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Publications on Standards and Conformity Assessment Activities

Standards Services Division
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Drive, MS 2100
Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-2100

Ordering Information

(June 2004)

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Table of Contents

Reports on the U.S. Standards System

  • A Guide to Documentary Standards (NISTIR 6802)
  • An Overview of the U.S. Approach to Standards, Conformity Assessment and Metrology (NISTIR 6978)
  • The ABC's of Standards-Related Activities in the United States (NBSIR 87-3576)
  • Proceedings of the NIST Centennial Standards Symposium - Standards in the Global Economy: Past, Present, and Future (NIST SP974)
  • Standards Activities of Organizations in the United States (NIST SP 806: 1996 Edition)
  • Toward a National Standards Strategy - Conference Report (NISTIR 6290)
  • Toward a National Standards Strategy - Conference Summary Report (NISTIR 6259)

Reports on the U.S. Conformity Assessment System

  • A Selective Review of Testing Laboratory Accreditation Movements in the United States (NIST GCR 98-740)
  • ABC's of the U.S. Conformity Assessment System (NISTIR 6014)
  • An Overview of the U.S. Approach to Standards, Conformity Assessment and Metrology (NISTIR 6978)
  • The ABC's of Standards-Related Activities in the United States (NBSIR 87-3576)
  • Directory of Federal Government Certification and Related Programs (NIST SP 739: 1999 Edition)
  • Directory of Federal Government Laboratory Accreditation/Designation Programs (NIST SP 808)
  • Directory of Professional/Trade Organization Laboratory Accreditation/Designation Programs (NIST SP 831: 1999 Edition)
  • Directory of State and Local Government Laboratory Accreditation/Designation Programs (NIST SP 815: 2002 Edition)
  • Directory of U.S. Private Sector Product Certification Programs (NIST SP 903: 2001 Edition)
  • Environmental Management Systems Voluntary Project Evaluation Guidance (NISTIR 6120)
  • Examination of Laboratory Accreditation Programs in the United States and the Potential Role for a National Laboratory Accreditation System (NIST GCR 97-714)
  • Laboratory Accreditation Activities in the United States (NISTIR 4576)
  • National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) Directory (NIST SP 810)
  • NVCASE Program Handbook: Procedures for Obtaining NIST Recognition as an Accreditor (NISTIR 6440: 2002 Edition)
  • Proceedings of the NIST Workshop on Conformity Assessment for a Changing Government (NIST SP 986)
  • Proceedings of the Open Forum on Laboratory Accreditation at the National Institute of Standards and Technology October 13, 1995 (NIST SP 902)
  • Report on the Open Forum on Establishment of the National Council for Laboratory Accreditation (NACLA) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology January 7, 1997 (NISTIR 6008)
  • Semi-Annual Listing: North American Quality System Registration Organizations (NAQSRO) (NISTIR 6515)
  • Technical Requirements for Construction Materials Testing (NISTIR 7012)
  • The U.S. Certification System from a Governmental Perspective (NISTIR 6077)

Reports on the Implementation of the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA)

  • Annual Report to the Office of Management and Budget on the Implementation of OMB Circular A-119 and P.L. 104-113 (NISTIR 6493)
  • Guidelines for NIST Staff Participating in Voluntary Standards Developing Organizations' Activities (NISTIR 6778)
  • The National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act - Plan for Implementation (NISTIR 5967)
  • Towards Strategic Management of Standards Activities at NIST (NISTIR 6292)
  • Using Voluntary Standards in the Federal Government (NISTIR 6086)

Reports on International Standards and Conformity Assessment Systems

  • A Review of U.S. Participation in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) (NISTIR 6492)
  • Directory of International and Regional Organizations Conducting Standards-Related Activities (NIST SP 767)
  • ISO Environmental Management Standardization Efforts (NISTIR 5638-1)
  • More Questions and Answers on the ISO 9000 Standard Series and Related Issues (NISTIR 5122)
  • Questions and Answers on Quality, the ISO 9000 Standard Series, Quality System Registration, and Related Issues (NISTIR 4721)

