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wto: commodity market issues in the wto

WTOWork on new multilateral agricultural trade negotiations is underway in the World Trade Organization as prescribed by the Uruguay Round Agreement on Agriculture (AoA). These discussions will continue the process of reforming agricultural trade rules that began in the Uruguay Round.  

The AoA brought varied degrees of freer trade and reduced support to commodity markets, and issues that are likely to be important in the new negotiations on agriculture are consequently different for each commodity. Trade liberalization impacts vary according to the characteristics of each commodity, the degree of trade impediments remaining in the commodity's world market, the degree of substitution among commodities, the role of major countries as market participants, and the growth in the world market for the commodity. 

New readings relating to commodity market issues in agricultural trade negotiations will be posted as they become available.

Grains Oilseeds Cotton Sugar Horticulture Dairy Livestock

for more information, contact: Linwood Hoffman
web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
page updated: January 15, 2004

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