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Employer Assistance Referral Network Ticket to Hire






An E-Newsletter for providers committed to improving employment opportunities for people with disabilities.

Vol. 3, No. 2      March 2004

EARN and Ticket To Hire News

EARN and Ticket to Hire have registered over 1,000 employers who are interested in hiring people with disabilities. These employers posted 153 jobs in January and were actively seeking to fill them with qualified job candidates with disabilities.

Provider Profile

Providers play an important role in EARN and Ticket to Hire's recruiting efforts to locate qualified job candidates for employers looking to hire people with disabilities. Providers work in a variety of settings and assist clients with diverse backgrounds and employment interests. Despite their different backgrounds, EARN and Ticket to Hire's providers share the same goal: to help clients find jobs and succeed.

Maurice Tomdio is one provider enrolled with Ticket to Hire who has been successful meeting the needs of clients and employers. Maurice works as an employment specialist with JobLink, a one stop employment center in Alexandria, Virginia. JobLink ( http://ci.alexandria.va.us/dhs/joblink ) is a major service provider in Arlington County, Virginia that provides special programs for clients to gain marketable skills and find jobs. In addition, they work to build partnerships with employers to fulfill their recruiting and employment needs. JobLink recently became an employment network under the Ticket to Work program and has already begun working with Ticket holders.

When asked what drew him to becoming an employment specialist, Maurice states: “I had the talent, motivation and the heart to work to find employment for people with disabilities because I am a person with a disability. I know how difficult it is to find a job.” Maurice uses his personal experiences and professional knowledge to find the right match between the clients' skills and interests and the employers' business needs. His services do not end after his client gets the job. He follows up with the client and employer several times throughout the first year of employment to see if both are satisfied and offers his assistance if needed.

EARN and Ticket to Hire help providers find the match!

Maurice says EARN and Ticket to Hire help ensure successful job matches by sending him postings from employers with an interest in hiring people with disabilities. He states it differs from some other sources he uses because EARN's employers already recognize the benefits of bringing a person with a disability onto their workforce. He recently referred three candidates for EARN and Ticket to Hire job postings who received interviews. Of the three candidates, two received job offers and one client accepted. That client is still employed and the employer reports back to Maurice that this client consistently receives excellent reviews.

What's New with Ticket to Work?

Employment Networks and those interested in learning more about Ticket to Work and Social Security Programs can now enroll in distance learning courses. CRC contact hours are available upon successful completion. For more information, please visit http://www.yourtickettowork.com/training.

Ticket to Work representatives may be coming to your area!
There are Ticket to Work representatives conducting information sessions throughout the country each month. Please visit http://www.yourtickettowork.com/calendar for more information on upcoming sessions.


EARN and Ticket to Hire are nationwide cost-free referral and technical assistance services for employers. EARN and Ticket to Hire connect employers who have job vacancies to employment service providers who have direct access to job ready individuals with disabilities. For information on how to enroll, access the Web site at www.earnworks.com or call us toll free at 1-866-Earn Now (1-866-327-6669) or 1-866-TTW-HIRE (889-4473) .

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In the news…

•  President Bush announces his 2005 budget during his February 2 State of the Union speech. The budget provides for Personal Reemployment Accounts and community college programs to help unemployed workers. To read more, visit http://www.whitehouse.

•  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission conducts free workshops for small businesses as part of President Bush's New Freedom Initiative. More information is available at http://www.
eeoc .gov/initiatives/nfi/
workshops .html

•  It is now easier to find out about federal grant opportunities. Go to http://www.grants.gov to start your search for federal grants and register to receive free email notifications.

•  Service providers successfully work with employers to find meaningful jobs for people with disabilities. Read the full story at: www.washingtonpost.

Resources for more information on disability employment issues

•  www.disabilityinfo.gov

•  www.dol.gov/odep

•  www.yourticketto

•  www.nod.org

Please contact Michelle McGrath at 703-448-6155 ext. 250 or mmcgrath@cessi.net if you have comments about what would like to see in future news updates or would like to appear in a future Provider Profile.

EARN is a service of the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy  with additional support provided by the Social Security Administration's Office of Employment Support Programs

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