Reports on Regional Standards and Conformity Assessment Systems - European Union

  • A Guide to the EU Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive (NIST GCR 01-816)
  • A Guide to the EU Directive Concerning Liability for Defective Products (Product Liability Directive) (NIST GCR 01-824)
  • A Guide to the EU Directive on Electromagnetic Compatibility (NIST GCR 01-813)
  • A Guide to the EU Directive on General Product Safety, NIST GCR 01-825
  • A Guide to the EU Directive on Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment, NIST GCR 01-826
  • A Guide to the EU In vitro Diagnositc Medical Devices Directive (NIST GCR 01-817)
  • A Guide to the EU Low Voltage Directive (NIST GCR 01-812)
  • A Guide to the EU Machinery Directive (NIST GCR 01-814)
  • A Guide to the EU Medical Devices Directive (NIST GCR 01-815)
  • A Guide to the EU Safety of Toys Directive (NIST GCR 01-823)
  • A Guide to EU Standards and Conformity Assessment (NIST SP 951)
  • Directory of European Regional Standards-Related Organizations NIST SP 795)
  • Standards Setting in the European Union - Standards Organizations and Officials in EU Standards Activities (NIST SP 891, 1997 Edition)

Reports on Regional Standards and Conformity Assessment Systems - Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

  • An Overview of the Development of Technical Infrastructure in the Asia-Pacific Region: The Work of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Sub-committee on Standards and Conformance (SCSC) and the Specialist Regional Bodies (SRBs) (NISTIR 6325)

Reports on Regional Standards and Conformity Assessment Systems - The Americas

  • Directory of Accredited North American Quality System Registration Organizations (NAQSRO) (NISTIR 6515, 2002 Edition)
  • Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Conformity Assessment Infrastructure (NIST SP 941)

Reports on Foreign National Standards and Conformity Assessment Systems

  • Profiles of National Standards-Related Activities (NIST SP 912)
  • Standardization and Conformity Assessment in the Republic of Korea (NISTIR 6960)
  • Survey on the Implementation of ISO/IEC Guide 25 by National Laboratory Accreditation Programs (NISTIR 5473)


[Note: A list of U.S. private sector standards developing organizations is available at:]

  • A Guide to Documentary Standards (NISTIR 6802)

    This Guide is intended to provide information on the U.S. standards system, entities within that system, and different types of documentary standards. It includes descriptions of performance and design standards; voluntary consensus standards; defense standards; mandatory standards; National Institute of Justice (NIJ) standards; Federal standards; de facto standards; industry standards; consortia standards; and, international standards. In addition, the Guide includes information on the implementation of the National Technology Transfer and Advance Act (NTTAA) and on the link between standards and conformity assessment.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2001-109032.

  • An Overview of the U.S. Approach to Standards, Conformity Assessment and Metrology (NISTIR 6978)

    The compendium-like CD includes informative chapters on NIST standards, conformity assessment, regulations, metrology and global issues. It also contains numerous links to the Web sites of other organization and resources in the global community. The purpose of the CD is to educate U.S. and foreign government and private sector agencies about responsibilities for developing or using standards and conformity assessment. This publication is available only on CD. For additional information, contact the Standards in Trade Office, Global Standards and Information Group, NIST, Standards Services Division, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-2100, Telephone: (301)975-4023; Fax:(301)975-4815.

  • The ABC's of Standards-Related Activities in the United States (NBSIR 87-3576)

    This report is an introduction to voluntary standardization, product certification and laboratory accreditation for readers not fully familiar with these topics. It stresses some of the more important aspects of these fields; furnishes the reader with both historical and current information on these topics; describes the importance and impact of the development and use of standards; and serves as background for using available documents and services.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 87-224309.

