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Laurie Robinson, MTS
Region I Women's Health Coordinator

John F. Kennedy Federal Bldg., Room 2126
Boston, MA 02203
Tel.: (617) 565-1071
FAX: (617) 565-4265

Photo of Laurie RobinsonLaurie Robinson is the Women’s Health Coordinator in Region I for the Office on Women’s Health in the Department of Health and Human Services. This region covers the six New England states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. Laurie holds a bachelor’s degree in environmental health and biology from Whitworth College and a Masters in Theological Studies with a concentration in feminist ethics and theology from Boston University.

Before joining the federal government, Ms Robinson served as the Director of the Women’s Health Unit for the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. This Unit managed the state’s Breast and Cervical Cancer Initiative; Sexual Assault Prevention and Survivor’s Service programs; the Batterer Intervention program, as well as federal grants, which provided services, training, advocacy and surveillance in the areas of domestic violence. Prior to her work with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Laurie worked for ten years in the field of adult mental health service s with the MA Department of Mental Health both as the Director of a regional inpatient unit and rehabilitation program at Worcester State Hospital and later as the Director of Adult Services in the Metro West Area. Her early work was in the area of theological education where she was the Director of the Field Education Program and Associate Director of Ministerial Studies at Harvard Divinity School.

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