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Scientific Quality Review Suggested Peer Reviewer Form
Suggested Peer Reviewer
Referred By:
Full Name of
Prospective Reviewer:
Full Title:
Scientific Areas of Expertise:
(List 8 key terms)
National Program(s):
101 Food Animal Production 205 Rangeland, Pasture and Forages
103 Animal Health 206 Manure and Byproduct Utilization
104 Veterinary, Medical and Urban Entomology 207 Integrated Agricultural Systems
105 Animal Well-Being and Stress Control Systems      
106 Aquaculture 301 Plant, Microbial & Insect Genetic Research
107 Human Nutrition 302 Plant Biological and Molecular Processes
108 Food Safety 303 Plant Diseases
304 Crop Protection and Quarantine
201 Water Quality and Management 305 Crop Production
202 Soil Resource Management 306 Quality and Utilization of Agricultural Products
203 Air Quality 307 Bioenergy and Energy Alternatives
204 Global Change 308 Methyl Bromide Alternatives

Please provide further pertinent information on this prospect (such as prior panels served, etc.)

Updated: 8/11/03

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