  • Proceedings of the NIST Centennial Standards Symposium - Standards in the Global Economy: Past, Present, and Future (NIST SP974)

    In honor of its 100th anniversary, the National Institute of Standards and Technology sponsored the NIST Centennial Standards Symposium on March 7, 2001. Representatives of the public and private sector celebrated the role that NIST has played in standards in a variety of industry sectors and partnership with numerous organizations. This publication is a compilation of speeches and presentations from multiple speakers on various standards-related topics.

    Order from NIST by #PB 2002-101061.

  • Standards Activities of Organizations in the United States (NIST SP 806: 1996 Edition)

    The directory identifies and describes activities of over 700 U.S. public and private sector organizations which develop, publish, and revise standards; participate in this process; or identify standards and make them available through information centers or distribution channels. The revision covers activities related to both mandatory and voluntary U.S. standards. It also contains a subject index and related listings that cover acronyms and initials, defunct bodies and organizations with name changes.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 97-124135/AS.

  • Toward a National Standards Strategy - Conference Report (NISTIR 6290) PDF File

    This more complete report of the September 23, 1998 Summit Proceedings contains full texts, figures, and such background papers as were provided by the speakers; they are presented in the order shown on the agenda. Transcriptions of comments and questions from the floor and the ensuing panelist responses are interspersed appropriately. Information about the speakers appears in Appendix A; the list of Conference attendees may be found in Appendix B; and a glossary of acronyms is provided in Appendix C.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 99-129629.

  • Toward a National Standards Strategy - Conference Summary Report (NISTIR 6259)

    On September 23, 1998, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) co-hosted a summit conference, “Toward a National Standards Strategy to Meet Global Needs.” NIST Director Ray Kammer and ANSI President Sergio Mazza co-chaired a program that featured keynote addresses by Deputy Secretary of Commerce Robert Mallet and Dana Mead, Chairman and CEO of Tenneco and World Standards Day Chairman; a luncheon address by Evangelos Vardakas, Director, Directorate B, Legislation and Standardization, Telematics Networks, Directorate General (DG)-III: Industrial Affairs, European Commission; three panels comprised of standards experts from industry and government; and discussions of comments and questions raised by some of the 339 registered participants.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 99-111239.


[Note: additional information on Conformity Assessment is available on the NIST website at:]

  • A Selective Review of Testing Laboratory Accreditation Movements in the United States (NIST GCR 98-740)

    In conjunction with a cooperative effort by the Laboratory Accreditation Working Group (LAWG), consisting of public and private sector entities that call for laboratories to be accredited, the affected laboratories, and accreditation bodies, the author has conducted a selective review of a number of previous attempts to systemize laboratory accreditation activities in the United States. In conclusion, a number of recommendations are made for the developing National Cooperation on Laboratory Accreditation (NACLA), the proposed formal structure to succeed the planning organization, LAWG.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 99-175606

  • ABC's of the U.S. Conformity Assessment System (NISTIR 6014)

    This report is designed to provide the reader with an introduction to conformity assessment and information on how the various conformity assessment activities are interlinked. It highlights some of the field's more important aspects and serves as background for using available documents and services.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 97-197107

  • An Overview of the U.S. Approach to Standards, Conformity Assessment and Metrology (NISTIR 6978)

    The compendium-like CD includes informative chapters on NIST standards, conformity assessment, regulations, metrology and global issues. It also contains numerous links to the Web sites of other organization and resources in the global community. The purpose of the CD is to educate U.S. and foreign government and private sector agencies about responsibilities for developing or using standards and conformity assessment. This publication is available only on CD. For additional information, contact the Standards in Trade Office, Global Standards and Information Group, NIST, Standards Services Division, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899-2100, Telephone: (301)975-4023; Fax:(301)975-4815.

  • The ABC's of Certification Activities in the United States (NBSIR 88-3821)

    This report, a sequel to The ABC'S of Standards-Related Activities in the United States (NBSIR 87-3576), provides an introduction to certification for readers not entirely familiar with this topic. It highlights some of the more important aspects of this field, furnishes the reader with information necessary to make informed purchases, and serves as background for using available documents and services.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 88-239793.

