Title : NSF 95-161 Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Development Program and Curriculum Development in Mathematics: Calculus and the Bridge to Calculus 1994 Awards Type : Dir of Awards NSF Org: EHR / DUE Date : October 27, 1995 File : nsf95161 Division of Undergraduate Education Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Development Program and Curriculum Development in Mathematics: Calculus and the Bridge to Calculus 1994 Awards TABLE OF CONTENTS Foreword iii Introduction................................................ ............................................................ ....... v Overview v Summary of Awards v Course and Curriculum Development v Calculus and the Bridge to Calculus viii Project Descriptions Course and Curriculum Development Biology 1 Chemistry 11 Computer Science 21 Engineering 31 Geosciences 47 Interdisciplinary 51 Mathematics 63 Physics and Astronomy 75 Social Sciences 87 Systemic Initiatives Systemic Changes in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum 91 Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications Throughout the Curriculum 99 Leadership Opportunity in Science and Humanities 107 Leadership in Laboratory Development 119 Calculus and the Bridge to Calculus 127 List of FY 1994 Awards by State and Institution Course and Curriculum Development 139 Calculus and the Bridge to Calculus 159 Index of Project Directors 163 Division of Undergraduate Education Personnel for FY 1994169 For general inquiries about the Division of Undergraduate Education, please call (703) 306–1666. Foreword The National Science Foundation's (NSF) Directorate for Education and Human Resources (EHR) is responsible for providing national leadership and support for enhancing the quality of education in science, mathematics, and engineering at all levels of the educational system. Within EHR, the Division of Undergraduate Education focuses on ensuring that the best possible undergraduate education is provided to meet the Nation's need for high-quality scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and technologists, dedicated and able teachers of precollege science and mathematics, and scientifically literate citizens. The Undergraduate Course and Curriculum Development (CCD) Program supports the development of courses in all disciplines within the Foundation's mission. Initially, the CCD program has emphasized reform of the crucial lower- division and introductory courses. The enormous interest of the academic community during the first four years of the interdisciplinary program clearly reflects a national need and underscores NSF's important leadership role at the undergraduate level. The purpose of the program in Curriculum Development in Mathematics: Calculus and the Bridge to Calculus is to support projects that reform curriculum and instruction in both calculus and the preparation for calculus, and the implementation of previous, successful development efforts. Through the Calculus Program NSF has responded to the clear need to improve the teaching of calculus and preparation for calculus, which has been expressed within the mathematics community. After FY 1994, the Calculus Program was eliminated as a separate NSF solicitation. However, since calculus has such a prominent role in the undergraduate curriculum, calculus reform will continue to be supported through other programs. Specifically, the systemic initiative Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications Throughout the Curriculum builds on the reform that has taken place through the Calculus Program and other NSF undergraduate programs. Its goal is the development of institutional models with national implications that demonstrate how the mathematical sciences can be integrated into other disciplines and how instruction in the mathematical sciences can be improved through incorporation of other disciplinary perspectives. Another initiative, Systemic Changes in the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum, is attempting to enhance the learning and appreciation of science through significant changes in chemistry instruction. NSF is supporting projects that are designed to make fundamental changes in the role of chemistry within the institution, including better integration with curricula in related disciplines such as biology, physics, geology, materials science, engineering, computer science, and mathematics. The projects described in this book received awards in FY 1994, and were selected for their creativity, scientific and educational quality, and potential for utility at multiple institutions and national impact. We are proud of these projects and hope that they will be of interest to science, mathematics, and engineering faculty at all U.S. colleges and universities. Building on the courses and curricula developed in these projects, institutions can work toward achieving comprehensive, institution-wide reform of undergraduate education. Luther Williams Assistant Director Directorate for Education and Human Resources NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION UNDERGRADUATE COURSE AND CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT INTRODUCTION Overview The purpose of the Course and Curriculum Development Program (CCD) is to improve the quality of undergraduate courses and curricula in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology. The current priorities of the program are to encourage the development of interdisciplinary courses, which will better prepare students for the scientific and technical environment of the future, and to encourage faculty in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology departments to take leadership in developing educational experiences that enhance the competence of prospective teachers and encourage students to pursue careers in elementary, secondary, and postsecondary teaching. While the majority of funds continue to support projects that address introductory courses, curricula, and laboratories, especially those that are interdisciplinary and that address the needs of future teachers, the program also funds proposals that address courses for upper-level students. In pursuing these goals the program seeks to influence the academic culture by encouraging a greater number of talented faculty to devote creative energy to improving undergraduate classroom and laboratory instruction. Summary Of Awards Course and Curriculum Development Significant steps were taken in achieving the CCD Program's goals. The 110 new projects selected for funding are in 32 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Funding decisions were based on the reviews of eminently qualified panelists. Funded projects are expected to produce course and curricular materials that will be of national interest and widely disseminated. Several awarded projects propose to experiment with innovative approaches to facilitating student learning or to adapt from one discipline innovative approaches explored in another. Examples include the fostering of cooperative learning or promoting interaction among students rather than relying primarily on interaction between a faculty member and many students. The University of Nevada at Reno (NV) is creating a Math Center which, among other efforts, will train students to be "Math Mentors" to assist both faculty and students with mathematics at all levels. The University of Missouri (MO) is revising its undergraduate biology curriculum to adopt a problem-solving, cooperative learning approach. Computers and other technologies continue to be employed in innovative ways. For example, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (NC) and Duke University (NC) are collaborating in the development of an introductory geology laboratory course that uses state-of-the-art information technologies to create computerized "field trips." Some notable projects involve significant collaboration among several types of institutions. An award to William Rainey Harper College (IL) is providing a model for implementing a reform algebra curriculum through a consortium of 2- and 4-year colleges and universities; the University of Pittsburgh (PA) is developing an interdisciplinary engineering curriculum in collaboration with four other universities and a diverse group of industrial partners. The strengths of other projects lie in the audiences they are targeting, such as prospective teachers, nontraditional students, women, minorities and/or persons with disabilities, and 2-year institutions. Princeton University (NJ) has developed a new teacher preparation program for undergraduates in which students create science, technology, or math teaching units and, with faculty support, bring them to local public schools. The Iowa State University (IA) is designing a new calculus course using biological applications and targeting a large percentage of students who do not take a traditional calculus course, the majority of whom are women. Hamilton College (NY) is developing a course on the Geology and Development of Modern Africa which, among other things, hopes to attract African-American students to study and perhaps major in geology. East Carolina University (NC) continues its unique curriculum development in chemistry for visually impaired students. A substantial number of CCD awards in FY 1994 address the improvement of courses for non-science-majors and thus are directed at the national science literacy problem. The University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (CO) is creating and disseminating a series of innovative teaching materials on global change science and policy for undergraduate non-science-majors. A pilot course at Lake Superior State University (MI) surveys modern technology and serves as a general education course for nonmajors, including teacher education majors. The CCD Program launched two major leadership initiatives in FY 1994 that are intended to promote comprehensive reform of undergraduate education in the sciences, mathematics, and engineering. Systemic Changes in the Chemistry Curriculum ("Chemistry Initiative") and Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications Throughout the Curriculum ("Mathematics Initiative") are intended to encourage institutions to reexamine the roles of each disciplinary department in the instructional program as a whole, to explore and exploit new relationships among the disciplines, and to develop introductory and advanced courses, curricula, and materials that will benefit all undergraduate students at the participating institutions and have potential for national impact. The academic community responded enthusiastically to a call for proposals for planning grants to develop large- scale projects. Systemic Changes in the Chemistry Curriculum Fourteen planning grants were awarded under the Chemistry Initiative from 112 submitted. The awards include a project involving a consortium led by the University of Wisconsin–Madison (WI) that will develop a new chemistry curriculum integrating general, analytical, and organic chemistry into a single sequence, and that will introduce active learning techniques into all courses. Curricular changes are proposed at Michigan State University (MI) that will introduce chemical principles in the context of relevant issues (the environment, health care, utilization of energy, etc.). Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications Throughout the Curriculum Under the Mathematics Initiative, 15 planning grants were awarded out of 192 proposals received. SUNY Stony Brook (NY) is planning a comprehensive project involving a consortium of Long Island colleges and universities. The project's goals are to change the culture among quantitative departments to produce cooperation and improved instruction in mathematical aspects of their curriculum and to create new courses and curricular materials that integrate mathematical instruction with topics from math-based disciplines. A planning grant was awarded to the University of Pennsylvania (PA) which proposes to lead a consortium of six institutions (Villanova University, Polytechnic University, Community College of Philadelphia, University City High School, and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) in a major initiative to integrate research and real-world applications into the basic mathematics curriculum and to integrate advanced mathematics better into the upper-level curriculum of disciplines that use it. Efforts are focused on developing interdisciplinary courses, laboratory-oriented courses, and using calculus reform pedagogy and methods in more advanced mathematics and other disciplinary courses. Leadership in Laboratory Development Funding of projects providing Leadership in Laboratory Development (LLD) supports national models for undergraduate laboratory instruction and field experiences. These projects may address content, methods, modes of operation, new technology, or the contexts of science, mathematics, engineering, and technology education at any level in any discipline or combination of disciplines supported by NSF. Sixteen grants in 12 states were awarded out of a field of 44 submissions. An example is the University of Michigan (MI), which is teaming up with two other institutions to develop an upper-level mathematics and computer science laboratory that will incorporate some of the recent technological advances in computers and communications. This interdisciplinary, interactive laboratory will focus on the interplay between mathematics and computer science. Leadership Opportunity in Science and Humanities Education Leadership also was provided in the area of interdisciplinary studies through continued support of the Leadership Opportunity in Science and Humanities Education ("Science and Humanities"). This program, jointly supported by NSF, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the U.S. Department of Education's Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education, seeks to promote the development of courses and curricula that link meaningfully the study of the sciences and the humanities. Fourteen proposals from 11 States were chosen for awards out of 102 proposals submitted. Funding decisions were made based on reviews by panels that included scholars in both the sciences and the humanities. Awards went to projects that looked beyond the boundaries of a single discipline and were based on a close collaboration of faculty in the sciences and the humanities with the potential for replication and leadership at the national level. