Title : Rock drilling, cooling liquids Type : Antarctic EAM NSF Org: OD / OPP Date : October 23, 1989 File : opp93002 DIVISION OF POLAR PROGRAMS OFFICE OF SAFETY, ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH 202/357-7766 MEMORANDUM Date: October 23, 1989 From: Environmental Officer, DPP Subject: Environmental Concern Diary Note - DPP 88-17406 To: Program Manager, Polar Glaciology Via: Head, Polar Science Section Thank you for discussing your concern about potential environmental impacts that could accrue from the use of cooling liquids during rock drilling. Our discussion of alternatives and mitigation are reflected in the subject diary note. The proposed rock drilling should take place using only ethyl alcohol as the antifreeze agent. I do not sanction use of any other antifreeze agent, at this time. In addition, there must be no rock drilling or use of antifreeze agents at Linneaus Terrace, Wright Valley (Site of Special Scientific Interest No. 19). Entry to this site requires a permit. No such permit has been approved for this award. The Program Manager should attach a copy of this memorandum to the grant jacket for future reference. Please advise the Principal Investigator about these decisions as soon as possible. Sidney Draggan