  • Directory of Federal Government Certification and Related Programs (NIST SP 739: 1999 Edition) PDF File

    This fourth edition describes federal government procurement and regulatory programs which may affect product and services in the marketplace. Entries describe the scope and nature of each program, contact points, testing and inspection practices, standards used, methods of identification and enforcement, reciprocal recognition or acceptance of certification and other relevant details. The entries also describe assessment procedures used by federal agencies to provide assurance that the products and services regulated or procured by federal agencies have the required characteristics and/or perform in a specific manner. The methods used by federal agencies to assure conformance can be very different than those traditionally employed by the private sector and by third party certifiers.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 99-154825.

  • Directory of Federal Government Laboratory Accreditation/Designation Programs (NIST SP 808)

    This directory provides updated information on 31 federal government laboratory accreditation and similar type programs conducted by the federal government. These programs, which include some type of assessment regarding laboratory capability, designate sets of laboratories or other entities to conduct testing to assist federal agencies in carrying out their responsibilities. The directory also lists 13 other federal agency programs of possible interest, including programs involving very limited laboratory assessment and programs still under development.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 91-167379.

  • Directory of Professional/Trade Organization Laboratory Accreditation/Designation Programs (NIST SP 831: 1999 Edition)
    This update is a guide to laboratory accreditation and similar types of programs conducted by professional and trade organizations. These programs accredit or designate laboratories or other entities to assist private sector professional societies, trade associations, related certification bodies, their membership, as well as government agencies, in carrying out their responsibilities. This accreditation or designation is based on an assessment of the capability of the laboratory to conduct the testing. However, the nature of the assessment varies considerably by organization and program.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2000-100398.

  • Directory of State and Local Government Laboratory Accreditation/Designation Programs (NIST SP 815: 2002 Edition) PDF File

    This directory provides updated information on 21 state and 11 local government laboratory accreditation and similar type programs. These programs, which include some type of assessment regarding laboratory capability, designate private sector laboratories or other entities to conduct testing to assist state and local government agencies in carrying out their responsibilities. Entries describe the scope and nature of each program, laboratory assessment criteria and procedures used in the program, products and fields of testing covered, program authority, and other relevant details.

  • Directory of U.S. Private Sector Product Certification Programs (NIST SP 903: 2001 Edition)

    This revision presents information on 122 private sector groups in the United States that engage in product certification activities. Entries describe the type and purpose of each organization, the nature of the activity, a pictorial representation of the organization?s mark (if available), products certified, standards used, certification requirements, any accreditation or recognition by a U.S. or foreign private sector or government agency, availability of services, methods of cost determination, and other relevant details.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2001-102896.

  • Environmental Management Systems Voluntary Project Evaluation Guidance (NISTIR 6120)

    The intent of this document is to provide a framework for the collection of information of value to regulatory agencies and others interested in determining the impact in several key areas of environmental management systems based on ISO 14001.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 98-128890.

  • Examination of Laboratory Accreditation Programs in the United States and the Potential Role for a National Laboratory Accreditation System (NIST GCR 97-714)

    This report presents an initial study of existing U.S. laboratory accreditation programs, with a focus on government programs, particularly at the Federal level. The study was conducted in two phases: Phase I established categories of existing laboratory accreditation programs in the Federal government, at the state and local level, and in the private sector. Phase II compared technical standards used by five Federal government laboratory accreditation programs with general standards for laboratory accreditation established by ISO.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 97-167365.

  • Laboratory Accreditation Activities in the United States (NISTIR 4576)

    This report, a companion to The ABC'S of Standards-Related Activities in the United States (NBSIR 87-3576) and The ABC'S of Certification Activities in the United States (NBSIR 88-3821), is designed to provide information on laboratory accreditation to readers who are new to this field. It discusses some of the more significant facets of this topic, provides information necessary to make informed decisions on the selection and use of laboratories, and serves as background for using other available documents and services.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 91-194495.

