Title : WORKSHOP: Reinventing The Use of Materials; July 2001, Princeton, NJ Type : Award NSF Org : DMI Latest Amendment Date : June 8, 2001 File : a0120438 Award Number: 0120438 Award Instr.: Standard Grant Prgm Manager: Julie Chen DMI DIV OF DESIGN,MANUFAC & INDUSTRIAL INNOV ENG DIRECTORATE FOR ENGINEERING Start Date : June 15, 2001 Expires : May 31, 2003 (Estimated) Expected Total Amt. : $96049 (Estimated) Investigator: Valerie Thomas vmthomas@Princeton.edu (Principal Investigator current) Sponsor : Princeton University Princeton, NJ 08544 609/452-3000 NSF Program : 1467 MATERIALS PROCESSING & MANUFCT Fld Applictn: 0308000 Industrial Technology Program Ref : 9102,9146,MANU, Abstract : The workshop will be convened to address the issues raised in the recent report from the National Research Council, Grand Challenges in the Environmental Sciences, concerning the use of materials. The objective of the workshop is to recommend a research agenda needed to reinvent the use of materials. Topics will include material budgets and cycles, their resource and environmental implications, the next generation of products and materials, optimization of material cycles, and scenarios for the future use of materials. Participants will include research scientists in academia, industry, and relevant agencies. The expected outcomes will include a 5-year plan for the implementation of an initial detailed research program, a strategy for developing the necessary research integration across the disciplines, a program for training individuals in the topical area of materials use, and a strategy for coordinating the program results with those of the other grand challenge initiatives.