U. S. Office of Personnel Management


July 2000

July 28, 2000: Statement by U.S. Office of Personnel Management Director Janice R. Lachance on the Passage of Long-Term Care Legislation by the United States Congress. [News Release]

July 28, 2000: Congress Passes Retirement Coverage Error Correction Legislation. [News Release]

July 28, 2000: Pronunciamiento de la Directora de la Oficina deAdministración de Personal Federal Janice R. Lachance sobre el Proyecto de Ley de Cuidado de Salud Prolongado.
[Comunicado de Prensa en Español]

July 26, 2000: President Clinton Acts to Hire 100,000 People with Disabilities into the Executive Branch; OPM to Oversee Program. [News Release]

July 26, 2000: OPM Brings Internet Access to Its Database of Collective Bargaining Agreements. [News Release]

July 19, 2000: Federal Employee Health Insurance Becomes More Affordable. [News Release]

July 12, 2000: OPM Director recognizes union contributions at Excellence in Government 2000 Conference. [News Release]

July 10, 2000: OPM Unveils Intern Program to Attract Top People. [News Release]

July 10, 2000: OPM Seeks Comment on Revised Strategic Plan. [News Release]

July 7, 2000: OPM Director Janice R. Lachance today announced a new OPM web page providing federal employment and other information for people with disabilities. [News Release]

July 7, 2000: New Federal Hiring Regulation Levels the Playing Field for People with Psychiatric Disabilities.. [News Release]

July 3, 2000: President’s Quality Awards Program to Honor Eight Federal Organizations for Reinventing Operations and Saving Money. [News Release]


Page Updated 13 February 2001