  • National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) Directory (NIST SP 810)

    This annual directory lists laboratories that have been found to be competent to perform certain tests or calibrations as specified. These laboratories are allowed to use the NVLAP logo on their test or calibration certificates or reports, which implies that the processes used to achieve the tests or calibrations have been evaluated by NVLAP as being technically adequate when performed under the conditions specified in the laboratories' quality manuals and associated documentation. Copies are available from NVLAP at (301) 975-4016; fax: (301) 926-2884 or e-mail - A listing of accredited laboratories, updated quarterly, is available on the NVLAP website at

  • NVCASE Program Handbook: Procedures for Obtaining NIST Recognition as an Accreditor (NISTIR 6440: 2002 Edition) PDF File

    This document provides detailed information regarding the National Voluntary Conformity Assessment Systems Evaluation Program (NVCASE) evaluation requirements leading to an organization obtaining NIST recognition as an authorized accreditation body under provisions of certain other agency programs or specified Mutual Recognition Agreements with other countries or geographic areas. NVCASE covers three basic types of accreditors: 1) laboratory; 2) product certifier; and 3) quality system registrar.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2000-101337.

  • Proceedings of the NIST Workshop on Conformity Assessment for a Changing Government (NIST SP 986)

    This NIST sponsored workshop was held to discuss the role and use of conformity assessment by government agencies. Standards executives, managers and staff members of regulatory agencies, and procurement personnel reviewed various options for eliminating unnecessary duplication of effort and improving operational efficiency of government conformity assessment programs. The workshop was conducted as part of NIST's efforts to implement it's responsibilites under the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (NTTAA) of 1995.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2002-105738

  • Proceedings of the Open Forum on Laboratory Accreditation at the National Institute of Standards and Technology October 13, 1995 (NIST SP 902)

    The American National Standards Institute and ACIL requested that NIST work with them in an informal Laboratory Accreditation working group (LAWG) to evaluate the current situation in laboratory accreditation in the United States. This group sponsored a forum to hear reports from various sectors and to arrive at some consensus on the need to improve the current situation and infrastructure for laboratory accreditation in the United States.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 96-210141.

  • Report on the Open Forum on Establishment of the National Council for Laboratory Accreditation (NACLA) at the National Institute of Standards and Technology January 7, 1997 (NISTIR 6008)

    The forum was jointly sponsored by NIST, ACIL (formerly the American Council of Independent Laboratories), and the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). It was attended by more than 300 representatives from private industry and the government. The purpose of the Forum was to discuss a proposal to establish the National Council for Laboratory Accreditation (NACLA), which would be a cooperative partnership between the public and private sectors designed to provide a national infrastructure for laboratory accreditation in the United States.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 97-158133.

  • Semi-Annual Listing: North American Quality System Registration Organizations (NAQSRO) (NISTIR 6515) PDF File

    This semi-annual listing provides information on organizations that have informed NIST about their quality system registration according to the ASQ Q-9000 series, QS-9000, ISO 14000 (EMS) or equivalent criteria for the United States, Canada and Mexico.

  • Technical Requirements for Construction Materials Testing (NISTIR 7012) PDF File

    This document describes accreditation requirements for laboratories operating in the Construction Materials Testing (CMT) field. It was prepared by the Construction Materials Testing Subcommittee of the NACLA (National Association for Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation) Technical Requirements Committee and reflects requirements established by the Federal Highway Administration, Federal Aviation Administration, United States Army Corps of Engineers, and the Bureau of Reclamation to meet their needs for competent construction materials testing services. The document is based on internationally accepted criteria for the operation of accreditation bodies and accreditation of laboratories (ISO/IEC Guide 58, Calibration and Testing Laboratory Accreditation Systems - General Requirements for Operation and Recognition and ISO/IEC 17025 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories) and ASTM guidance documents. However, the document contains additional requirements to both ISO/IEC Guide 58 and ISO/IEC 17025 specific to the CMT field.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2003-106546.

