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Prospectus Format

Prospectus Format and Conflicts-Of-Interest Lists
Project Plan Prospectus
The five-page prospectus serves as an expedited communication tool among all levels of ARS, but especially between the scientists and the NP Team, to establish each project's objectives and approaches. The prospectus is also used by OSQR to select peer reviewers. Immediately after receiving approved prospectuses, panel chairs and OSQR begin identifying and retaining peer reviewers. The prospectus contains objectives, need for research, approach & procedures, collaborations, and conflicts of interest.
Format Instructions

Editorial Checklist
Helpful link for Administrative Support Staff in preparing prospectuses and project plans.


Series 100

Series 300

Conflicts of Interest List
8K .PDF File

Requirements for Collaboration Letters
Helpful tips for preparing collaboration letters

Suggested Reviewer Form

MSWord or WordPerfect

1 - Introduction

2 - Formatting Instructions

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