ORDER NO. 3214

SIGNATURE DATE: March 21, 2000

Subject: Reorganization of the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs

Sec. 1 Purposes. The purposes of this Order are to:

a. Retitle the position of Deputy Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs;

b. Establish the position of Deputy Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget; and

c. Realign certain Bureau of Indian Affairs' policy functions under the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs. The changes will strengthen management and accountability for Indian Affairs matters within the Department of the Interior.

Sec. 2 Authority. This Order is issued in accordance with the authority provided by Section 2 of Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1950 (64 Stat. 1262), as amended.

Sec. 3 Organization Changes. The reorganization of the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs includes the following:

a. The position of Deputy Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs is retitled as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs. The Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs will act for the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs in his/her absence.

(1) The Office of Self Governance and the Office of American Indian Trust, currently in the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs are realigned under the direction of the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs.

(2) The Office of Congressional Affairs, Office of Public Information, and Executive Secretariat, currently in the Bureau of Indian Affairs, are transferred to the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs and are under the direction of the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs.

(3) The Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs is also responsible for completing and transmitting reports required by external organizations; for liaison with the Executive Office of the President, especially the Domestic Policy Council's working group to coordinate and harmonize programs for American Indians and Alaska Natives; and for providing coordination of policy, planning, technical assistance, oversight, and evaluation of alcohol and substance abuse prevention activities in the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs and in the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

b. The new position of Deputy Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget is established.

(1) The Office of Audit and Evaluation, currently in the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs, is realigned under the direction of the Deputy Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget.

(2) The Office for Equal Employment Opportunity, currently in the Bureau of Indian Affairs, is transferred to the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs and is under the direction of the Deputy Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget.

(3) Two new offices are established in the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs under the direction of the Deputy Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget:

(a) The Office of Policy, Planning and Performance is responsible for strategic planning, policy formulation, and program development and evaluation for programs carried out by the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs and by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

(b) The human resources management policy and planning functions are transferred from the Bureau of Indian Affairs to the new Office of Human Resources Policy. This Office also has oversight for the implementation of human resources policy and for the delivery of personnel services in the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

(4) The responsibilities of the Chief Financial Officer and the Chief Information Officer, currently in the Bureau of Indian Affairs, are transferred to the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs, and are under the direction of the Deputy Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget.

c. The Office of Indian Education Programs will continue to be under the direction of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs.

Sec. 4 Implementation.

a. The Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget will be responsible for effecting the transfer of personnel, funds, and property to implement the provisions of this Order.

b. Organizational elements currently in the Bureau of Indian Affairs will not be transferred to this new organization without consultation with the relevant union(s).

c. The Office of Equal Employment Opportunity in the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs will be responsible for ensuring a discrimination-free workplace in accordance with Federal laws and regulations, and for monitoring and evaluating compliance with Indian Preference laws as applicable in hiring, promotions, and transfers in the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs and in the Bureau of Indian Affairs.

Sec. 5 Delegations.

a. The Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs is hereby delegated, through the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs, all authority of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs.

b. The Deputy Assistant Secretary - Policy, Management and Budget is hereby delegated, through the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs, all the authority necessary to carry out the responsibilities assigned to the position.

c. The authorities delegated in Sec. 5 may be redelegated within the Office of the Assistant Secretary - Indian Affairs.

Sec. 6 Effective Date. This Order is effective immediately. It will remain in effect until its provisions are converted to the Departmental Manual, or until it is amended, superseded or revoked, whichever comes first. In the absence of any of the foregoing actions, the provisions of this Order will terminate and be considered obsolete on March 31, 2001.

/s/ Bruce Babbitt

Secretary of the Interior

SO#3214 3/21/00

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