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130 228th Street, SW
Bothell, WA 98021
(425) 487-4600

Region X - AK, ID, OR, WA

FEMA Region X states include Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. The Federal Regional Center (FRC) is located in Bothell, Washington, six miles from Seattle's northern city limit. The Region employs 85 full-time employees, and can draw on a cadre of over 300 Disaster Temporary Employees (DTEs) or "reservists" during a Presidential Disaster Declaration.

Active Disasters

There are currently no active disasters in this region.

October 3-9 2004 is Winter Weather Awareness Week in the Pacific Northwest
Administrative Assistant for the Office of the Regional Director Joyce Mills (C) and Regional Mitigation Division Director Carl Cook (R) dish up dessert for regional staff in recognition of Under Secretary Awards recipients. UNDER SECRETARY'S AWARDS CEREMONY
Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Emergency Preparedness and Response and FEMA Director Michael D. Brown recognized extraordinary performance in support of FEMA's Strategic Plan and Values Wednesday, 27 October 2004 at the Wilbur Cohen Building in Washington, D.C.

Caption: Administrative Assistant for the Office of the Regional Director Joyce Mills (C) and Regional Mitigation Division Director Carl Cook (R) dish up dessert for regional staff in recognition of Under Secretary Awards recipients. FEMA News Photo/Mike Howard

(L to R) KPAM-AM Newstalk 860 News Director Bill Gallagher and U.S. Department of Homeland Security Director of Incident Communications Jeffrey Karonis field questions from the audience.  'Although disasters and major incidents attract national attention and often international Interest, they are essentially local in nature,' said Karonis.  'Letting the people know what to do for their own individual safety becomes an instant priority, and circulating information quickly can be a matter of life and death.'

Portland Hosts Homeland Security Media Workshop
Over one hundred media gatekeepers and government Public Information Officers from across the Pacific Northwest met in the historic Governor Hotel in downtown Portland Thursday, 14 October to discuss information issues and priorities during times of crisis. Sponsored by the Radio and Television News Directors Foundation, in association with the National Academies and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, News and Terrorism: Communicating in a Crisis presented a realistic "table top exercise" built around a notional terrorist strike in the heart of Portland, Oregon - followed by an afternoon of questions and answers on related themes. The workshop is the third in a series of ten scheduled throughout the country over the next 12 months.

(L to R) KPAM-AM Newstalk 860 News Director Bill Gallagher and U.S. Department of Homeland Security Director of Incident Communications Jeffrey Karonis field questions from the audience. "Although disasters and major incidents attract national attention and often international Interest, they are essentially local in nature," said Karonis. "Letting the people know what to do for their own individual safety becomes an instant priority, and circulating information quickly can be a matter of life and death."

(L to R) NGA Vice Chairman Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and NGA Chairman Idaho Gov. Dirk Kempthorne field queries from the press prior to breaking for a special WMD tabletop exercise. 'How do the state government, local governments and federal government interact?  That is why we are here,' said Ridge.  'At the end of the day, the homeland is secure when the home towns are secure.'

Secretary Tom Ridge in Seattle for National Governors Association Conference
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge led over 30 governors through a special tabletop exercise with a scenario of simulated bioterror attacks during the National Governors Association (NGA) conference in Seattle, Monday, 19 July 2004.

(L to R) NGA Vice Chairman Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and NGA Chairman Idaho Gov. Dirk Kempthorne field queries from the press prior to breaking for a special WMD tabletop exercise. "How do the state government, local governments and federal government interact? That is why we are here," said Ridge. "At the end of the day, the homeland is secure when the home towns are secure."

(L to R)  FEMA Regional Director John Pennington, Governor Gary Locke, WA Military Department Director MG Timothy Lowenberg and WA Department of Natural Resources Resource Protection Division Manager Mark Kahley.

FEMA Approves Enhanced Plan for Washington State
Wednesday, July 7, 2004, FEMA Regional Director John Pennington joined Washington Governor Gary Locke to announce the approval of Washington State's enhanced hazard mitigation plan in front of the Capitol steps in Olympia, WA. "The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA2K) requires state and tribal governments to plan for potential hazards, with the specific intent of defining actions that will save lives and protect property," said Pennington. "Washington State was not only able to complete this task before the November 1, 2004 deadline, but completed it at an enhanced level, four months early."

(L to R) FEMA Regional Director John Pennington, Governor Gary Locke, WA Military Department Director MG Timothy Lowenberg and WA Department of Natural Resources Resource Protection Division Manager Mark Kahley.

