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Grain Grading Mats

In 2003 GIPSA produced "grain grading mats" for use in training sessions for grain industry inspectors.  The mats incorporate the grade requirements chart, principle damage images, and a picking surface which approximates the color of the picking surface approved by GIPSA for official inspection. The mats are 16.5 inches wide by 11.7 inches tall and are laminated for durability.

Because of  industry interest in using these mats as grading aids for in-house inspectors, GIPSA has made the mats available for purchase.  Grading Mats may be purchased directly from GIPSA in quantities of 50 or more or can be obtained singly from resellers. 

For information on obtaining grading mats contact Roger Friedrich or Ruth Goff at GIPSA's Technical Services Division or send a request by email to .

The following grading mats are currently available:

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