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WFO Louisville, KY
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  Local Storm Reports
 The National Weather Service in Louisville, Kentucky needs to know what's going on in your home town!  We'd like as much detail as possible, especially if you've experienced tornadoes, wall clouds, funnel clouds, high wind, wind damage, hail, lightning damage, heavy snow, sleet or freezing rain, heavy rain, flooding, dense fog, or any other unusual weather phenomena. This information is extremely important and will be used for verification and training purposes so that we may provide more accurate warnings and forecasts in the future. With all of the technology that we now possess, your reliable storm reports still are perhaps our greatest asset.

Important Note
If you are experiencing hazardous weather right now, report it immediately to your local Police Department, Sheriff's Department, or State Police and ask them to relay the information to the National Weather Service in Louisville, Kentucky!

Please fill in or select the appropriate questions below, including as much detail as possible to properly describe the hazardous weather, and then "Submit Your Report" near the bottom of this table.  Name and email address are optional.  Personal information will never be used or saved, and will allow us to contact you, if necessary, for clarification.

  Contact Information
Your Name:
Email Address:
NWS Storm Spotter Government Official Law Enforcement
COOP Observer Public Official Fire Department
General Public Media Local Dispatch

  Event Information
Date Event Occurred:   Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Show Calendar
Time of Event:   Local Time (hh:mm AM or PM)

Is this an exact or estimated time?  Exact     Estimated

Location of Event:

Use the boxes below to type in a county, state, and city, or describe the location as precisely as possible in your own words:


State:  Kentucky       Indiana


  Type of Event
Please Check All That Apply
Tornado High Wind Heavy Rain Snowfall
Funnel Cloud Lightning Flood Sleet
Wall Cloud Hail Flash Flood Freezing Rain
Event Details:

Any Damage?   Yes   No   Unsure

Please describe clearly what you observed, its movement and any associated damage:

Was Anyone Hurt?Yes     No     Unsure

Please provide as much detail as possible:

Hail Size: If you don't know the exact hail size, please reference it to a coin or a common everyday object.  Were the largest hailstones the size of a dime, nickel, quarter, golf ball, baseball, or larger?

Hail Size: 

Wind Speed: If you don't know the exact wind speed, please reference it to the damage it may have caused; use your best judgment.

Wind Speed:    Measured   Estimated

Rainfall:     Measured   Estimated

Amount of New Snow: 
and/or Total Snow on the Ground: 
Amount of Ice Accumulation: 

Please provide any other details of this event:

  In your opinion, was this a severe event?

Yes     No     Unsure

Disclaimer: Electronic storm reports may or may not be monitored on a real-time basis, however they are very useful for verification and training purposes and will be used to provide better warnings and forecasts in the future.

National Weather Service
Louisville Weather Forecast Office
6201 Theiler Lane, Louisville, KY 40229
Page last modified: February 03, 2003
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