Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE)


Signal Processing Systems

This program supports fundamental research in the areas of digital signal processing, analog signal processing, and supporting hardware and software systems. This includes one-dimensional digital signal processing (1-D DSP) including (adaptive) filtering and equalization and time-frequency representations; statistical signal and array processing; image and multi-dimensional digital signal processing including image analysis, filtering, restoration, and enhancement, image and video coding and vector quantization; and analog signal processing including analog-to-digital conversion and analog circuits and filters.

Special attention is currently given to antenna array processing with application to wireless communications systems, especially cellular telephony, personal communications systems, and wireless local area networks; signal compression for reduced data rate with applications to wireless communications systems; scalable/progressive/multi-resolution approaches in signal decomposition, compression, and other signal processing techniques to support content analysis; data quality validation; and manufacturing applications, e.g., nondestructive test and evaluation, computed tomography and SAR.

    Deadline Date: November 23, 2000

REFERENCE: GP2000-4720