  • The U.S. Certification System from a Governmental Perspective (NISTIR 6077)

    This report is designed to provide the reader with an introduction to the U.S. certification system from a governmental perspective. It highlights some of the relationships that exist between federal and state agencies and the private sector and discusses some of the history and philosophy behind the U.S. system.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 98-104086.


[Note: Additional information on the NTTAA is available at: and at:]

  • Annual Report to the Office of Management and Budget on the Implementation of OMB Circular A-119 and P.L. 104-113 (NISTIR 6493)

    Thist report describes the progress that Federal agencies have made in the use of volunntary consensus standards and participation in standardization activities. It also highlights some examples of agency's interactions with private-sector voluntary consensus standards bodies, agency's use of government unique standards, and the activities of the Interagency Committee on Standards Policy. It discusses the National Institue of Standards and Technology's efforts in coordinating Federal agencies standards-related activities including interactions with key private sector organizations. Copies of past reports are available on-line in the NTTAA Library

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2000-104062

  • Guidelines for NIST Staff Participating in Voluntary Standards Developing Organizations' Activities (NISTIR 6778) PDF File

    These Guidelines were prepared by the NIST, Standards Services Division (SSD) that coordinates the formulation and implementation of the voluntary standards and conformity assessment policies of the Federal Government. A revision of the October l989 Guidelines, this document provides guidance and background for NIST staff considering or beginning participation in voluntary standards activities and NIST managers who support these activities.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2002-106711.

  • The National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act - Plan for Implementation (NISTIR 5967)

    The National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act (P.L. 104-113) gives NIST responsibility to coordinate standards and conformity assessment activities with other Federal agencies, state and local governments, and with the private sector. Congress required NIST to submit a plan for implementing the coordination activities. Specific activities in strategic standards management, responsiveness to international trade concerns, greater use of voluntary standards, and conformity assessment procedures are described. Responsibilities of governments, standards developers, and private sector interests are outlined, as are a number of specific tasks.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 97-153001.

  • Towards Strategic Management of Standards Activities at NIST (NISTIR 6292) PDF File

    This paper describes strategic standards management, its use by U.S. companies, and the potential use of this important methodology by DoC/NIST and other government agencies. It also describes the role of NIST’s Standards Advisory Committee (SAC) in defining a plan that each NIST Operating Unit (OU) can tailer to manage its own standards activities, and other agencies can similarly adopt. A checklist is provided for use by NIST OUs as they set priorities and implement activities in support of the standards-related work associated with their missions. This checklist can also be adapted for use by other Federal agencies.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 99-127896.

  • Using Voluntary Standards in the Federal Government (NISTIR 6086)

    This report is a compilation of presentations given at a NIST-sponsored conference held on September 8, 1997 to foster better understanding among Federal agenices of the private sector standardization process. The conference took place as part of a major effort by NIST to implement the National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act which gives NIST responsibility to coordinate standards and conformity assessment activities with other Federal agenices, state and local governments, and with the private sector.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 98-110281.


  • A Review of U.S. Participation in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) (NISTIR 6492) PDF File

    This report describes the role of international standards, their importance in world trade, and the extent of U.S. participation in the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) over the 32 year period from 1966 to 1998. To the extent possible, a comparison of U.S. exports with U.S. participation in the ISO and IEC is provided. Mention is also made of the World Trade Organization’s Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2000-105984

  • Directory of International and Regional Organizations Conducting Standards-Related Activities (NIST SP 767)

    This directory contains information on 338 international and regional organizations which conduct standardization, certification, laboratory accreditation, or other standards-related activities. It describes their work in these areas, as well as the scope of each organization, national affiliations of members, U.S. participants, restrictions on membership, and the availability of any standards in English.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 89-221147 or Global Engineering Documents by Order #Cat. SP767.

