NHTSA: Pedestrian Safety Logo

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General Information
Older Adults
Impaired Pedestrians
Combined Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Information

What is the Mission of Pedestrian Safety Programs?

Through education, enforcement, and outreach, NHTSA's pedestrian safety programs are directed toward reducing pedestrian injuries and fatalities. Walking is encouraged as an alternate mode of transportation to motor vehicle travel. Additional goals include: reducing the number of impaired pedestrian injuries and fatalities, improving the safety of elderly pedestrians and reaching diverse communities.

What's New at Pedestrian Safety?

Stepping Out - Mature Adults: Be Healthy, Walk Safety (Posted 07/02/03)
Stepping Out was developed to fill the need for pedestrian safety materials for older adults, age 65 and above. This booklet is not just a compilation of safety information for older people. The intent is to promote safe walking as an easy way to maintain ones’ health. (PDF Version)