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY), for example, is developing new hands-on courses, team taught by engineering and humanities faculty, which stress the connection between the technical and social understanding of design. A project at Trinity College (CT) will attempt to reintroduce mathematics and laboratory science into the philosophy curriculum. The Council of Independent Colleges (DC) is using environmental studies as a vehicle to bring together the sciences and the humanities. The project is aimed at preparing future elementary school teachers with a greater understanding of science and its social relevance and impact on today's world. Calculus and the Bridge to Calculus The purpose of the Undergraduate Curriculum Development in Mathematics: Calculus and Bridge to Calculus Program is to foster on a national scale the improvement in the quality of calculus instruction and the preparation of students for calculus. The reform effort is expected to benefit students in all types of institutions, including 2-year and 4-year colleges, universities, and secondary schools. As part of this reform, 25 grants totaling $3,680,842 were awarded in FY 1994. Of these 25 grants, 14 were new awards, 10 were continuation awards, and 1 was a supplemental award. After FY 1994, the Calculus Program was eliminated as a separate NSF solicitation. However, since calculus has such a prominent role in the undergraduate curriculum, calculus reform will continue to be supported through other NSF programs. The undergraduate initiative "Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications Throughout the Curriculum" was initiated in FY 1994. Building on the reform which has taken place through the Calculus Program and other NSF undergraduate programs, this initiative is a call for interdisciplinary, comprehensive reform. Awards were made in FY 1994 to institutions and consortia of institutions, including universities, 2- and 4-year colleges, and nonprofit organizations. These awards fall into two major categories: (1) adaptation, refinement, and implementation, and (2) curriculum development. Building on the previous work directed toward the first year of calculus, the primary focus of the curriculum development currently underway is on multivariable calculus, differential equations, and on courses serving as the preparation for calculus. An example is the curriculum development being conducted through a grant to Brown University (RI). In this project, interactive computer graphics laboratory materials are being developed. These materials will be used to introduce geometric ideas more effectively into the calculus curriculum. In particular, they will be used in the third- semester calculus courses taken by engineering, natural science, life science, economics, computer science, and mathematics majors. Through an award to Peralta Community College (CA), a consortium of institutions (Peralta Community College, San Francisco City College, California State University–Hayward, and San Francisco State University) is adapting the Harvard Consortium Curriculum. Faculty from these institutions are developing jointly a curriculum that will incorporate instructional methods and strategies to increase the success rate of students. A Calculus Reform Handbook will be published and the approaches will be institutionalized in these colleges. A Regional Center for Calculus Reform is being supported through an award to Northeastern University (MA). Materials are being developed and adapted for collegiate precalculus and calculus courses. The project also is working closely with Northeastern's Comprehensive Regional Center for Minorities to strengthen precalculus and calculus programs in urban school districts with large minority enrollments. The Calculus Program has stimulated a national effort to improve calculus instruction, engaging the full spectrum of educational institutions-2-year colleges, 4-year colleges, universities, and secondary schools. A primary result of the projects supported in the program has been the development of texts, which now are being published commercially, supplementary materials, and software applications. The projects have developed several alternative approaches to the instruction of calculus. These approaches have unique features, but there are common themes. In particular, technology is integrated effectively into the course; the emphasis in the classroom is shifted from the instructor to the student as an active participant in the learning process; and problem solving is emphasized with open-ended problems that unify important ideas of calculus and provide significant applications to other disciplines. The program is managed by the Division of Undergraduate Education in cooperation with other divisions in the Directorate for Education and Human Resources and the Division of Mathematical Sciences. BIOLOGYLIFE SCIENCES Transgenic Plants for the Undergraduate Biology Curriculum Susan J. Karcher, Stanton B. Gelvin DUE–9354721 Purdue University FY 1994 $ 150,000 West Lafayette, IN 47907 Biology (317) 494–8083 This project is developingWe propose a series of investigative laboratories using transgenic plants for the introductory biology curriculum. Plant biology is frequently an area that is neglected in the teaching of biological sciences, yet plants display unique characteristics in their developmental and physiological processes that set them apart from their animal and microbial counterparts. The transgenic plants uthat we shall develop for sed in these laboratories contain an uidA (gusA) reporter gene under the control of various promoters that respond to different environmental or developmental signals. Following induction by these environmental or developmental signals, Following induction by these signals, thet gusA gene will responds by producingby the enzyme B- glucuronidase (GUS). When plant tissue is stained with the chromogenic compound X-gluc, those tissues that produce GUS will turn blue. Using investigative experiments, students will monitor both the physiological response of plants to these signals, as well as the induction of gene activity as reflected by GUS activity. Thus, students are will be able to see that physiological and developmental responses correlate with specific gene activity. The assay is highly visual, safe for the undergraduate laboratory, easy to conduct, and relatively inexpensive. In addition, the project iswe shall developing a laboratory manual and a CD-ROM program to be used by students and teachers when conducting these experiments. T We shall test these laboratories will be tested initially first in selected courses in the Purdue University Department of Biological Sciences core curriculum and. We shall subsequently have these laboratories tested by colleagues in undergraduate laboratory courses at other universities. The laboratories will be evaluated both for efficacy as a teaching tool, and for ease in preparation and presentation by the laboratory instructors. CompletedFinally, we shall aid in the distribution of the laboratory materials will be distributed to other colleges and universities. Design of a Hands-On Biology Course for Elementary School Teachers in Training Leroy E. Hood, Ashley McCormack, Richard McIndoe, DUE–9354488 Roger Bumgarner, Carole A. Kubota FY 1994 $ 125,309 University of Washington Biology Seattle, WA 98195 (206) 685–4340 The need for hands-on science courses in elementary schools is well documented, but implementation of such curricula often is limited by the inadequate science training of elementary school teachers. For elementary school teachers to teach effectively a hands-on, inquiry- based curricula, they must learn science via a hands-on, inquiry-based approach. This project is developing a preservice, hands-on science course for teachers in training. The course is being developed in collaboration with colleagues in the College of Education and master elementary teachers selected from area schools. Biological examples are being used to teach biology, chemistry, and physics with a heuristic or guided discovery approach. The course will serve as a model of science teaching that students in the course may apply in their future classrooms. In addition, a component of the course is being designed to introduce students to the range of hands-on materials for use in teaching elementary school science. Project-Oriented,Collaborative Laboratory Program in Biology Randall L. Fuller, Nancy L. Pruitt DUE–9354728 Colgate University FY 1994 $ 143,383 Hamilton, NY 13346 Biology Students in each course in a collaborative laboratory project (CLP) apply the special skills, etc. they are learning in that course to a research project. Thus, introductory biology students use basic techniques to provide some data for a project while more advanced students use their special expertise to quantify a different element of the research. For example, a CLP on the effects of nutrients and zooplankton on phytoplankton communities is designed as a collaborative project for the introductory biology, the phycology and the ecology courses. The introductory students take samples and quantify zooplankton; ecology students analyze the water chemistry and quantify zooplankton; and the phycology students quantify the phytoplankton. Each student brings an expertise to the project and all make a significant contribution to the scientific endeavor. This approach requires interaction among students and faculty and fosters a cooperative learning environment that pairs students with students, faculty with students and faculty with faculty. This "community of learners" extends beyond a single course to encompass all levels of the curriculum. Furthermore, students appreciate the relevance of their results, recognize the relatedness of different sub-disciplines within biology and are introduced to the types of skills/techniques that they will participate in if they continue in biology. These CLPs make the science that students do more substantive, interesting and meaningful, and more sophisticated at all levels. This approach to teaching science more accurately reflects how science is done, and can serve as a model for how science is taught in all disciplines. Integration of Biotechnology into the Undergraduate Biology Curriculum Teresa Thiel, Shirley T. Bissen, Amy F. MacRae DUE–9354731 University of Missouri Saint Louis FY 1994 $ 100,000 Saint Louis, MO 63121–4401 Biology Molecular biology and biochemistry are the basis for biotechnology which is radically changing medicine, forensics, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and agricultural products. This project, therefore, systematically integrates biotechnology into the undergraduate biology curriculum; and will educate all biology students, including future biology and science teachers, in the concepts and techniques of biotechnology. Implementation will require major revision of a two-semester introductory biology course, as well as undergraduate genetics and biochemistry. Key concepts are introduced early in the curriculum, are reinforced and expanded slowly as the student advances, and are taught in different contexts relevant to a specific discipline. Students also work in teams, share information and cooperate in solving problems. It is also expected that this type of integrated program will be useful to others, in particular departments and institutions that plan to offer a technologically relevant education. Software for Curricula in Ecology and Evolution Donald N. Alstad DUE–9354777 U of Minnesota-Twin Cities FY 1994 $ 126,490 Minneapolis, MN 55415–1226 Biology I am the author of an instructional software package designed to support university courses in ecology and evolutionary biology. Development of my present version, Populus 3.0, was funded by grants from IBM, the University of Minnesota, and the NSF. It has proven to be an extremely successful pedagogical tool here at Minnesota, and is currently in use at more than 350 institutions, worldwide. I request additional UCCD funding to pursue four major objectives, including (1) improvement of the narrative text offered to explain Populus models both on screen and in a companion book, (2) expanded coverage with new models, (3) "porting" of the package to a new operating system, and (4) an initiative to increase the use of Populus in small colleges. In addition to these new efforts, I will continue to debug and maintain the program, and curate the free distribution that will maximize its use.The Biology of Aging: Integrating Research, Class Instruction, and Field Experiences Thomas H. McNeill, Thomas X. Cuyegkeng DUE–9354387 University of Southern California FY 1994 $ 120,000 Los Angeles, CA 90007–4363 Biology (213) 740–1748 This project is designing a course for non-science-majors that examines the biology of aging. The curriculum challenges students to think for themselves and develops scientific literacy by integrating current research findings by key investigators in biogerontology. Coursework includes a program of open-ended field and laboratory exercises that offers students the opportunity to work with older adults and learn about the heterogeneity of the aging process. A set of educational materials, including a quarterly newsletter, is being developed to help instructors at other institutions update their curricular materials as well as to facilitate information exchange on innovative approaches to education in gerontology. Project-Oriented, Collaborative Laboratory Program in Biology Randall L. Fuller, Nancy L. Pruitt DUE–9354728 Colgate University FY 1994 $ 143,383 Hamilton, NY 13346 Biology (315) 824–7393 In a collaborative laboratory project (CLP), students in an introductory biology course use basic techniques to provide data for a research project, while more advanced students use their special expertise to quantify a different element of the research. For example, a CLP on the effects of nutrients and zooplankton on phytoplankton communities is being designed for introductory biology, phycology, and ecology courses. The introductory biology students take samples and quantify zooplankton; the