Serving the Present ...
         Shaping the Future
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How to Submit
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BES Documents
Overview Brochures
Workshop Reports
Core Research Areas
Program Summaries
User Facilities
DOE Laboratories
Advisory Committee
Strategic Plan
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Work Life Policy
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Hydrogen Solicitation

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Office of Science               U.S. Department of Energy               
Office of Basic Energy Sciences

The Basic Energy Sciences (BES) program supports fundamental research in focused areas of the natural sciences in order to expand the scientific foundations for new and improved energy technologies and for understanding and mitigating the environmental impacts of energy use.   BES also discovers knowledge and develops tools to strengthen national security.   The BES program plans, constructs, and operates major scientific user facilities to serve researchers from universities, national laboratories, and industrial laboratories.

The BES program is one of the Nation's largest sponsors of the natural sciences by funding experiments at more than 160 research institutions through the following three Divisions (organization chart):
BES Workshop Reports

Click on images for reports.
List of
BES reports.

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Patricia M. Dehmer
Associate Director of Science 
     for Basic Energy Sciences
SC-10/Germantown Building
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC  20585-1290
Phone: 301/903-3081   Fax: 301/903-6594
Diamond  Staff Phone Directory
Diamond  Basic Energy Sciences Organization Chart
Diamond  Directions and Local Information
Diamond  Website Outline
Diamond  About the BES Logo
Diamond  Security and Privacy Notices
Diamond  Web Comments:
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