U. S. Office of Personnel Management


November 1995

November 29, 1995: Washington, D.C. -- Starting January 1, 1996, the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) plans will not be permitted to pay or provide benefits for an abortion except "where the life of the mother would be endangered if the fetus were carried to term, or when the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest." [News Release]

November 22, 1995: Washington, D.C. -- The U.S. Office of Personnel Management is issuing final rules which clarify procedures for soliciting charitable contributions from federal employees in their workplace, and improve the procedures and accountability for the federal government's annual charity drive, known as the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). [News Release]

November 21, 1995: Washington, D.C. -- During Thanksgiving week, designated by Congress and the President as National Caregivers Week, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and the U.S. Administration on Aging will encourage federal agencies to recognize those employees who provide care for elderly relatives and friends. [News Release]

November 16, 1995: Washington, DC-- the U.S. Office of Personnel Management today offered guidance on unemployment insurance filing during the federal furlough. [News Release]

November 9, 1995: Washington, D.C.--The Office of Personnel Management has announced plans for a governmentwide review of position classification. The primary impetus for this review is the need to assess the basic state of the classification program before the widespread implementation of broad pay banding as recommended by Vice President Gore's National Performance Review. [News Release]

November 7, 1995: Washington, D.C. -- Effective immediately, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management will announce an "unscheduled leave" policy when weather or other emergency conditions may require the granting of annual leave without prior approval to non-emergency employees. The "unscheduled leave" policy replaces the "liberal leave" policy in order to eliminate confusion and make it clear to employees that they will be charged leave or leave-without-pay while absent from work. All other emergency announcements remain unchanged from last year. [News Release]

November 7, 1995: Washington, D.C. -- Meeting the National Performance Review's call for a government which has increased flexibility and accountability in decision-making, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management reports a decrease in the number of personnel officers in federal agencies. [News Release]

Page created 14 Jan 1998