ecology students analyze the water chemistry and quantify zooplankton; and the phycology students quantify the phytoplankton. Each student brings an expertise to the project and makes a significant contribution to the scientific endeavor. This approach requires interaction among students and faculty and fosters a cooperative learning environment that pairs students with students, faculty with students, and faculty with faculty. This "community of learners" extends beyond a single course to encompass all levels of the curriculum. Students appreciate the relevance of their results, recognize the relationships among different subdisciplines within biology, and are introduced to the skills and techniques that they will need if they continue in biology. These CLPs make the science that students do more substantive, interesting and meaningful, and more sophisticated at all levels. This teaching approach accurately reflects how science is done and can serve as a model for all disciplines. Integration of Biotechnology into the Undergraduate Biology Curriculum Teresa Thiel, Shirley T. Bissen, Amy F. MacRae DUE–9354731 University of Missouri at Saint Louis FY 1994 $ 100,000 Saint Louis, MO 63121–4401 Biology (314) 553–6208 Molecular biology and biochemistry are the basis for biotechnology, which is radically changing medicine, forensics, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and agricultural products. This project systematically integrates biotechnology into the undergraduate biology curriculum and educates all biology students, including future biology and science teachers, in the concepts and techniques of biotechnology. Implementation requires major revision of a two-semester introductory biology course, as well as undergraduate genetics and biochemistry. Key concepts are introduced early in the curriculum, reinforced and expanded slowly as students advance, and taught in different contexts relevant to a specific discipline. Students work in teams, share information, and cooperate in solving problems. This type of integrated program may be particularly useful to those departments and institutions wishing to offer a technologically relevant education. A Neuroscience Module for Nonbiology Majors Helen H. Benford, John C. Frandsen DUE–9354628 Tuskegee University FY 1994 $ 41,022 Tuskegee, AL 36088 Biology (205) 727–8824Life Sciences Courses for non-majors are a neglected but important area of biology instruction. This pilot project develops a module for use in general biology for nonmajors. The purposes are to stimulate interest among faculty in trying new instructional strategies and to endowproduce college graduates with the skills, interest, and commitment to deal with biological issues. The Theneuroscience module being developed-Mind, Brain, Behavior-includes hands-on and readings-based activities on such topics as The Jogger's High, Modification of Brine Shrimp Behavior, Mapping the Brain, Neurotransmitters and Disorders, Drugs and Brain Synapses, Ethics of Using Tissues from Aborted Fetuses, and Legalization of Psychotropic Drugs. In the hands-on activities, students collect, graph, and analyze data; propose further hypotheses,; and search available the literature, and collect, graph, and analyze data. The scientific approach to solving questions is emphasized, and . Rreadings-based activities focus on developing skills in critical reading. . Working individually and in teams, students identify hypotheses, analyze supporting evidence, convert words into visual images and models, propose alternate hypotheses/conclusions, and debate ethical, economic, or political implications. . The self-standing module includes an Iinstructor's Mmanual, a Sstudent Sstudy Gguide, a Rreadings Sset, and examinations to assess existing knowledge and misconceptions in pretest/posttest format. The module will be implemented, revised, and re- implemented before formal presentation at a national meeting of scientists and educators. This ready-to-use module is expected to provide a model for reforming instruction in biology courses with the goal of fostering critical thinking and scientific literacy. EnhancingEnchancing Teacher Preparation and Recruiting Science Teachers by Iincluding a Teaching Experience in the Introductory Biology Laboratory Patricia S. Reisert, Mary Kielbasa DUE–9354632 Assumption College FY 1994 $ 94,740 Worcester, MA 01609––1265 Biology (508) 767–7257 To enhance the science preparation of future teachers and encourage science majors to become teachers, the Department of Nnatural Sciences and the Department of Education at Assumption College are developing an education laboratory section for the one- semester introductory biology course, Concepts in Biology. This laboratory section iswill being designed for students who take the course to complete the laboratory science requirement for Massachusetts elementary school certification. Three weeks will be spent on each of the following topics: the cell, carbohydrate metabolism, photosynthesis, and genetics. In the first week of the course, the students will do the college -level exercises planned for all sections on these topics. In the second week two, with the assistance of science and education faculty, students select and design exercises for a particular elementary level and . The students are graded on the portfolios they develop. A collaboration with a local elementary school gives each student an opportunity to teach by arranging for elementary Elementary school children towill visit the cCollege in the third week., through a collaboration with a local elementary school. At the conclusion of the course, Tthe students will evaluate the exercise they have taught. By including an elementary school visit to each of the traditional labs science majors will also have an opportunity to teach. The BioQUEST Curriculum and Learning Tools Development Project John R. Jungck, James H. Stewart DUE–9354813 Beloit College FY 1994 $ 235,221 Beloit, WI 53511 FY 1995 $ 161,719 (608) 363–2267 Biology This project provides the essential philosophies, tools, resources, support, and sharing networks that enable postsecondary biology faculty to examine, critique, and change their biology curricula. A variety of mechanisms are being employed, including the publication of a book and the hosting of three learning tools development workshops. The book will be a multi-authored, collaborative work based on the BioQUEST 3Ps philosophy, with specific examples highlighting use of materials in the BioQUEST Library, use of the 3Ps in wet laboratories and field work and situations where computers are not necessary, and discussions of the specific issues related to development and implementation of open-ended, research experiences for students. The project also supports curricular reform and learning tools development through three summer workshops in three additional major areas of biology. Materials and information will be disseminated through the book, BioQUEST Notes, the BioQUEST Library, the Introducing BioQUEST Hypercard stacks, and at conference presentations and workshops. Materials will be field tested as part of the three-stage review process for publication in the BioQUEST Library and will be distributed through other publications such as journal articles and laboratory books, electronic networks, the monthly consortium status reports, and responses to general inquiries via phone, e-mail, and U.S. mail. A Slice of Life: An Introductory Biology Course Diane Ebert-May, Jay S. Tashiro DUE–9254280 Northern Arizona University FY 1993 $ 303,145 Flagstaff, AZ 86011 FY 1994 $ 100,000 (602) 523–7160 Biology This project is designed to increase the scientific literacy of undergraduate non-science-majors at Northern Arizona University and community colleges in Arizona with predominantly ethnic minority populations-Navajo Community College, Pima Community College, and Cochise Community College. The project has four major objectives: (1) to restructure an introductory biology course for non-science-majors so that it enhances students' scientific literacy and their understanding of multidisciplinary approaches to real-world problems-the laboratory component for the course gives students the opportunity to do inquiry-based and research- oriented science; (2) to effect systemic change at Northern Arizona University and three community colleges by developing and implementing professional development seminars and practical workshops for graduate teaching assistants and faculty-these workshops explore new approaches to developing relevant and substantive curricular frameworks for introductory biology for non-science-majors; (3) to test the restructuring of introductory biology through an experimental design that will help determine the most effective design for two kinds of academic communities-a state comprehensive university and a sample of community colleges in Arizona; and (4) to follow faculty and their students in a longitudinal study of the course's impacts. This project represents an experimental approach to curriculum development that will determine "what works" in non-science-majors biology courses. Development and Assessment of a Multimedia Plant Science Laboratory Stephen E. Scheckler, Charles David Taylor DUE–9254295 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State UniversityFY 1993 $ 99,986 Blacksburg, VA 24061 FY 1994 $ 74,054 (703) 231–6653 Biology Laboratory software modules, linked to a videodisc of still, motion, and animation sequences, are being used in a new undergraduate plant science lab. This project links the laboratory computers in a local area network so that groups of students can communicate with other groups (and with the teaching assistant) in order to work on open-ended, thought- provoking exercises in a cooperative, collaborative learning environment of scientific discourse and debate. The project also is testing the new and existing modules and exercises to assess the changes in the teaching/learning process that occur upon adoption of this new educational technology. A core of 15 multimedia lab modules has been produced through collaboration of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Learning Research Center and the Department of Biology. This core material lacks self-help tutorials to guide students through its complex new format, which shifts the traditional lab goal of demonstration to one of understanding causal relations and interconnectedness. Ecology and evolution are being used as major themes to interpret plant construction, growth, and development, reproduction, and grouping. Self-help tutorials and cooperative learning exercises also are being developed for the core modules, producing alternatives for several of them, implementing the local area network, and designing and implementing assessment instruments to analyze software modules and the changes in teaching/learning that this new educational technology brings to the life sciences. The Biology of Aging: Integrating Research, Class Instruction, and Field Experiences Thomas H. McNeill, Thomas X. Cuyegkeng DUE–9354387 University of Southern California FY 1994 $ 120,000 Los Angeles, CA 90007–4363 Biology A non-science majors course in the biology of aging features a curriculum which: 1. develops scientific literacy by integrating current research findings by key investigators in biogerontology; 2. challenges students to think for themselves; and 3. includes a program of open-ended field and laboratory exercises that offers students the opportunity to work with older adults and learn about the heterogeneity of the aging process. A set of educational materials, including a quarterly newsletter, is being developed to help instructors at other institutions update their curricular materials as well as to provide a means to exchange information on innovative approaches to education in gerontology. Developing Critical Thinking and Content Mastery in Non- Traditional Students: A Comprehensive, Technologically Enhanced Approach Daniel E. Lemons, Hope Hartman, Joseph Griswold DUE–9354477 CUNY City College FY 1994 $ 400,000 New York, NY 10031 Biology A significant mismatch exists between what traditional Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) courses offer and what many non- traditional students need. As a result these students are not learning how living human systems function, but rather are memorizing many often disconnected facts about them. We propose a new, innovative curriculum which: 1) presents function first, in the context of a broad organizing theme, and then introduces anatomical and physiological details to explain the function, 2) reverses the order of the traditional teaching process by beginning with hands-on exploration with physical models, and then progressing to higher level thinking, 3) places the highest priority on critical thinking about physiological systems so students learn to solve problems, 4) uses computer technology as a tool to support all stages of learning, not as the focus of it, 5) provides structured out-of-class support and 6) uses assessment as an integral part of the learning process, not just an endpoint. To demonstrate this new approach, we present in detail our modified learning cycle method for the unit on the heart. When this new curriculum is completed, we plan to: 1) Facilitate its implementation, a) in other CCNY courses, b) at the three community colleges whose faculty are involved in the project and c) at three local high schools. 