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Project Plan Information, Format

Project Plan Overview
Project plans contain a detailed description of a project's objectives, including HOW, WHEN and BY WHOM the objectives are to be met. The Project Plan must stand on its own, and should convey how the work described relates to other similar projects in the same National Program, and how it may relate to a minority-coded project in the same Management Unit. Be sure to follow the format closely, and be sure to include all required sections. Make the Plan clear and well organized; 15 to 30 pages (depending on the number of scientists assigned to the project) are sufficient if you write concisely and eliminate redundancy. Highlight important points (limited use of bold or italic print can be effective) and repeat in several places (sounds like a contradiction but it is not!). Typos, omissions, etc, suggest a lack of concern. Reviewers often assume that a sloppy project plan reflects a sloppy scientist! Make the plan easy to read, with a consistent 'message' from beginning to end.

The primary responsibility for a high quality Project Plan is shared between the Research Leader and the Scientists.

Project Plan Information, Format and Revision Handbook
This Handbook was created as a helpful tool for scientists preparing their project plans. This document is in Adobe Acrobat's .PDF Format. You can download and get help using the Adobe Acrobat 5.0 Reader to view and print these documents.

Project Plan Instructions and Format

Project Plan Components and Tips

Editorial Checklist
Helpful link for Administrative Support Staff in preparing prospectuses and project plans.

Requirements for Letters of Collaboration
Helpful tips for preparing letters of collaboration.

Peer Review Criteria
Most of the peer review process is dedicated to writing and approving research project plans. Like prospectuses, project plans require approval at the Lab, National Program Staff, and Area Levels of the ARS. Project plans are evaluated by external peers, who are asked to specifically address 3 criteria:

1) Approaches and Procedures;
2) Likelihood of Success; and
3) Merit and Significance.

Peer Review Forms

Action Class Matrix

Scientific and Grant Writing Tips
The sites listed on this page provide helpful information about scientific proposal and report writing. The sites, particularly those for general writing tips, may provide more guidance and ideas to present experiments for scientists writing research project plans.

National Agricultural Library Resources
The files listed on this page include references and databases at the National Agricultural Library (NAL) that will be useful for you in writing your research project plan. The NAL contact information is contained in each file.

CRIS Search
CRIS is the USDA's documentation and reporting system for ongoing and recently completed research projects in agriculture, food and nutrition, and forestry.

To Complete a Patent Search (this link will take you away from the OSQR web site)
CAMBIA offers free and friendly access to agricultural patents from the European Patent Office, applications provided under the Patent Cooperation Treaty, and the U.S. Patent Office. The site also offers some helpful information for novices, such as a tutorial on how to read a patent.

Websites to help complete the "Health, Safety and other issues of Concern Statement" in the Project Plan:

ARS Facilities Division: Safety, Health & Environmental Branch

Location Safety, Health and Environmental Program Management Guide and Continuity Manual

National Environmental Policy Act

NIH's Office of Human Subjects Research

NIH's Office of Biotechnology Activities

Occupational Safety & Health Administration

U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

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