Who We Are |
FDA Patient Safety News is a televised series for health care personnel, carried on satellite broadcast networks aimed at hospitals and other medical facilities across the country. It features information on new drugs, biologics and medical devices, on FDA safety notifications and product recalls, and on ways to protect patients when using medical products.
FDA Patient Safety News is available through a number of mechanisms, including being televised on a number of healthcare education networks. These partners provide FDA Patient Safety News at various times and days throughout the month. If your facility subscribes to one of these networks, you can get more information, including a program guide, from their web page.
You may also purchase a videotape of an FDA Patient Safety News program.
Network information:
VHA TV VHA Inc. 220 East Las Colinas Blvd. Irving, TX 75039 Call 1-800-842-2291 E-mail: vhatv@vha.com Web Page |
Health & Sciences
Television Network Health & Sciences Television Network (HSTN) PRIMEDIA Workplace Learning 4101 International Parkway Carrollton, TX 75007 Call: 1-800-942-4786 E-mail: healthcaregroup@pwpl.com Web Page |
Long Term Care Television
Network Long Term Care Network (LTCN) PRIMEDIA Workplace Learning 4101 International Parkway Carrollton, TX 75007 Call: 1-800-777-5826 E-mail: healthcaregroup@pwpl.com Web Page |
GE TiP- TV GE Medical Systems N16 W22419 Watertown Rd. Waukesha WI 53186 Call: 1-877-GE-TiPTV Toll Free (1-877-438-4788) E-mail: tip-tv@med.ge.com Web Page |
Joint Commission Satellite Network 4101 International Parkway Carrollton, TX 75007 Call: 1-800-711-6549 Email: khanson@pwpl.com Web Page |
Videotapes of Patient Safety News broadcasts are available for purchase from:
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, Virginia 22151
Tel: 1- 800-553-6847
NTIS Website: http://www.ntis.gov
Please indicate the order number for the specific program you wish to purchase:
Date of Broadcast | Program Title | Order Number |
October 2004 | Broadcast #32 | AVA21310VNB1 |
September 2004 | Broadcast #31 | AVA21301VNB1 |
August 2004 | Broadcast #30 | AVA21299VNB1 |
July 2004 | Broadcast #29 | AVA21290VNB1 |
June 2004 | Broadcast #28 | AVA21272VNB1 |
May 2004 | Broadcast #27 | AVA21269VNB1 |
April 2004 | Broadcast #26 | AVA21265VNB1 |
March 2004 | Broadcast #25 | AVA21257VNB1 |
February 2004 | Broadcast #24 | AVA21256VNB1 |
January 2004 | Broadcast #23 | AVA21251VNB1 |
December 2003 | Broadcast #22 | AVA21238VNB1 |
November 2003 | Broadcast #21 | AVA21233VNB1 |
October 2003 | Broadcast #20 | AVA21226VNB1 |
September 2003 | Broadcast #19 | AVA21225VNB1 |
August 2003 | Broadcast #18 | AVA21222VNB1 |
July 2003 | Broadcast #17 | AVA21214VNB1 |
June 2003 | Broadcast #16 | AVA21207VNB1 |
May 2003 | Broadcast #15 | AVA21204VNB1 |
April 2003 | Broadcast #14 | AVA21189VNB1 |
March 2003 | Broadcast #13 | AVA21184VNB1 |
November 2002 | Broadcast #10 | AVA21162VNB1 |
October 2002 | Broadcast #9 | AVA21150VNB1 |
September 2002 | Broadcast #8 | AVA21141VNB1 |
August 2002 | Broadcast #7 | AVA21133VNB1 |
July 2002 | Broadcast #6 | AVA21114VNB1 |
June 2002 | Broadcast #5 | AVA21109VNB1 |
May 2002 | Broadcast #4 | AVA21100VNB1 |
April 2002 | Broadcast #3 | AVA21082VNB1 |
March 2002 | Broadcast #2 | AVA21081VNB1 |
February 2002 | Broadcast #1 | AVA21054VNB1 |
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