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Scientific Quality Review
ARS Focus Group on Peer Review
The Focus Group provides advice and counsel to ARS Administrators, OSQR personnel, and ARS scientists to promote the effectiveness and enhance the quality of the ARS project review process.

The 20 most frequently asked questions about the peer review process.

OSQR Staff
Meet the Scientific Quality Review Officer and the rest of the OSQR Team. Includes contact information.

Includes a generic slide show, general tips for scientists, and a flowchart of the process.

Peer Review Manual
The Manual describes the policies and procedures the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) uses to obtain independent and expert scientific peer review of a research project.




Project Plan Information, Format
Formatting instructions for the Project Plan, which is the central document in the process. Contains tips to become successful in the Peer Review Process, techniques used in evaluation of Project Plans by peer reviewers, and websites to help complete the 'Health, Safety, and Other Issues of Concern' statements.

Project Plan Revision
Provides useful information for ARS scientists responding to their project plan's peer review.

Prospectus Format
Formatting instructions for the 5-page Prospectus and the Conflicts-of-Interest list required of ARS scientists.

Recent Activities and News

Reviewer Information
Contains travel and procedural information for peer reviewers, including an action class matrix, the panel discussion process, peer review form.

Schedule of Peer Reviews
Find out when projects in your National Program are scheduled for review.

Suggested Reviewer Form

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