of three workshops that will bring together technological, scientific, educational and management experts to develop a plan for the use and application of remote sensing and real-time monitoring technologies for research and management of rivers and estuaries. These workshops will be organized in partnership with the Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and they will serve as a companion to a demonstration project, sponsored by the Rivers and Estuaries Center on the Hudson River, that will use a selected area of the Hudson estuary as a test site for real-time monitoring of physical, chemical and biological river parameters. The parallel tracks of these two projects will allow workshop participants to avail themselves of an operating "river laboratory" and will allow the demonstration project to utilize the guidance and expertise of the workshop participants. The workshop and demonstration projects will integrate their findings to support a proposal that will seek to use the 154 mile Hudson River estuary as the model for the deployment of a remote sensing array that will utilize novel miniaturized sensor technology, robotics and existing monitoring stations to produce a continuous stream of river data transmitted by an advanced high-bandwidth, real-time communications system integrated with satellite remote-sensing imagery. The specific objectives of the workshops will be to (1) understand the status of other efforts to wire the earth and the biosphere, (2) identify the technological requirements and management and educational applications for the unique setting of rivers and estuaries and (3) develop a plan for an integrated in-situ and watershed-wide instrumentation of rivers and estuaries.

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