2) Disseminate widely the learning cycle exercises and the student assessment plan. 3) Publish about, and present the project at the national level. Nothing could be more important from our perspective, than to introduce competent, critical thinkers into the science pipeline from our courses, and we expect the new A&P sequence to be a model curriculum for doing this. We also expect to see significant improvement in the critical thinking ability and A&P content mastery of women and minorities who makeup the overwhelming majority of our student. Design of a Hands-on Biology Course for Elementary School Teachers in Training Leroy E Hood, Ashley McCormack, Richard McIndoe, DUE–9354488 Roger Bumgarner, Carole A Kobota FY 1994 $ 125,309 University of Washington Biology Seattle, WA 98195 A need for hands-on science in elementary schools has been identified by a number science education studies and reports. However, implementation of such curricula is often limited by the lack of appropriate science training of elementary school teachers. Most of the formal science education received by an elementary school teacher comes from traditional fact-based university lecture courses or very structured laboratory courses. As teachers tend to teach the way they were taught, we posit that the key to improving science education nationally is to change the way prospective teachers are taught science. For elementary school teachers to effectively teach a hands-on, inquiry- based curricula, they must learn science via a hands-on inquiry-based approach. This proposal seeks to develop a pre-service hands-on science course for teachers in training. The course will be developed in collaboration with colleagues in the college of education and master elementary teachers selected from area schools. We feel such a partnership is essential to design a course which prospective teachers can both succeed in and get excited about. The course will use biological examples to teach content from biology, chemistry and physics but will convey content via a "guided discovery" of heuristic approach. The course hopes to serve as model of science teaching which students in the course may apply in their future classrooms. In addition, a component of the course is designed to introduce students to a range of hands-on materials for use in teaching elementary school science. Neuroscience Simulation Project Richard F Olivo DUE–9354630 Smith College FY 1994 $ 71,350 Northampton, MA 01063 Biology The Neuroscience Simulation Project will develop realistic, interactive, computer-based simulations of experiments in neuroscience, a field of rapid growth and increasing undergraduate interest. The simulations are targeted at introductory and intermediate courses in biology, psychology and neuroscience, especially at large courses that do not include a laboratory. Students in such courses often have difficulty understanding the remarkably rapid and dynamic responses of neurons, because these aspects are not conveyed well by static pictures in textbooks. Realistic, interactive simulations in which students see and hear neuronal responses as they control stimuli interactively give a much better understanding of the pace and dynamics of activity in the brain and nervous system. The Neuroscience Simulation Project, which will be extended and enlarged by this funding, was founded at Smith College in 1990 with partial support from the New England Consortium for Undergraduate Science Education. Its first software release, MacRetina, generated strong interest in the neuroscience community and won a Distinguished Natural Science Software Award in 1992 from EDUCOM. The pedagogical and technical challenges mastered in producing MacRetina will serve as a strong foundation for the proposed development of new simulation software. Neuroscience Simulation Project Richard F. Olivo DUE–9354630 Smith College FY 1994 $ 71,350 Northampton, MA 01063 Biology (413) 585–3822 The Neuroscience Simulation Project is developing realistic, interactive, computer-based simulations of experiments in neuroscience, a field that is growing rapidly with increasing undergraduate interest. The simulations are targeted at introductory and intermediate courses in biology, psychology, and neuroscience, and especially at large courses that do not include a laboratory. Students in such courses often have difficulty understanding the remarkably rapid and dynamic responses of neurons-these aspects are not conveyed well by static pictures in textbooks. Realistic, interactive simulations let students see and hear neuronal responses and control stimuli; this provides a better understanding of the pace and dynamics of activity in the brain and nervous system. The Neuroscience Simulation Project, which will be extended and enlarged by this funding, was founded at Smith College in 1990 with partial support from the New England Consortium for Undergraduate Science Education. Its first software release, MacRetina, generated strong interest in the neuroscience community and won a Distinguished Natural Science Software Award in 1992 from EDUCOM. The pedagogical and technical challenges mastered in producing MacRetina will serve as a strong foundation for the development of new simulation software. Environmental Sciences: A Unifying Curriculum for Multidisciplinary Studies Robert R. . Nakamura, Carlos D. Robles DUE–9354710 California State LA University Auxiliary Services, Inc. FY 1994 $ 200,000 Los Angeles, CA 90032 BiologyLife Sciences (213) 343–2060 Career opportunities in the environmental sciences are expanding, but. However, women and minorities are poorly represented in the ranks of environmental scientists. . California State University, Los Angeles has a student body over 37 % % Latino, 10 %% Black, and 29 % % Asian students. Further, many undergraduates have weak communication and critical thinking skills, and incoming. Entering students have little knowledge of environmental careers. ThisOur project intendsaims to enhance student interest and to give undergraduates the necessary knowledge, skills, and experiences to become environmental scientists. . Eight faculty from four science departments are developing course modules that focus on one ofbelong to one of three themes: aquatic pollutionn, atmospheric change, or land use and& conservation. Most modules will be integrated into the existing undergraduate curriculum. Under the aquatic pollution theme, a biology class collects marine specimens and examines them to look for lesions and tumors. . A chemistry class measures the DDT content of the specimens from contaminated and uncontaminated sites. . A biometrics class uses the shared data to learn statistical analysis. . A science writing course would collate all the results to draft an Environmental Impact Statement. . Modules in the other themes have a similar character. . Thus, students gain hands -on experience with a local environmental problem, exercise critical thinking skills, and practice report writing from multidisciplinary data. Concurrently, we are developing Sstudent support services are being developed to . This effort includes student recruitment, peer groups, research mentors, advisement documents, internship opportunities, career forums, and outside speakers. To evaluate the pThis curriculum project increases the environmental science content of traditional courses and fosters new courses. Presentations at professional meetings, journal publications, and personal contacts publicize theseour efforts, . and i Instruction manuals for each theme will disseminate information. It is particularly important to Of special interest is reaching Hispanic-serving and Hhistorically Black cColleges and uUniversities, as well as lso mainstream departments that have demonstrated progress in minority recruitment. Project evaluation involves, we are tracking student performance in courses, examining student interest as expressed in opinion surveys about environmental careers, and monitoring student recruitment into research projects and internships. Students in courses with the modules are compared to those in unrevised sections of the same classes. An external review committee visits the campus annually and produces a written report. Our curriculum project increases the environmental science content of traditional courses and fosters new courses. More and better-prepared students will take the path to environmental careers. Microbiology Restructured To Teach Investigative Skills Dorothy M. Wrigley DUE–9354755 Mankato State University FY 1994 $ 107,139 Mankato, MN 56001 Biology (507) 389–5738Life Sciences General microbiology is a content-rich course, often taught to large classes and to students with diverse interests and varying levels of preparation. Students often approach it as a memorization course and fail to develop the critical- thinking skills essential to undergraduate science. This project restructures the general microbiology course around an investigative format in which students develop and test hypotheses as a springboard for further, more additional specialized study. This restructuring results in a course that accommodates a variety of student backgrounds, fosters critical thinking, and enables students to individualize the course by applications in their area of interest. The audience for this course includes majors in nursing and allied health, biology, biotechnology, and life science teaching. T The primary reasons for the restructuring is to provide a course that accommodates a variety of student backgrounds, fosters critical thinking, and enables students to individualize the course by applications in their area of interest. To accomplish this task, the course is constructed around six6 topic modules that incorporate investigative laboratory activities. . The major topics of microbial morphology, growth, metabolism, genetics, microbes in health and disease, and microbes in the environment, are presented as a series of laboratory investigations thatwhich enable students to form their own mental models of the concepts in each area. To encourage critical thinking, students are taught to design and perform simple experiments to support or disprove a given hypothesis and to form hypotheses from their own observations. In addition, the students arewill be given options to allowed them to "specialize" within their area of interest by designing and participating in small group projects. The program will center around the laboratory and will produce an investigative laboratory manual, laboratory simulations, and computer -based tutorials to aid the students as they progress through the material. The first year of the project is for the further development of hypothesis- based laboratory exercises and video presentations of basic skills. In these 20–25 exercises, students are asked to write and test hypotheses, modify hypotheses based on observed results, and to design simple experiments to extend or apply their findings. . Twenty to twenty five exercises are being developed. Design and testing of 3three computerized simulations on microbial growth, alteration of immune cell responses, and genetics are ongoing activities the first year. In the second year, the new exercises will be incorporated into the laboratory to for test ing their effectiveness. Students will have access to the computers for working on data analysis and simulations. The project will continue to develop and refine tutorials and simulations. Small group projects thatwhich allow students to "specialize" within their field of interest will be an integral part of the class. During the third year the class design will incorporate s all of the above activities and we will be evaluated in terms of its effectiveness in terms of student interest and academic success. in their studies. Students will be surveyed to determine how clearly the information was presented and to, obtain their perceptions of the usefulness and effectiveness of the exercises., and how effectively, the exercises helped them learn the material. Manuscripts on aspects of the projected restructuring will be written an d submitted to refereed journals for publication. and we plan to make The project will be presentedations of the work a at regional meetings and a national meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. The major impact of the study is on the teaching of large introductory science classes, since -it will provide a model of interactive, investigative exercises to aid students in assimilating knowledge in content- rich courses and to foster essential critical thinking skills in the sciences. Developing Critical Thinking and Content Mastery in Nontraditional Students: A Comprehensive, Technologically Enhanced Approach Daniel E. Lemons, Hope Hartman, Joseph Griswold DUE–9354477 CUNY City College FY 1994 $ 400,000 New York, NY 10031 Biology (212) 650–8543 Traditional anatomy and physiology (A&P) courses often do not offer the types of instruction that many nontraditional students need. As a result, these students memorize disconnected facts instead of learning how living human systems function. This project is developing a new, innovative curriculum that (1) presents function first, in the context of a broad organizing theme, and then introduces anatomical and physiological details to explain the function; (2) reverses the order of the traditional teaching process by beginning with hands-on exploration with physical models and then progressing to higher level thinking; (3) places the highest priority on critical thinking about physiological systems so students learn to solve problems; (4) uses computer technology as a tool to support all stages of learning, not as the focus of learning; (5) provides structured out-of-class support; and (6) uses assessment as an integral part of the learning process, not merely as an endpoint. When this new curriculum is completed, it will be implemented in other CCNY courses, at three community colleges, and at three local high schools. Learning cycle exercises and student assessment plans will be disseminated widely, and the project will be the focus of national publications and presentations. This new A&P sequence will be a model curriculum for introducing competent, critical thinkers into the science pipeline and will improve significantly the critical-thinking ability and A&P content mastery of women and minorities. Software for Curricula in Ecology and Evolution Donald N. Alstad DUE–9354777 University of Minnesota at Twin Cities FY 1994 $ 126,490 Minneapolis, MN 55415–1226 Biology (612) 624–6748 This project is refining an instructional software package designed to support university courses in ecology and evolutionary biology. The current version, Populus 3.0, was funded by grants from IBM, the University of Minnesota, and the National Science Foundation. It has proven to be an extremely successful pedagogical tool at the University of Minnesota and is currently in use at more than 350 institutions worldwide. Additional NSF funding is being used to (1) improve the narrative text offered to explain Populus models both on screen and in a companion book; (2) expand coverage with new models; (3) "port" the package to