  • ISO Environmental Management Standardization Efforts (NISTIR 5638-1) PDF File

    This report describes the development of planned "environmental management" standards by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). These standards address management systems and the environmental aspects of products in the areas of life cycle assessment and labeling. The report outlines the current status of the ISO standards and also covers developments relating to third party certification of environmental management systems. Updated information on this topic is also available on the following website:

    Order from NTIS by #PB 96-158662

  • More Questions and Answers on the ISO 9000 Standard Series and Related Issues (NISTIR 5122)

    This report, a sequel to NISTIR 4721, provides additional information on the ISO 9000 standards and related issues to readers unfamiliar with some of the new developments in this area. It attempts to answer additional questions on ISO 9000 standards related issues which NIST has received since the publication of NISTIR 4721 and identifies sources for further help in this area. Updated information on this topic is also available on the following website:

    Order from NTIS by #PB 93-140689.

  • Questions and Answers on Quality, the ISO 9000 Standard Series, Quality System Registration, and Related Issues (NISTIR 4721)

    This report provides information on the development, content and application of the ISO 9000 standards to readers who are unfamiliar with these aspects of the standards. It attempts to answer some of the most commonly asked questions on quality; quality systems; the content, application and revision of the ISO 9000 standards; quality system approval/registration; European Community requirements for quality system approval/registration; and sources for additional help. Updated information on this topic is also available on the following website:

    Order from NTIS by #PB 93-152080/AS


  • A Guide to the EU Active Implantable Medical Devices Directive (NIST GCR 01-816) PDF File

    This guide is an easy-to-use introductory reference for industry and government officials on the requirements of the European Union's (EU) Active Implantable Medical Device Directive [Directive 90/385/EEC].

    Order from NTIS by # PB 2001-106309.

  • A Guide to the EU Directive Concerning Liability for Defective Products (Product Liability Directive) (NIST GCR 01-824) PDF File

    This guide is an easy-to-use introductory reference for industry and government officials on the requirements of the European Union's (EU) Directive Concerning Liability for Defective Products [Directive 85/374/EEC].

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2001-109029

  • A Guide to the EU Directive on Electromagnetic Compatibility (NIST GCR 01-813) PDF File

    This guide is an easy-to-use introductory reference for industry and government officials on the requirements of the European Union's (EU) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive [Directive 89/336/EEC].

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2001-105513.

  • A Guide to the EU Directive on General Product Safety, NIST GCR 01-825 PDF File

    This guide is an easy-to-use introductory reference for industry and government officials on the requirements of the European Union's (EU) Directive on General Product Safety [92/59/EEC].

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2002-100126

  • A Guide to the EU Directive on Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment, NIST GCR 01-826 PDF File

    This guide is an easy-to-use introductory reference for industry and government officials on the requirements of the European Union's (EU) Directive on Radio Equipment and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (1999/5/EC).

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2002-100125

  • A Guide to the EU In vitro Diagnositc Medical Devices Directive (NIST GCR 01-817) PDF File

    This guide is an easy-to-use introductory reference for industry and government officials on the requirements of the European Union's (EU) In vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Directive [Directive 98/79/EEC].

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2001-106308.

  • A Guide to the EU Low Voltage Directive (NIST GCR 01-812) PDF File

    This guide is an easy-to-use introductory reference for industry and government officials on the requirements of the European Union's (EU) Low Voltage Directive (LVD) [Directive 73/23/EEC].

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2001-107673

  • A Guide to the EU Machinery Directive (NIST GCR 01-814) PDF File

    This guide is an easy-to-use introductory reference for industry and government officials on the requirements of the European Union's (EU) Machinery Directive [Directive 98/37/EEC].

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2001-105514.

  • A Guide to the EU Medical Devices Directive (NIST GCR 01-815) PDF File

    This guide is an easy-to-use introductory reference for industry and government officials on the requirements of the European Union's (EU) Medical Devices [Directive 93/42/EEC].

