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  Ticket To Work

Vol. 1, No. 2      November 2002

A monthly update from the TICKET TO HIRE PROGRAM, a service sponsored by the Social Security Administration's Office of Employment Support Programs, with additional support provided by the Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy.

TICKET TO HIRE Off to Quick and Promising Start
"It's been a busy month!" reports Fritz Rumpel, Ticket to Hire Task Leader. Since the Social Security Administration (SSA) Commissioner Jo Anne Barnhart's mid-October press release announcing the new SSA program, Rumpel says, "we've been inundated by employment networks (ENs) and vocational rehabilitation agency (SVRAs) representatives wanting to sign up. We're also beginning to hear from employers who are looking for qualified candidates with disabilities. So far, the overall response has been really outstanding." Rumpel credits the success to SSA's aggressive marketing effort. "In addition, we got a lot of feedback after TICKET TO HIRE's first e-newsletter went out," he notes.

What Is the TICKET TO HIRE Program?
* TICKET TO HIRE is a nationwide, federally-funded, employer referral service provided by ACS Federal Healthcare, Inc. There is no charge for using TICKET TO HIRE.

* TICKET TO HIRE connects employers with job vacancies to employment networks and state vocational rehabilitation agencies that have direct access to qualified, job-ready Ticket to Work beneficiaries.

* The TICKET TO HIRE network consists of (a) registered employers committed to hiring qualified job seekers with disabilities, and (b) enrolled employment networks and state vocational rehabilitation agencies that can meet the needs of these employers.

As with any new program, TICKET TO HIRE has gotten its share of questions. "Naturally, the leading one is 'What's your connection with 'Ticket to Work?'" says Rumpel. "We are very careful to explain that TICKET TO HIRE is a national, free employer service that links employers to ENs and SVRAs who have job-ready candidates from the Ticket to Work Program." The Ticket to Work Program assists Social Security and Supplemental Security Income beneficiaries with disabilities with the training and support they need to go to work by increasing their choices of employment, vocational rehabilitation, and other support services from public and private providers. "Of course," Rumpel notes, "we also try to make clear the ultimate relationship between the two programs; namely, Ticket holders connect with ENs and SVRAs, and we connect the same ENs and SVRAs with employers."

And do SSA beneficiaries ever call? "Oh yeah, even though we don't provide direct services to beneficiaries," says Rumpel. SSA beneficiaries must be receiving services from an EN or SVRA, and be referred by the organization providing the services. "But," Rumpel adds, "we're delighted to steer them to the Ticket to Work Program."

Why Should You Enroll in Ticket to Hire (If You Haven't Already)?
* You will increase the number of job opportunities for your Ticket to Work beneficiaries. (When it comes to recruiting in "specialized" labor pools, many employers prefer to list their job openings with one centralized source-such as Ticket to Hire.)

* You will enhance your presence in your local employer community. New sources of jobs will lead to new employer relationships.

* You will reduce your time in job development. Ticket to Hire will become part of your job development team.

* Ticket to Hire is interested only in facilitating the match between Ticket to Work beneficiaries that you serve and job vacancies. Ticket to Hire does not receive credit for your placements.

Enroll TODAY!
Call us at 866-TTW HIRE (866-889-4473) (Voice/TTY) and talk to one of our Technical Assistance Specialists, who are ready to assist you Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., Eastern Time. Or e-mail us any time at tickettohire@acs-inc.com.

Tip of the Month
Q. If you were given the option, when should you choose to be interviewed for a job?

a. First among the candidates
b. In the middle among the candidates
c. Last among the candidates

A. The answer is "c." Research has shown that the first person interviewed gets the job only 17.6% of the time. But the last person interviewed is hired 55.8% of the time. So advise job seekers to, if at all possible, schedule their appointment with the employer late in the interviewing process. (One way to get to the back of the pack is to send in your resume near the end of the application deadline.)

New Federal Web Site
When you have a chance, check out www.disabilityinfo.gov, a "comprehensive Federal Web site of disability-related government resources" that premiered last month.

We'll talk to you again next month. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact us at: 866-TTW HIRE (866-889-4473) (Voice/TTY) or tickettohire@acs-inc.com.

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