a new operating system; (4) increase the use of Populus in small colleges; (5) refine the program; and (6) maintain the free distribution that maximizes its use. Computer Applications to Enhance Inquiry-Oriented Laboratory Instruction in Biology at a Two-Year College William B. Kincaid, Margaret A. Johnson DUE–9254228 Mesa Community College District FY 1993 $ 132,180 Tempe, AZ 85281–6941 FY 1994 $ 82,125 (602) 461–7103 FY 1995 $ 83,177 Biology This project addresses the general problem of scientific and technical literacy and specifically the enhancement of inquiry-oriented laboratory instruction in biology. Project goals are to increase scientific literacy, reasoning skills, and the number of students succeeding in introductory biology courses. To achieve these goals, the project is developing, evaluating, and integrating into the curriculum a set of computer applications designed to reinforce biology concepts introduced in exploratory laboratory activities and integrate reasoning skills for use in new contexts. These efforts focus on an introductory biology course at a 2-year college that serves a non-traditional undergraduate population including high numbers of women, Hispanics, Native Americans, and older students. Mesa Community College serves a large transfer and reserve transfer population associated with a nearby comprehensive university. As a result of this instructional intervention, the college's classes will have improved achievement in biology, scientific reasoning skills, attitudes toward science, retention of underrepresented student populations, computer literacy, and instructor efficiency and effectiveness. The results will document the efficacy of a refinement to inquiry-oriented laboratory instruction and provide a model for the use of technology in education. The BioQUEST Curriculum and Learning Tools Development John R. Jungck, James H. Stewart DUE–9354813 Beloit College FY 1994 $ 396,940 Beloit, WI 53511 Biology This project will enable post-secondary biology faculty to examine, critique, and change their biology curricula by providing the philosophy, tools, resources, support, and sharing network essential to such a process. This is being accomplished through a variety of mechanisms including the publication of a book and the hosting of three learning tools development workshops. The book will be a multi- authored, collaborative work on the BioQUEST 3P's philosophy with specific examples of use of materials in the BioQUEST Library, use of the 3P's in wet labs and field work and in situations where computers are not necessary, and discussions of the specific issues related to the development and implementation of open-ended, research and research-like experiences for students. The project will also support curricular reform and learning tools development through three summer workshops in three additional major areas of biology. Materials and information dissemination will occur using a variety of methods including the book, BioQUEST Notes, the BioQUESTLibrary, presentations and workshops at conferences, the Introducing BioQUEST Hypercard stacks, field testing of materials as part of the three-stage review process for publication in the BioQUESTLibrary, through other publications such as journal articles and labs in labbooks, electronic networks, the monthly consortium status reports, and responses to general inquiries via phone, e-mail, and U.S. mail. CHEMISTRY The Integration of Molecular Modeling Across the Chemistry Curriculum as a Tool for Understanding Chemical Structures and Developing Critical- Thinking Skills. Mary L. Caffery, Daniel J. Steffek, Diana F. Malone DUE–9354515 Clarke College FY 1994 $ 46,172 Dubuque, IA 52001–3198 FY 1995 $ 27,755 (319) 588–6363 Chemistry Quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR) are of concern in many areas of chemistry where the search for specific properties are of particular interest. Because of their importance, structure-property relationships are taught at every level of the undergraduate curriculum. Although "structure" plays a crucial role in chemistry, it is still typically portrayed in undergraduate programs using two-dimensional line figures or hard "ball-and-stick" models in undergraduate programs. Using the computer to display structure provides an alternative approach. Images can not only be displayed in three-dimensional space, and variationsthey can be presented in various renderings to showing such properties as charge, isodensity surfaces, or orbitals. However, unless curricular materials are appropriate for a student's stage of development, Tthe use of computer ational modeling techniques could lead tois replete with the possibility for conveying misconceptions aboutof the nature aboutof the forces that lead to observed structures. unless appropriate curricular materials are geared to the students' stage of development. The goal of this project is to develop materials thatwhich will integrate molecular modeling across the chemistry curriculum. The projectplan will involves students' use ofin using molecular modeling to learn chemistry while developingexplicitly emphasizing thinking skills from simple analysis and comparison through inference, and addressesfinally, synthesis of results and evaluation of findings. HYPERCHEM software has been selected for the project. The exercises dowill not replace a "hands-on" laboratory program. Rather, they are envisioned as team projects or individual assignments that arewhich will be done during "open lab" times in the department's computer laboratory. The projectWe will begins with in-house faculty development conducted by the project director and a consultant. The faculty will also upgrade their expertise by attending an external meeting or conference related to the project. They will then work together to develop a coherent set of exercises thatwhich will build on student background at each level of the undergraduate program. Current chemistry majors arewill be involved in pre-testing the exercises prior to use in each course. These students arewill be hired to serve as laboratory aides during the open computer laboratory hours. An evaluation process for the project has been designed to a) establish that the curricular materials are fulfilling the intended outcomes and b) to determine what additional capabilities of the software can be added in the future. Formative evaluation will includes both qualitative and statistical data collected throughout the project and used to modify plans as needed. An external evaluator will be engaged to complete a summative evaluation. This project will focuses primarily on courses taken by first- and second- year chemistry and biology majors and will includes selected upper- division courses in which the technique has significant applications. We also believe that Nnon-science- majors can also learn to model simple molecules and have been included them in theour design-. tThey will learn science by "doing what scientists do." Results will be shared locally with faculty members of other science departments at Clarke College and at two other area colleges. Project results will disseminated externally by publication and presentations at professional meetings. Thise approach is significant in that it calls for integration of modeling techniques across the major program, rather than for use in isolated experiments and exercises developed and used by individual faculty members. It provides a creative means forof explicitly developing thinking skills and for fostering team work. Results will be shared with faculty members in other science departments at Clarke College and at two other local colleges. Project results will be disseminated externally by publication and presentations at professional meetings. Materials Chemistry Case Study Approach To Facilitate Learning the Fundamentals of Chemistry: Introductory College and Secondary Level Mary Jane Shultz DUE–9354518 Tufts University FY 1994 $ 150,000 Medford, MA 02155 Chemistry (617) 627–3477 Thise project is will developing an introductory chemistry course focusing onbased upon the properties of materials. The project isIt will be discovery-based in that students will observe phenomena in the laboratory, then use those observations to develop an understanding of the chemistry involved. A principal goal of the project is to provide an exciting learning experience for the students. Many science courses deny students access to the joys of discovery and understanding- that so delights both young children and practicing scientists. While for individuals, this situation is particularly disastrous regrettable, for aspiring teachers it is disastrous becausesince they are responsible forthe ones who will shapinge the understanding of tomorrow's leaders. This project would puts the joy of discovery back into science courses. For example, the study of atomic structure and bonding would starts with a hands-on examination of the material properties of a variety of metal samples. The brittle samplesones have restricted spatial directionality in the bonding with a few nearest neighbors, while the soft, ductile samples have expanded bonding spheres with many nearest neighbors. First, Sstudents arewill be sent into the laboratory for an adventure in exploring first. The class will then is be encouraged to develop an hypothesis for their observations. Only after this process , willdo the instructors, through directed questions, guide the students to realize the importance of bonding and structure. The class iswill then be encouraged to extrapolate and extend this understanding to materials not examined. An educational evaluator is a member of the project team. Initial contact with a publisher could lead to widespread dissemination via a textbook. The Match Program: A Ccombined Mathematics and Chemistry Curriculum Donald J. Wink, Sheila D. McNicholas, Sharon M Fetzer,DUE–9354526 Sharon M. Fetzer, HerbertHerbert J. Alexander FY 1994 $ 249,447 University of Illinois, Chicago Chemistry Chicago, IL 60680–6998 (312) 413–7383 The chemistry and mathematics departments of the University of Illinois- at Chicago arepropose to developing a common curriculum for preparatory instruction in general chemistry and intermediate algebra. The course, dubbed "The Match Program" to reflect its origins, will beis offered to students who require preparatory courses in order to succeed in college, because of deficiencies in the their educational backgrounds or because of extended absence from they are returning to their higher education since graduating f several years after graduation from high school. The impetus for the curriculum comes from a recognizestion that such students, who may be very important toin the composition of the nNation's technical personnel, in the future, will likely performdo better if these courses are combined so that mathematics and chemistry instruction reinforce each other explicitly. The proposed program's developmentwork will take placebe conducted over a three-three year period, with a planned transition from a small developmental program through to one that can be used at other institutions. Cooperative learning strategies and a laboratory program will be key elements of the instructional effort. The development, evaluation, and implementation plans all include close consultation with faculty from other schools, who have either had experience with similar programs or who recognize a similar educational need infor this program for their students. Finally A, a careful and rigorously controlled assessment program willis be included. Use of Multimedia in an Introductory Chemistry Course for Student Analysis of Real-Life Situations Melvin D. Joesten DUE–9354637 Vanderbilt University FY 1994 $ 200,000 Nashville, TN 37240 Chemistry (615) 322–2699 The laboratory of introductory college science courses provides an excellent opportunity to improve both the attitudes and scientific literacy of liberal arts students and prospective teachers. This project is developing six, 10ten-minute videodisc programs with associated HyperCard stacks that add a "real-life" component to the laboratory experience in an introductory chemistry course for non- science- majors. Since elementary school teachers will play a key role in increasing scientific literacy and in changing public attitudes toward science, the six videodisc programs include elementary classroom scenes showingwhere elementary students are doperforminging exploratory activities based on the experiment the college students haves just completed. This provides both prospective teachers and other liberal arts students with an opportunity to look for misconceptions and science content errors. Students view the appropriate videodisc program at the end of the laboratory period;, and their responses to the questions raised in the program are an integral part of the experimental writeup. After class testing, the videodisc programs andwith accompanying HyperCard stacks will be transferred to CD- ROM discs to allow for individual viewing by students when they are preparing laboratory reports. The interactive videodisc and CD- ROM programs will areprovide an effective way to add a component that is missing from all introductory college chemistry laboratory courses-an immediate illustration of applying the chemical principles of a specific experiment to a real-life situation. Physical Chemistry Instruction Enhancement: Learning Through Student-Centered Activities Theresa J. Zielinski DUE–9354473 Niagara University FY 1994 $ 99,988 Niagara University, NY 14109 Chemistry (716) 286–8257 Thise project is will producinge 24–-28 physical chemistry student- centered physical chemistry learning modules accompanied by an effective set of instructional and assessment materials. These materials correct students' misconceptions and help students to appreciate their own powers of learning. The new modules will focus on stream lining and modernizing the physical chemistry curriculum in order to adequately portray the excitement and scope of the field while addressing the needs of students as learners. The new modules will incorporate wWell -established pedagogical techniques are incorporated to engage students in the learning process as they construct concepts in physical chemistry. These new modules will capitalize on the different learning styles