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Equal Employment Opportunity Policy Statement

It is the policy of the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) to ensure that the employment activities of this agency are free from discrimination. No qualified applicant for employment or employee of this Agency shall be discriminated against because of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. We have developed affirmative employment initiatives and actions to ensure that applicants and employees receive fair and equitable treatment. Our initiatives and actions are presented in our annual Affirmative Employment Plan. The Plan is developed with the input of managers, supervisors, and union officials. 

All employees have received and will receive training to ensure they understand their obligation to support a working environment free from discriminatory practices. Performance appraisals of managers and supervisors reflect a personal commitment to meeting EEO requirements. We must all ensure that the policies and practices implemented by the Agency are sensible, equitable, and free from impacts that are or appear to be discriminatory. Our overall objective is to maintain an environment free from discrimination, and to guarantee that the intent of the law and the policies governing the law are enforced.

I encourage all employees to seek assistance and discuss their concerns with their supervisors, Deputy Administrators or the Civil Rights Staff when they have civil rights issues or concerns. All of us will be open and willing to work toward an effective resolution to issues and concerns.

This policy is my personal commitment to equal opportunity in FAS. In FAS, equal employment opportunity and effective human resource management are not separate or opposing issues, but are mutually supportive and totally interrelated approaches to accomplishing the mission of this Agency.

A. Ellen Terpstra

Foreign Agricultural Service

July 3, 2002


Last modified: Friday, October 17, 2003