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Employer Assistance Referral Network

A monthly E-News update for employers committed to creating opportunities for people with disabilities.

Vol. 3, No. 3       April 2004

EARN Candidate Hire is Clear Choice for Employee Benefits Firm

Allan Checkoway, principal of Disability Services Group, a full service employee benefits firm, has a knack for recognizing one's ability, not disability. When he spoke with five potential EARN candidates for a newly created telephone marketing position with his company, it took only one callback to select the right one. He said it was all in her voice.

“There was no reason to go any further,” recalled Checkoway, who was so impressed with the candidate's phone manner that his decision to hire her was quickly confirmed.

Instead of reporting to the company's office each day, the new, EARN-referred employee will telecommute. In her role, she will be responsible for generating new business leads and maintaining a database of employee benefits points of contact for those companies.

Having an employee work from home was a benefit to Disability Services Group's small business needs and mission. Checkoway said as the position was being created, he knew it was a job that could be performed from anywhere a functioning telephone existed. He also put serious consideration into hiring a person with a disability because that is the nature of his work and the customer base he serves.

Once the position was in place, he instructed his assistant to go to the Web to find a source for recruiting people with disabilities. That is how he discovered EARN.

With nearly 30 years of disability services expertise, Checkoway understands the employment challenges facing people with disabilities.

“You look for ability versus disability. As long as a person can do the job, why not hire them? Why not treat them the same as you would treat someone else?” said Checkoway.

Disability Services Group's work includes helping small businesses with fewer than 100 employees establish employee benefits programs. Checkoway's focus is on establishing disability insurance coverage for employees who may one day need it. In doing so, he guides both the company and its employees through the insurance process, which often requires a measure of education and understanding for both sides.

“Somebody that becomes disabled literally hits the wall,” explained Checkoway, adding that a person has to deal with the emotional challenge of feeling less than they did before.

For Disability Services Group, it means handling the process right the first time so both the employer and employee can feel at ease.

EARN Gains Attention at Society For Human Resource Management Employment Management Association 35th Annual Conference and Exposition

EARN was on the exhibition circuit with recruitment services and recruitment advertisers nationwide at the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Employment Management Association (EMA) 35th Annual Conference and Exposition.

The conference, held in downtown Washington, D.C. April 19-21, brought together over 600 human resource management professionals seeking the latest information on recruitment management and solutions to meet their needs.

As one of 125 exhibitors, EARN was among those showcasing their products and services to human resource professionals representing large and small companies. EARN staff enjoyed two days exhibit action, talking to the public and answering their questions about disability employment and recruitment issues.

For complete conference highlights, follow this link to the SHRM Web site: http://www.shrm.org/ema/04conference/

Nominations for 2004 New Freedom Initiative Award Open Through May 21

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) invites nominations for this year's New Freedom Initiative (NFI) Award by May 21.

The NFI was established in 2002 to honor organizations, businesses, and individuals who exemplify a commitment to creating opportunities and establishing cutting-edge programs designed to forward NFI employment objectives.

For information on how to nominate your business and for selection criteria, go to http://www.dol.gov/odep/newfreedom/nfi_fr.htm .


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EARN is a nationwide cost-free referral and technical assistance service for employers. EARN connects employers who have job vacancies to employment service providers who have direct access to job-ready individuals with disabilities. For information on how to enroll, access the EARN Web site at www.earnworks.com or call us toll-free at 1-866-Earn Now (1-866-327-6669) . Fax EARN at (703) 448-7545 .

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This month, the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy announced the 2004 National “Disability Mentoring Day: Career Development for the 21st Century” will be held on October 20.

Sponsored in partnership with the American Association for People with Disabilities , the event recognizes ODEP's commitment to creating an exchange between employers and people with disabilities for career development.

For employers, the day provides an opportunity to demonstrate workplace success, allow job shadowing, and to serve as a mentor.

In the coming months, you as an employer will have an opportunity to get involved with this annual event, which continues to impact career possibilities for people with disabilities.

To learn more and to find out how you can get involved, visit the Disability Mentoring Day Web site.

Do you have an EARN success story? If so, tell us about it. We would like to feature your EARN success story in the EARN E-News update.

Email your story to earn@earnworks.com

Resources for more information on disability employment issues

•  disabilityinfo.gov
•  doleta.gov
•  nod.org
•  ssa.gov
•  dol.gov/odep

Information You Can Use

The DOL ODEP Web site contains almost 50 fact sheets concerning disability employment. Here you can learn about topics ranging from accommodating people with hidden disabilities to preparing a scannable resume. Visit the site at http://www.dol.gov/

EARN is a service of the U.S. Department of Labor Office of Disability Employment Policy  with additional support provided by the Social Security Administration's Office of Employment Support Programs

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