of a diverse student population, typically consisting of third3rd -year male and female science majors who must take physical chemistry. Development of Computer Graphic Visualization Aids for the Undergraduate Chemistry Curriculum. Nathan S. Lewis DDUE–9354453 California Institute of Technology FY 1994 $ 100,000 Pasadena, CA 91125–0001 FY 1995 $ 100,000 (818) 356–6335 Chemistry Thise project is will developing high-end, workstation- quality computer graphics to aid in the visualization of concepts taught throughout an undergraduate chemistry curriculum. The goal of the work is to focus on visual presentations and real-time visual manipulations of a variety of concepts that are included in the current chemistry curriculum. Specific projects include three3- dimensional animation sequences of atomic and molecular orbitals, three-dimensional3-D views of polymer structure and stereochemistry, videos that introduce basic stereochemical concepts in organic chemistry, and animated sequences of crystal structures and Miller index planes. Additional projects include other basic organic transformations, periodic trends, and hybridization. The specific goals of this project are to develop materials that can be used in courses throughout the United States. S. and can be readily distributed on computer disks, laser diskcs, and video tapes, so that the efforts of this project can have a broad impact on the national undergraduate and high school chemistry curriculum. Interactive Learning: A Hypertext Introductory Chemistry Text Claude H. Yoder DUE–9354323 Franklin and Marshall College FY 1994 $ 28,566 Lancaster, PA 17604–3003 Chemistry (717) 291–3806 This project is preparing a hypertext "electronic" textbook that requires the active student involvement of the student in the discussion of principles andas well as their applications of these principles in the solution of problems. Given that active, rather than passive, study is necessary for the mastery and application of chemistry the conceptsof chemistry, the computer is an ideal vehicle for this type of learning, especially usingin the form of hypertext. OurThe preliminary version of a hypertext problem -solving guide called ChemGuide usinges the hypertext program Guide (OWL International) and has received very favorable student responses. . We believe that Tthis hypertext program, using the Guide software, is helpings students build self- confidence and to develop rational approaches to learning and problem- solving,. is building self confidence, The program also is makinges the concepts of chemistry accessible to students with a greater range of abilities, and is servinges as a model for the teaching of chemistry by secondary school teachers. This hypertext book, ChemGuide, is encouraginges student participation by constructing most discussions around questions that must be answered by the student. The responses to the questions are hidden in hypertext until selected by the student. ChemGuide also provides hints and definitions upon selection and, when necessary, takes the student to an appropriate section of the text for review or help. Although the content of ChemGuide is adapted from an introductory text co- authored by the principal investigator, the conceptual content of the ChemGuide is similar to that of most texts. The Language of Chemistry: Introductory Chemistry Based on the Study of Problems at the Interface Between Chemistry and Biology Jerrold Meinwald DUE–9354452 Cornell University FY 1994 $ 75,000 Ithaca, NY 14853–2801 FY 1995 $ 75,000 (607) 255–3301 Chemistry This project is developing a new introductory course, The Language of Chemistry, intended primarily for non-chemistry majors. The immediate challenge is to provide an attractive course that students majoring in areas such as the social sciences and the humanities will elect to help fulfill a distribution requirement. The course illustrates how chemists study problems involving chemical interactions in nature. Among the cases likely to be included for study are the chemistry of gamete attractants; the female pheromone of the silkworm moth; quinine, antimalarials, and synthetic dyes; penicillin; and taxol. Basic concepts in general chemistry and organic chemistry are being developed as required. The methods of analyzing problems are being emphasized instead of the memorization of specific results or formulas. Students should gain an understanding of subjects as diverse as chromatography and other purification techniques, spectroscopy, molecular formulas, molecular structures (and how chemical and physical methods establish them), stereochemistry, atomic structure, the periodic table, chemical bonding, functional groups, Avogadro's number, and the importance of synthesis. Students, working in small groups, prepare and present short reports on chemical topics, based on library research. The project is working with colleagues in the science education department to develop and evaluate the course and related materials. Laboratory-Driven Instruction in Chemistry Ram S. Lamba, Ramon de la Cuetara DUE–9354432 Inter-American University of Puerto Rico, San Juan FY 1994 $ 293,982 San Juan, PR 00936 Chemistry (809) 250–8379 The goal of this project is to revitalize the undergraduate chemistry curriculum by adopting laboratory- driven instruction using a the discovery- (or inquiry-based) approach. With this approach, new topics would beare introduced first in the laboratory and then discussed more fully during the lecture. The central objective is to develop, implement, evaluate, and disseminate a comprehensive set of instructional modules that will address the concerns of chemistry educators and satisfy the needs of introductory chemistry curricula. The modules will include student handouts, a teacher's guide, and suggestions for their implementation. The modules will beare appropriate not only for science majors but also for non-science - majors. IiStudents have responded positively to the initial development of this material, anddevelopment has initiated in the students a positive response and attitude towards chemistry five colleges and universities involved are collaborating into testing the discovery exercises and the instructional modules. Dissemination will be through this broad outreach and materials development. Evaluation will be carried out during the project and with students after their graduation. There is a need to increase the scientific literacy of college students in the USA. posaljectisinvolves thementingthatwhichproposed will s(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) arewillingthey are for the understanding of this set of particularly interesting problems at the interface between chemistry and biology or medicineare will ing,instead ofrather than:the importance ofwhy synthesis is importa synthesis. nt. There will be an opportunity for Ssto is will ingontocourse mentione the course and related materials General Chemistry: Discovery-Based Advances for the Two- Year College Chemistry Curriculum Arlyne M. Sarquis, John P. Williams DUE–9354378 Miami University FY 1994 $ 142,386 Oxford, OH 45056 Chemistry (513) 424–4444 Faculty at two two2-year campuses are revising the Ggeneral Cchemistry course to make it more interesting, relevant, and accessible to students with varioused academic backgrounds. This effort includes the design, development, and testing of discovery-based laboratory scenarios and take-home lecture supplements that illustrate topics in Cchemistry through activities beyondoutside of the classroom. In addition to demonstrating general concepts, the activities also involve students in critical -thinking and group problem-solving skills used by professional chemists in industry and academia. To further ensure success, the project is built on the pedagogical foundations of constructivism, Sscience-–Ttechnology-–Ssociety, and cooperative learning. Following pilot implementation and revision, these advances in the Ggeneral Cchemistry curriculum will provide a model for adaptation at other two2- year colleges and small four4-year schools. Developing an Individualized, Multipart, Real-World, Integrated, and Comprehensive College Chemistry Laboratory (Impricom) Clifton E. Meloan DUE–9354461 Kansas State University FY 1994 $ 150,000 Manhattan, KS 66506 Chemistry (913) 532–6682 The project will continues thean effort to development of a comprehensive, six -semester curriculum in chemistry. Much of the effort iswill be directed at organic chemistry concepts. The laboratory -oriented approach iswill be individualized toso that enable students from different majors and interests to can learn chemistry within a context that inspires and interests them. This will includes experiments on food chemistry, tanning, and soil chemistry, etc. All students arewill be exposed to standard techniques through videos and other approaches. The experiments are all multi-sectional, and extending over several laboratory sessions,. Theyand focus on real -world situations which has proven to be exciting to the students. Chemistry Domesticated: An Alternative Curriculum for the Two-Semester Introductory College Chemistry Course Richard D. Cornelius DUE–9354642 Lebanon Valley College FY 1994 $ 150,000 Annville, PA 17003 Chemistry (717) 867–6140 In an attempt to makeAgencies and chemical educators are calling for major changes in the curriculum for general chemistry at colleges and universities. A call is frequently heard for chemistry to be relevant to the everyday lives of students., Tthis project, Chemistry Domesticated, is changing radically the organization and presentation ofproviding a radical change in how the material in general chemistry materialchemistry is organized and how it is presented to students, while leaving intact much of the material which must prepare students for further courses in chemistry and other sciences. Topics in a particular chapter are not being chosen on the basis not of a the chemist's view of the world,; the emphasis is on the but of what chemistry that is necessary for students to the understanding familiar of materials and activities familiar to students. Chapters have titles such as Soil and Fertilizer, Blood, The Laundry Room, and Ice Cream. The subjects for the 22 chapters are being chosen to provide a foundation for a broad range of topics in general chemistry. The chapters are linked by chemical topics discussed in adjacent chapters, such as the chemistry of -for example, calcium carbonate beingis important in both the chapter on Hard and Soft Water (as scale) and the chapter on Eggs (as the major component in egg shell). Numerous appropriate experiments and demonstrations have been published in the science education literature, and they are being used input to work in Chemistry Domesticated. Theis proposed curriculum is not intended not to displace the current general chemistry curriculum, but to provide an alternative to the curriculum that is under attack. The project plans outlinecall for a year of development, a year of implementation and modification, and a year of evaluation. A Comprehensive Reshaping of the College Chemistry Experience I. David Reingold, Ei-Ichiro Ochiai DUE–9354722 Juniata College FY 1994 $ 150,715 Huntingdon, PA 16652–2119 Chemistry (814) 643–4310 This project isWe are completely restructuring completely the material traditionally covered in the first threethree years of college chemistry. This Our new structure addresses many of the problems that existproblems we and others have found with the traditional approach andwidely advertised . This restructuring also addresses the mainfocusand the less-widely acknowledged problems withof the organic course, such as, inchief among which is the fact that itcoversing too much synthetic chemistry and not enoughtoo little biochemistry for the biology and pre- medical students who make upare the majority of the enrolled in the classtaking it, who tend to be biology and premedical students. The project isOur solution is toeingorganic chemistry course is being moved to the first year and changed toing emphasize biomedical connections while de- emphasizing the pure synthetic organic chemistry. This has a trickle-down effect on the rest of the curriculum:- material previously covered insome of what used to be first- year chemistry is now being taught in the sophomore year, as inorganic and analytical chemistry, and the sections ofparts of organic chemistry that are omitted from the first year are being addressed in the junior year. The restructuring has also providesgiven us the opportunity to work with the biology department in a completely overhauling ofthe laboratories for the first twotwo years, resulting in a joint first-year laboratory experience and an intensification of the sophomore laboratory experience. Additionally, this project isFinally, we have created designing a course designed tothat introduces ourthe environmental science program. Developing a Science Course for Nonscientists on the Chemistry of Art Michael Henchman DUE–9254291 Brandeis University FY 1993 $ 88,078 Waltham, MA 02167–1535 FY 1994 $ 60,447 (617) 736–2558 Chemistry This project is developing a chemistry course for non- science-majors that focuses on the chemistry of art. This course-essentially a materials science course on the fabrication, examination, conservation, and authentication of artifacts-is an effective and attractive way of teaching science to non-scientists. At present, two factors limit the course at Brandeis and its adaptation elsewhere-the lack of a suitable text and the difficulty of obtaining the necessary scientific data in a suitable form for teaching (e.g., the scientific data for assessing the restoration of the Sistine Chapel ceiling). The project has four components: (1) development of a scientific text, limited to relevant topics treated in some depth; (2) development, as a pilot project, of a teaching laserdisc holding all the scientific and conservation data needed to investigate a famous and problematic artwork, entitled The Feast of the Gods (in collaboration with the National Gallery of Art in Washington); (3) the further development of the successful laboratory component of the course, by introducing chemical microscopy for pigment and fiber characterization; and (4) the external evaluation of the educational effectiveness of the materials