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WFO Louisville, KY
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Weather Preparedness

 Tornadoes - Natures Most Violent Storms [ Slide Show ]
 Fujita Tornado Intensity Scale
 Tornado Season is Here
 Tornado Safety Rules

Thunderstorms and Lightning

 Thunderstorms and Lightning - The Underrated Killers
 Hail and Wind Descriptors
 Lightning Safety Rules
 NOAA Lightning Safety Page

Flooding/Flash Flooding

 Flash Floods and Floods - The Awesome Power
 Flood Safety
 Floods and Flash Floods
 Flash Flood Safety Rules

Winter Weather

 Winter Storms, The Deceptive Killers - A Guide to Survival
 Wind Chill Chart
 Information on Winter Weather
 Winter Weather Terms
 Be a Winter-Wise Driver
 Downed Power Lines Mean Danger
 Staying Warm in Spite of the Weather

Hurricanes and Tropical Storms

 Hurricanes - Unleashing Natures Fury [ Color PDF Version ]
 Saffir/Simpson Hurricane Scale
 Hurricanes - A Familiarization Booklet (PDF)
 Hurricane Names [ Atlantic ] [ Pacific ]
 National Hurricane Center

pdf_small.gif (153 bytes) Printable Hurricane Chart 600K (must print at 600 dpi for best results)

Summer Heat

 All About Heat Waves
 Heat Index Chart


 All About Drought

Miscellaneous Links

 Guide to Frequently Used Terms by NWSFO Louisville
 Spotters Guide for Identifying and Reporting Severe Local Storms
 Advanced Spotters Field Guide [ PDF Version ] [ Slide Series ]
 Owlie Skywarn's Weather Safety Tips for Kids
 NOAA's Weather Education Site

General Educational Links

 Comprehensive [ Weather ] or [ Hydrologic ] Glossary
 National Weather Service Contractions
 Hydrologic Definitions
 Common Meteorological Conversions

National Weather Service
Louisville Weather Forecast Office
6201 Theiler Lane, Louisville, KY 40229
Page last modified: February 03, 2003
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