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2001-106759

  • A Guide to the EU Safety of Toys Directive (NIST GCR 01-823) PDF File

    This report is an easy-to-use introductory reference for industry and government officials on the requirements of the European Union's (EU) Safety of Toys Directive [88/378/EEC]. It is designed to help business and government officials understand the purpose of the directive, its relationship to other directives, the essential requirements contained in the directive, and the basic steps necessary for compliance. The guide offers explanations of such requirements as: the products covered by the directive; particular risks associated with toys and specific guidelines for those risks; toy hygiene; radioactivity toys; warnings and indications of precautions; and the use of standards. The guide contains the text of the directive and a list of applicable standards. In addition, the guide references appropriate sections of NIST Special Publication 951: A Guide to EU Standards and Conformity Assessment for further information on some of the generic conformity assessment concepts and requirements of the EU's New Approach.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2001-109030

  • A Guide to EU Standards and Conformity Assessment (NIST SP 951) PDF File

    This guide is an easy-to-use introductory reference for industry and government officials on the general principles and concepts behind the European Union's (EU) "New Approach" laws and directives. It is designed to help business and government officials understand the new laws, the EU's standardization process, and the relationship between the European Commission and the European standardization bodies in the European Union.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2000-105983.
  • Directory of European Regional Standards-Related Organizations NIST SP 795)

    This directory identifies more than 150 European regional organizations - both governmental and private - that engage in standards development, certification, laboratory accreditation and other standards-related activities, such as quality assurance. Entries describe the type and purpose of each organization; acronyms; national affiliations of members; the nature of the standards-related activity; and other related information.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 91-107599 or Global Engineering Documents by Order #Cat. 0258-3.

  • Standards Setting in the European Union - Standards Organizations and Officials in EU Standards Activities (NIST SP 891, 1997 Edition) PDF File

    The guide is designed to help U.S. manufacturers, exporters, and other interested persons in locating contact points for important information on the development of standards and conformity assessment issues. The report includes a history of the role of standards in the European Union (EU) and the latest information on the EU's harmonization directives for implementing the "New Approach" and the "Global Approach" for harmonizing technical regulations and standards to reduce barriers to trade.

    Order from NTIS as #PB 97-153738.




  • Profiles of National Standards-Related Activities (NIST SP 912)
    This directory describes the metrology, standardization, testing and quality (MSTQ) activities of more than 70 countries. Each entry includes basic data on the country’s economy and trade; agencies and institutions responsible for metrology and calibration, standards development, testing, product certification, quality and environmental system registration and accreditation; and key contacts and information sources. Entries are formatted to facilitate access to specific information. An introductory section provides general information on development of the directory and an overview of world-wise MSTQ activities.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 97-169874/AS.

  • Standardization and Conformity Assessment in the Republic of Korea (NISTIR 6960) PDF File

    This report describes the national standardization and conformity assessment system in the Republic of Korea. It also contains some comparisons between the Korean system and the U.S. system. Emphasis in this report is on activities that are carried out by the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS) within the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy. KATS serves as Korea's national standardization body. KATS also operates accreditation schemes for product certification bodies, calibration and testing laboratories, and inspection bodies.

    Order from NTIS by #PB 2003-102297

  • Survey on the Implementation of ISO/IEC Guide 25 by National Laboratory Accreditation Programs (NISTIR 5473)

    ISO/IEC Guide 25, General Requirements for the Competence of Calibration and Testing Laboratories, has been used by many laboratory accreditation programs worldwide to establish accreditation requirements designed to promote confidence in the calibrations and testing results of laboratories. National delegations to the International Laboratory Accreditation Conference (ILAC) were surveyed to collect information on the implementation and supplementation of the requirements of ISO/IEC Guide 25 within the context of their countries' laboratory accreditation programs. This report summarizes the results of that survey and includes a bibliographic list of publications concerned with ISO/IEC Guide 25 implementation complied from the information by the national delegations.

    Order from NIST by #PB 94-210150.

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Last updated: July 16, 2004

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