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Indian Health Service:  The Federal Health Program for American Indians and Alaska Natives


I am a third year medical student and would like to do
a medical rotation/clerkship in an IHS facility.
Whom would I contact to arrange this?

The Medical Students Clerkship Contacts page gives contact information for the 10 IHS Area Offices currently participating in the program:

    Aberdeen (covers Iowa, Nebraska, North Dakota, and South Dakota

    Alaska (covers Alaska)

    Albuquerque (covers Colorado and New Mexico)

    Bemidji (covers Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin)

    Billings (covers Montana and Wyoming)

    Nashville (covers Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Louisiana, Maine, Massachussetts, Mississippi, New York, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Texas).

      Note: Although Nashville Area covers the Eastern United States, the Cherokee Hospital, located in North Carolina, is the only IHS-operated Service Unit in the Area. More than 77% of the Area's health services budget is contracted to tribal organizations.

    Navajo (covers parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah).

    Phoenix (covers most of Arizona, all of Nevada, and most of Utah)

    Portland (covers Idaho, Oregon, and Washington)

    Tucson (covers southern Arizona)

The two Areas that are not participating in the medical student rotations/clerkships currently:

    California (covers California) -- All of the California Indian health programs are managed by the Indian people themselves.

    Oklahoma (covers Kansas and Oklahoma) -- The Oklahoma Area opted not to participate in the program this year.

    For more information, see the table giving medical clerkships requirements and benefits for each IHS Area.

    Customer Services Page

Please e-mail questions and comments to Darrell Pratt (dpratt@hqe.ihs.gov).

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