developed. Visualization of the Abstract in General Chemistry Richard A. Paselk, Mervin P. Hanson, DUE–9156028 Richard L. Harper, John B. Russell FY 1993 $ 103,984 Humboldt State University FY 1994 $ 100,607 Arcata, CA 95521 Chemistry (707) 826–5719 This project is developing and extending computer-based education that enables students to visualize abstract aspects of general chemistry. The software addresses a real learning problem-making the transition from two-dimensional to three-dimensional representations of objects and models. Existing physical models of adequate sophistication are helpful, but they consume laboratory time and space and do not allow views of interior details, nor transitions between views. In problem solving this project focuses on mathematical/physical intuition instead of the application of particular algorithms. The project is helping students make connections between physical reality and mathematical expressions. The computer can show both the exterior of a model and make a seamless transition between exterior and interior views, including various intermediate states. To assure the effectiveness of such simulations, the project uses sophisticated graphics, sound, and responsive quasi-tactile interaction to engage the students fully in the learning experience. The project first will complete a module on bonding, following with modules on gas laws, crystal structures, and solids. Use of an Aquatic Ecosystem in Undergraduate Chemistry Curricula Kenneth D. Hughes DUE–9354530 Georgia Institute of Technology FY 1994 $ 27,592 Atlanta, GA 30332 Chemistry (404) 894–4090 The project will make uses of a large aquarium as an aquatic ecosystem on which to develop concepts and techniques of analytical chemistry. Chemical monitoring of all aspects of the ecosystem isandwill be the basis for a part of the laboratory experience. The curriculum, already introduced at the introductory level, isnow will being expanded to the third quarter, first-year chemistry class. This class includes prospective chemistry, engineering, textile, and biology majors. The course modifications will introduce relevant, real-world problems from the real world into the laboratory curriculum, stimulate increased interest in chemistry, and possibly increase the number of chemistry majors at this level. . The affect on The course the junior/senior analytical curriculum will be to significantly increases the amount of time available in the junior and senior analytical curriculum for training and independent work on modern instrumentation. These proposed course modifications will provide a greater appreciation for the field of chemistry and the role it plays in the environment and all biological processes. Molecular Modeling for the Introductory Organic Chemistry Courses James R. Keeffe, Scott Gronert DUE–9354596 San Francisco State University FY 1994 $ 107,736 San Francisco, CA 94132–1722 FY 1995 $ 42,758 (415) 338–1117 Chemistry The project is will developing molecular modelling/computational chemistry experiments for use in first-year organic chemistry courses. Computational chemistry, rapidly becoming an almost routine tool for academic and industrial chemists, allowsoffers an unusually good opportunity for students to investigate efficiently a variety of molecular attributes including conformational stability, preferred bond angles and lengths, energies of reaction, and reaction pathways. Results can provide rationalization of known data, or predictions subject to verification. These benefits will accrue only with the aid of a high -quality, integrated visualization environment, a feature central to this projectour proposal. These experiments will be introduced as hands-on exercises to our organic lab students 240-–280 organic laboratory students per year, including chemistry and biochemistry majors and most pre-health profession students. Our ca. Each year approximately 500 students in the organic chemistry lecture course will be shown the numerical and pictorial results - both numerical and pictorial - of a variety of pertinent computations. This group of students includes both biology majors and those training for pre-college science teaching careers. Development of a Data Acquisition and Data Analysis System for Visually Impaired Chemistry Students David Lunney DUE–9254330 East Carolina University FY 1993 $ 171,713 Greenville, NC 27858–4353 FY 1994 $ 85,856 (919) 757–6713 Chemistry The project is developing software to make computer-aided chemistry experiments more accessible to students who have visual impairments. The software runs on an ordinary personal computer equipped with adapted outputs (synthetic speech, electronic music, and enlarged text and graphics). Experimental data is acquired through a modular data acquisition subsystem designed for use in educational laboratories. Experiments for which software is being developed include the instrumental methods commonly used in lower level chemistry courses; the software includes a data analysis package that enables visually impaired students to perform extensive analysis on data acquired with the system. The system and its software will be usable at any educational level where instrumental measurements are performed, and should be readily adaptable to disciplines other than chemistry. COMPUTER SCIENCE The Innovative Use of Software in Teaching Computer Programming Jeffrey L. Popyack, Nira Herrmann DUE–9354598 Drexel University FY 1994 $ 86,160 Philadelphia, PA 19104 Computer Science (215) 895–1846 This project is developing a new approach for teaching introductory computing courses, tailored to the needs of students in different curricula. . Students in all disciplines, and particularly in engineering and the sciences, need to understand the concepts of programming a computer. . . . Teaching programming concepts through the use of powerful, user-friendly software with programmable features allows the user to write programs immediately that produce nontrivial results. This provides stronger motivation to learn programming than traditional approaches. Moreover, the essential concepts of computer programming (such as variables, branching, iteration, etc.) can be illustrated and implemented readily using the sophisticated features of a variety of commonly available software packages, such as word processors, spreadsheets, and databases. The main intention of this approach is to teach programming concepts and techniques, not simply how to use software. Students are exposed to the kinds of functionality common to all languages, thus facilitating the learning of a general-purpose language or new, innovative software needed for their education and their careers in science, engineering, or teaching. Component Engineering Principles in a Ttraditional Computer Science Curriculum: A Reuse-Oriented Approach and Its Evaluation Murali Sitaraman, E. James Harner DUE–9354597 West Virginia University FY 1994 $ 43,425 Morgantown, WV 26506 Computer Science (304) 293–3607 Douglas E. Harms Muskingum College New Concord, OH 43762 Demand for trained software professionals continues to be on the rise. Introductory undergraduate courses in computer science do not provide an appropriate context for conveyingmotivating the importance of good design, precise and abstract specification, and efficient and correct implementations in software construction. These and other key software engineering principles are therefore introduced only much later in the curriculum as ""add- on"" ideas, rather than as central themes in problem solving. Thise delayedrelatively late exposure leaves computer science students with little time to master key concepts. Those students who are not Non-computer science majors are left in total darkness with respect to software engineering issues and principles. EmployingUsing software reuse as a motivating context (but not as the dominant theme), this project we propose to introduces software engineering principles in the early software development courses in computer science while retaining the problem-solving techniques traditionally taught in these courses. The projectOur proposal also includes a significant evaluation component. . Specification-based reuse illustratesreadily motivates the need for traditional principles, such as abstraction, and new principles, such as software design. Getting an early start inHaving learnt to building software the ""right"" way, early, the students master the ideas by applying them in projects in the rest of the curriculum. The students also are also prepared for a futuristic view of a component-based software industry. The current project addressesis for initial adaptation of the reuse-centered approach in the first two computer science courses in computer science at multiple institutions, and initial evaluation of the influences of the approach. Muskingum University and West Virginia University are the two major participants in this effort. ; Ohio State University will be involved in the second course. Results will include courseware and evaluation conclusionsresults. Hypermedia Textbook for Computer Science I and Beyond Michael M. Skolnick, David L. Spooner DUE–9354641 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute FY 1994 $ 102,430 Troy, NY 12180–3522 Computer Science (518) 276–6912 The problem addressed in this project is the development of a hypertext/hypermedia ""textbook"" for use in the teaching of introductory computer science to undergraduates. There are two factors that are unique to the milieu in which this course is taught: (1) 1. it is a required course for all undergraduates; aand (2) 2. itthe course uses a network of more than 500five hundred workstation computers in lecture halls, laboratories, and dormitories. Thus, tThe course is aimed at a wide range of students who need to learn the basics of programming and the fundamental concepts in computer science and to to understand how computational issues appear in their chosen disciplines. These admittedly ambitious goals are addressed by orienting the hypertext around carefully chosen case studies, out of which there are linkeds to material that focuses on the larger course objectives. Further, Bbecause of the large number of available workstations, theour objective is to develop a hypertext/hypermedia textbook that can be used by students to learn in individual and group settings and by professors to instruct in lectures, laboratories, and interactive classrooms. BecauseSince the course is oriented around case studies, material from the hypertext is gradually integrated into the existing curriculum, as an addendum to currently used texts. As further case studies develop into hypertext, the course shifts away from the use of traditional texts. Evaluation is done by tracking the performance of students on material learned in a traditional format versus hypertext; in addition, mechanisms can be added to the hypertext to monitor the patterns of usage. Dissemination of case studies is via the XMosaic Internet viewing program, which permits viewing of documents by anyone connected to the Internet. The significance of this work is that it goes beyond the focus of current introductory computer science courses (which are oriented towards majors). ) and moves towards the teaching of computing literacy as we believe it eventually must be taught. Further, Tthe exploitation of hypermedia seems to be an ideal way to deal with variations both in the prior background of students and in what they find interesting and relevant to their future computational needs. Evaluation is conducted by tracking the performance of students on material learned in a traditional format versus material taught with hypertext; in addition, mechanisms can be added to the hypertext to monitor the patterns of usage. Dissemination of case studies is via the XMosaic Internet viewing program, which permits viewing of documents by anyone connected to the Internet. Whole Computer Science: Emphasizing Cooperation and Communication in Introductory Curricula Virginia M. Lo, Jane M. Ritter, Stephen F. Fickas, DUE–9354423 William D. Clinger, Arthur M. Farley FY 1994 $ 100,000 University of Oregon, Eugene Computer Science Eugene, OR 97403 (503) 346–4473 This project is revising the introductory computer science curriculum to incorporate principles of whole computer science, emphasizing cooperative learning and problem solving, communication skills, critical thinking, and individual resourcefulness while relating computer science to other disciplines and to everyday life. Incorporating techniques from this highly successful pedagogy addresses the critical problems of recruitment and retention of women as well as the training of computer science professionals with strong teamwork and communication skills. This approach is particularly important for retention of women students. The project is developing a basic set of whole computer science learning modules and appropriate grading techniques. Each module will include: (1) a rich programming assignment that encourages interaction, sharing, and re-use; (2) a set of cooperative in-class exercises and homework assignments; and (3) a resource library that replicates a real work environment. Communication skills are taught through essay assignments, project write-ups, a classroom community newsletter, and documents in the resource library. Evaluation of these curriculum innovations will be conducted through recruitment and retention statistics; course questionnaires designed to assess students' perception of the importance of specific traits and skills for success in the course and in the field of computer science; interviews and discussions with a student focus group; feedback from faculty at other universities involved in curriculum innovations; and feedback from industrial affiliates. Results will be disseminated through papers submitted to conferences and publications focused on computer science education. Publication of a teachers' sourcebook, a videotape, and workshops presentation are planned as part of a later proposal. Integrating Social Impact and Ethics into the Computer Science Curriculum C. Dianne Martin DUE–9354626 George Washington University FY 1994 $ 43,744 Washington, DC 20037–2353 FY 1995 $ 55,000 (202) 994–8238 FY 1996 $ 40,000 Computer Science The purpose of this project is to develop a plan and materials for