U.S. Department of the Interior / Bureau of Land Management / Idaho
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Access to Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Information


It is the policy of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to make records available to the public to the greatest extent possible in keeping with the spirit of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the Privacy Act, and Office of Management and Budget requirements.

Most BLM installations have Information Access Centers or public areas for receiving and processing public requests for records and information, and providing assistance. These Centers were developed to provide more and better access to its information.

Public records available in Information Access Centers or public areas include: mining claims, grazing information, cadastral survey plats, Bureau decisions which affect the public, Bureau policy documents, table of organizations, etc.  Public documents may be viewed in a BLM Information Access Center for free or copied for a fee.  A FOIA request is not required for public information made available through the Access Centers.  For questions on Idaho BLM information, visit  our Information Access Center, located at 1387 S. Vinnell Way, Boise, Idaho, or call (208) 373-4000.

For more links to other Interior Agency information, you may wish to look at the Department of Interior's FOIA Homepage. This page also links to the Department's Guide on the FOIA and the Privacy Act.

BLM Information

The BLM has classified and listed most of its major records systems into two categories: (1) Public (which does not require a FOIA request); and (2) Non-public (a FOIA request is required for access to releasable portions of this information). The purpose of doing this was to help in processing requests for information and to ensure the protection of certain information that is required to be protected by law.


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This page was created by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management - Idaho State Office
1387 S. Vinnell Way   Boise, Idaho 83709
(208) 373-4000
Idaho Federal Relay: (800) 877-8339

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