Valley View Middle School Principal Nancy Rhoades passes out SERT certificates during the 17 June 2004 Awards Assembly.  Photo by Snohomish County OEM CERT Manager Christine Colmore

Valley View Middleschool Certifies SERT Success
FEMA offiicials were on hand Thursday, 17 June at the Valley View Middle School end-of-year Awards Assembly in Snohomish, WA to present Student Emergency Response Team certificates, patches and pins to 70 eighth graders. Over the last three years, Valley View Middle School has trained over 150 students on a Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) curriculum which includes First Aid, CPR, emergency fire fighting and cribbing skills (removing heavy objects from victims and exits). "CERT training is designed to provide a cadre of responsible and capable citizens that can make a difference during those crucial first hours when traditional first responders may be overwhelmed," said FEMA Deputy Regional Director Tammy Doherty. "Congratulations to Principal Nancy Rhoades and certainly SERT instructor Tom Ryan, for their continued support of this worthwhile initiative, and my especial congratulations to these mature eighth grade SERT graduates!"

Valley View Middle School Principal Nancy Rhoades passes out SERT certificates during the 17 June 2004 Awards Assembly. Photo by Snohomish County's Eleanor Zitek.

(L to R) FEMA Regional Director John Pennington, FEMA Deputy Regional Director Tammy Doherty, Brianna Sanders, Captain Philip M. Sanders, and FEMA Regional National Preparedness Division Director Dennis Hunsinger. FEMA News Photo Mike Howard

DHS Partners Recognize 30 Years Service
Department of Homeland Security officials from throughout the region gathered at the Jackson Federal Building in Seattle June 14, for U.S. Coast Guard District 13 Chief of Staff, Captain Philip M. Sander's retirement, after 30 years of service. As Chief of Staff, CAPT. Sanders played a pivotal role in his district's participation in the landmark WMD exercise "TOPOFF 2," and was instrumental in ensuring his District's smooth transition under the Department of Homeland Security.

(L to R) FEMA Regional Director John Pennington, FEMA Deputy Regional Director Tammy Doherty, Brianna Sanders, Captain Philip M. Sanders, and FEMA Regional National Preparedness Division Director Dennis Hunsinger. FEMA News Photo Mike Howard

Lummi Nation Vice Chairman Willie Jones receives the country's first Standard State Plan compliance certificate from FEMA Regional Director John Pennington. FEMA News Photo/Mike Howard

Lummi Nation First In Nation With Hazard Mitigation
FEMA Regional Director John Pennington met with Lummi Nation Vice-Chairman Willie Jones on Monday, 7 June 2004 at the Lummi Indian Reservation Tribal Center to recognize the Lummi Nation as the first government entity in the nation to fully comply with the provisions of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA2K), and achieve full federal approval for its Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan under the Standard State Plan category.

Lummi Nation Vice Chairman Willie Jones receives the country's first Standard State Plan compliance certificate from FEMA Regional Director John Pennington. FEMA News Photo/Mike Howard

(L to R) Carl Cook, FEMA Region X Regional Division Director, Vicki Harguth, program director for Clackamas County Emergency Management, Clackamas County Commissioners Larry Sowa, Martha Schrader and Bill Kennemer, Steve Hanschka, Clackamas County planner, Ken Murphy, director of Oregon Emergency Management and Cindy Kolomechuk, Clackamas County Emergency Management Coordinator.

Clackamas County was officially admitted into the National Flood Insurance Program's Community Rating System (CRS) at a Board of County Commissioners meeting April 29, becoming the highest rated jurisdiction in Oregon as a Class 5. Only 23 other jurisdictions in the nation have achieved this rating and homeowners will reap the benefits.

(L to R) Carl Cook, FEMA Region X Regional Division Director, Vicki Harguth, program director for Clackamas County Emergency Management, Clackamas County Commissioners Larry Sowa, Martha Schrader and Bill Kennemer, Steve Hanschka, Clackamas County planner, Ken Murphy, director of Oregon Emergency Management and Cindy Kolomechuk, Clackamas County Emergency Management Coordinator.

Consider This...
Just because you don't live in California doesn't mean you are free from the effects of Earthquakes. Check out this short video clip to see some evidence on the Northwest's susceptibility to quakes.
Photo of a man pointing to damage caused by an earthquake. Earthquakes In The Northwest Video Clip

bulletAnchorage Earns CRS 7 Rating, Oct 22
bulletFirst Snows Hit Passes - Are First Floods Far Behind?, Oct 19
bulletReduced Rates For Pacific NW Communities, Oct 18
bulletNational Flood Insurance Seminar, Aug 27
 More News Stories


All News From Seattle Earthquake Disaster

bullet FEMA Region X Senior Leaders Homeland Security Summit
bullet MS Word Icon Tribal Emergency Management Workshop Brochure -- 2.3 MB
bullet MS Word Icon Tribal Emergency Management Workshop Registration Form -- 379 MB
bullet FEMA Region X Office of National Preparedness Conference, Meeting, Training, & Exercise Calendar
bullet Adobe PDF Icon Mold & Mildew -- 136 KB [ Download Adobe Acrobat Reader ]
bullet CSEPP
bullet Earthquake
bullet Conferences
bullet Tribal Policy
bullet FEMA for Kids

Last Updated: Wednesday, 27-Oct-2004 17:49:44 EDT
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