integrating social impact and ethics topics across the computer science curriculum. It addresses two major problems that hamper the implementation of an across- the-board curricular change: (1) the lack of materials that can be adapted or adopted into the existing computer science (CS) curriculum; and (2) the lack of awareness and expertise on the part of most CS faculty regarding the need and methodology for presenting such material in their courses. The project is comprised of three interrelated tasks: (1) defining the content of teaching modules to facilitate the presentation of these topics; (2) developing the actual modules to be disseminated as a teaching kit to interested CS departments and faculty members; and (3) developing a pilot faculty enhancement seminar to prepare interested CS faculty members to use the materials. The first task is to implement a two-day working conference of experts in ethics, social impact, and computer science curriculum to determine the appropriate content for the teaching modules. At this time, possible topics for a first-year computers- and-society course, the traditional computer science core courses, and the senior design course will be discussed. The anticipated outcome of this conference is a consensus regarding which topics, how much time, and the level of such topics that should be included in the CS curriculum. The second task is to implement the teaching modules that result from the working conference. . These modules will include scenarios, exercises for discussion and written comment, and teaching strategies for presenting the topics. The modules will be developed for a first-year course, for computer science core courses, and for a senior design course. These modules will be sent out for comment and pilot testing by computer science professors. A kit of teaching modules will be developed for general dissemination. The third task is to implement a pilot two- day faculty enhancement seminar to provide guidance to CS professors regarding effective use of the materials. Based upon results from the pilot seminar, a kit for faculty enhancement seminars will also be developed for general dissemination. Visualizing Computation: An Automated Tutor Alan W. Biermann, Dietolf Ramm DUE–9354643 Duke University FY 1994 $ 99,999 Durham, NC 27703–2570 Computer Science (919) 660–6500 This project is constructing an educational simulator for a simple computer hardware–software system. The simulator enables the user to observe the details of a computation as it proceeds. It displays the internals of a compiler as it translates higher level language code to assemble language; shows the architecture fetch–execute cycle as it executes the machine language; and enables the user to see some of the details of the switching circuits that implement the architecture. The system also features a training mode, giving the user instruction on the displayed mechanisms, and a testing mode, querying the user to evaluate his or her understanding. The first two levels of the system (compiler and architecture) are currently operative in the simulation mode. Further work will add the switching circuit level and the training and testing modes for all levels. This simulator provides a variety of support services in a first course in computer science and teaches the fundamentals of computer hardware–software. The project is being designed to support courses that emphasize the "breadth-first" approach to introducing computer science as recommended by the Task Force on the Core of Computer Science (Denning et al., CACM, January 1989). The system is useful for illustrating points during a lecture and is also applicable for use in student laboratory assignments and home study on personal machines. The implementation phase of the project is continuing, with each current version of the simulator being incorporated into classes as soon as it is operational. The system is being offered to other institutions for experimentation and evaluation. A later phase of the project will schedule a formal evaluation of the system after it becomes more completely refined. An Interactive Laboratory Infrastructure for Computer Science Rockford J. Ross DUE–9354655 Montana State University FY 1994 $ 70,000 Bozeman, MT 59717 Computer Science (406) 994–4804 The objective of this project is the design and development of an infrastructure around which formal laboratories in computer science can be implemented. The central component of this infrastructure is a software system called DYNALAB . which runs on Macintosh and IBM- compatible personal computers, as well as X-terminals connected to central computers. Students using DYNALAB have access- through a user interface oriented towards complete novices-to a comprehensive, easily modifiable, and extendible library of programs and experiments, including experiments in program structure (e.g., iteration, selection, recursion, execution-path determination, parameter passing mechanisms, functions, procedures, and so forth), black box determination of algorithms, time complexity, space complexity, program verification, and others. A sophisticated program animation component allows forward and reverse execution of programs while displaying, in a dynamic and interactive fashion, the pertinent aspects of program execution, such as the currently executing statement, values of variables, pointer references, and statement and memory cell counts (for time and space complexity experiments). An algorithm animation component allows abstract graphical representations of algorithms to be presented on a screen in forward and reverse modes for algorithm studies. The desirability of formal laboratories in the computer science curriculum is well documented, but few institutions have incorporated them for lack of laboratory resources. It is expected that DYNALAB will be widely adopted as a tool around which computer science laboratories can be designed. Visual Programming Labs for Teaching Computer Science Concepts to Undergraduates Marian G. Williams, James T. Canning, Patrick D. Krolak DUE–9354708 University of Massachusetts-Lowell FY 1994 $ 89,996 Lowell, MA 01854–3602 Computer Science (508) 934–2630 . Experience indicates that students make little progress during a laboratory session when they are working in a traditional programming language. Therefore, this project is creating laboratory software and manuals for a series of visual labs in which students use a visual programming environment instead of a traditional programming language. Students create and test models (e.g., of a CPU, a robot's sensor configuration, a finite state machine, a database query, or a genetic algorithm ), rather than write codes. Each set of labs is based on one knowledge area from the Task Force curriculum. The university has previously created labs for computer architecture, programming languages, and robotics and now is . creating labs for database and information retrieval and for two other knowledge areas (tentatively artificial intelligence and software methodology and engineering). Each set of labs is created by defining pedagogical goals; designing user interaction; developing specifications and designs for the software; implementing the software in the C programming language and in the EYES visual programming toolkit; writing and desktop publishing a manual; conducting user tests of the software and manual; and revising the software and manual based on the results of the user tests. The software and manuals then are used in class. P revious studies revealed that visual labs improve student performance when compared to non-lab curricula. Formal studies are being conducted to compare visual labs to traditional programming labs that cover the same concepts. ; the studies employ an experimental design developed in conjunction with the university's human subjects committee. These studies will reveal whether visual labs are a useful adjunct to the undergraduate computer science laboratory curriculum and will yield information about the usefulness of visual programming for instruction. Results will be published in journal and conference papers. The lab software and manuals are available for distribution to other colleges and universities. Data Communication and Networks Course for Computer Science and Software Engineering Hypertext Approach Youlu Zheng DUE–9354730 University of Montana FY 1994 $ 74,988 Missoula, MT 59812 Computer Science (406) 243–2831 A recent survey conducted by the principal investigator indicated the need for a data communications and networks text covering fundamental theory and new technologies along with software project topics in a multiplatform-distributed environment for computer science and software engineering students. Traditional textbooks do not take advantage of recent development in multimedia and hypertext technologies that allow. students to interact with computers at their own rate, following their own particular interests within the field. Various media, digitized still and motion images, and sounds provide more complete and lasting access to the subject matter. . . This project is developing a text in this format as a prototype for texts. It also is developing a cost-effective network laboratory prototype to provide software and supplementary teaching materials, including a question set and project topics with sample solutions in a multiplatform environment. The goal of the curriculum is to engage students actively in the learning process and promote critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and creativity. A Computer Science Course in Computer Networks Terry E. Grygiel DUE–9354762 SUNY Geneseo FY 1994 $ 77,123 Geneseo, NY 14454 Computer Science (716) 245–5585 The field of data communications and computer networks has developed to the point where there are more topics than can be reasonably covered in any one course. Moreover, there is a strong emphasis on interconnection and interoperability. This project is creating a computer science course in computer networks that: (1.) takes a top-down approach; (2.) focuses on the performance of upper layers of computer network architecture, on routing, and on routing protocols; and (3) . requires implementation, experimentation, and mathematical analysis. Part of the project includes upgrading existing software for the implementation of and experimentation with simple Internet functions. It also includes the development of other software to run experiments on routing protocols. Interconnection and interoperability are gained at layers above the data-link layer. A course that requires implementation, experimentation, and mathematical analysis, and focuses on the performance of those layers, will prepare computer science students much better than a course that surveys the field of data communications. A Visual and Interactive Approach to the Foundations of Computer Science – FY 1994 Susan H. Rodger DUE–9354791 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute FY 1994 $ 66,426 Troy, NY 12180–3522 Computer Science (518) 276–8047 Theoretical concepts provide the fundamental basis for computer science, yet many undergraduates obtain a superficial understanding of these concepts due to the pencil-and-paper environment in which these concepts are currently taught. The main objective of this project is to provide an environment for presenting and communicating abstract computer science concepts in a more efficient, visual and interactive manner. To do so, the university is redesigning the sophomore formal languages and automata theory course to use interactive and visual software tools that the institute has developed and continues to develop. These tools allow students to experiment with concepts in formal languages and automata, receiving immediate feedback. The use of these tools will be evaluated in two ways: (1) in a lecture format with computer demonstrations, and (2) in a lecture/laboratory format. The project will develop manuscripts for the lecture and lab presentation formats, problem sets, and software tools. This material will be disseminated through computer science education conferences, journals, and newsgroups on the Internet. In addition, a one-day workshop will be held during the second year for evaluation and dissemination of the methods and tools. An Innovative Computing Curriculum for Scientists, Engineers, Mathematicians, and Educators J. Richard Newman, Sara Stoecklin, Harlan D. Mills, DUE–9354818 Wade H. Shaw, Robert H. Fronk FY 1994 $ 100,000 Florida Institute of Technology Computer Science Melbourne, FL 32901–6967 (407) 768–8000 As computing continues to become an essential and integral part of the basic skills of all undergraduates, it is critical that the service courses for non-computing-majors reflect the advances made within the computing disciplines. This project integrates recent developments in computer- based techniques with the most current educational practices to create an innovative computer curriculum for scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and educators. The curriculum emphasizes solution correctness; team orientation; and the use of advanced languages, tools, and application packages. This foundation is combined with the fundamentals of the Software Engineering, Object Oriented, and Cleanroom paradigms to provide the skills necessary for each undergraduate to take advantage of computers in their educational and professional careers. This project produced the foundation for three sequences of introductory level computing service courses. . . The foundation included an analysis of the expected needs of the academic majors, a set of evaluation criteria, and a set of preferred educational paradigms for course development. Initial course outlines were prepared, sample multimedia presentation were developed, and a sequence of reports were produced. This effort also produced several general conclusions and a proposal for the continuation of this project. Development of a Set of Closed Laboratories for an Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum William A. Wulf DUE–9156112 University of Virginia FY 1992 $ 204,514 Charlottesville, VA 22901 FY 1993 $ 200,334 (804) 982–2223 FY 1994 $ 200,152 d to the FY 1994 Program but are no longer in the Division. _______________________________ LLD = Leadership in Laboratory Development