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Administrative Assistant for the Office of the Regional Director Joyce Mills (C) and Regional Mitigation Division Director Carl Cook (R) dish up dessert for regional staff in recognition of Under Secretary Awards recipients.

Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Emergency Preparedness and Response and FEMA Director Michael D. Brown recognized extraordinary performance in support of FEMA's Strategic Plan and Values Wednesday, 27 October 2004 at the Wilbur Cohen Building in Washington, D.C.

Caption: Administrative Assistant for the Office of the Regional Director Joyce Mills (C) and Regional Mitigation Division Director Carl Cook (R) dish up dessert for regional staff in recognition of Under Secretary Awards recipients. FEMA News Photo/Mike Howard

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(L to R) KPAM-AM Newstalk 860 News Director Bill Gallagher and U.S. Department of Homeland Security Director of Incident Communications Jeffrey Karonis field questions from the audience.  'Although disasters and major incidents attract national attention and often international Interest, they are essentially local in nature,' said Karonis.  'Letting the people know what to do for their own individual safety becomes an instant priority, and circulating information quickly can be a matter of life and death.'

Portland Hosts Homeland Security Media Workshop
Over one hundred media gatekeepers and government Public Information Officers from across the Pacific Northwest met in the historic Governor Hotel in downtown Portland Thursday, 14 October to discuss information issues and priorities during times of crisis. Sponsored by the Radio and Television News Directors Foundation, in association with the National Academies and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, News and Terrorism: Communicating in a Crisis presented a realistic "table top exercise" built around a notional terrorist strike in the heart of Portland, Oregon - followed by an afternoon of questions and answers on related themes. The workshop is the third in a series of ten scheduled throughout the country over the next 12 months.

(L to R) KPAM-AM Newstalk 860 News Director Bill Gallagher and U.S. Department of Homeland Security Director of Incident Communications Jeffrey Karonis field questions from the audience. "Although disasters and major incidents attract national attention and often international Interest, they are essentially local in nature," said Karonis. "Letting the people know what to do for their own individual safety becomes an instant priority, and circulating information quickly can be a matter of life and death."

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(L to R) NGA Vice Chairman Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and NGA Chairman Idaho Gov. Dirk Kempthorne field queries from the press prior to breaking for a special WMD tabletop exercise. 'How do the state government, local governments and federal government interact?  That is why we are here,' said Ridge.  'At the end of the day, the homeland is secure when the home towns are secure.'

Secretary Tom Ridge in Seattle for National Governors Association Conference
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge led over 30 governors through a special tabletop exercise with a scenario of simulated bioterror attacks during the National Governors Association (NGA) conference in Seattle, Monday, 19 July 2004.

(L to R) NGA Vice Chairman Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge and NGA Chairman Idaho Gov. Dirk Kempthorne field queries from the press prior to breaking for a special WMD tabletop exercise. "How do the state government, local governments and federal government interact? That is why we are here," said Ridge. "At the end of the day, the homeland is secure when the home towns are secure."

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(L to R)  FEMA Regional Director John Pennington, Governor Gary Locke, WA Military Department Director MG Timothy Lowenberg and WA Department of Natural Resources Resource Protection Division Manager Mark Kahley.

FEMA Approves Enhanced Plan for Washington State
Wednesday, July 7, 2004, FEMA Regional Director John Pennington joined Washington Governor Gary Locke to announce the approval of Washington State's enhanced hazard mitigation plan in front of the Capitol steps in Olympia, WA. "The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA2K) requires state and tribal governments to plan for potential hazards, with the specific intent of defining actions that will save lives and protect property," said Pennington. "Washington State was not only able to complete this task before the November 1, 2004 deadline, but completed it at an enhanced level, four months early."

(L to R) FEMA Regional Director John Pennington, Governor Gary Locke, WA Military Department Director MG Timothy Lowenberg and WA Department of Natural Resources Resource Protection Division Manager Mark Kahley.

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Lummi Nation Vice Chairman Willie Jones receives the country's first Standard State Plan compliance certificate from FEMA Regional Director John Pennington. FEMA News Photo/Mike Howard

Lummi Nation First In Nation With Hazard Mitigation
FEMA Regional Director John Pennington met with Lummi Nation Vice-Chairman Willie Jones on Monday, 7 June 2004 at the Lummi Indian Reservation Tribal Center to recognize the Lummi Nation as the first government entity in the nation to fully comply with the provisions of the Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA2K), and achieve full federal approval for its Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan under the Standard State Plan category.

Lummi Nation Vice Chairman Willie Jones receives the country's first Standard State Plan compliance certificate from FEMA Regional Director John Pennington. FEMA News Photo/Mike Howard

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(Roosevelt High School senior Ivy Ho accepts scholarship plaque from FEMA Region 10 Mitigation Branch Chief Mark Carey. 'FEMA supports the brightest minds this nation has to offer to study the technical sciences,' said Carey.  'We encourage all of this year's attendees to consider rewarding and fulfilling careers in public service.'

FEMA-ACE Mentor Program Grants Scholarships
ACE Mentoring - Seattle, a affiliate of Washington, D.C.-based ACE Mentoring Program of America, culminated this year's activities by awarding $21,000 in scholarships to six talented high school seniors at their 4 June 2004 Scholarship Breakfast at the Seattle Center in downtown Seattle. Ivy Ho, a senior from Roosevelt High School, received a $5,000 award made possible by a donation from both FEMA and ACE Seattle. ACE, a program that promotes careers in architecture, construction, and engineering at the high school level, matches eager-to-learn students with industry professionals who volunteer their time as mentors.

Roosevelt High School senior Ivy Ho accepts scholarship plaque from FEMA Region 10 Mitigation Branch Chief Mark Carey. "FEMA supports the brightest minds this nation has to offer to study the technical sciences," said Carey. "We encourage all of this year's attendees to consider rewarding and fulfilling careers in public service."

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(L to R) FEMA Industry Relations Chief Ed Connor, FEMA Region 10 Mitigation Division Director Cark Cook and FEMA Risk Identification Branch Chief Michael F. Howard discuss flood hazard mapping and map modernization (Map-Mod) between breakout sessions at the National Flood Conference in Seattle.

Seattle Hosts National Flood Conference
Emergency managers, insurance agents, lenders, real estate professionals and claims adjusters from around the nation will converge in Seattle May 2-5, 2004, to attend this year's National Flood Conference. The four-day conference is being sponsored by the U. S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and is being held at the Westin Hotel, 1900 Fifth Avenue. It will offer 35 workshops on topics ranging from claims, floodplain management and floodplain mapping to lending, marketing and underwriting topics. [ Full Story ]

(L to R) FEMA Industry Relations Chief Ed Connor, FEMA Region 10 Mitigation Division Director Cark Cook and FEMA Risk Identification Branch Chief Michael F. Howard discuss flood hazard mapping and map modernization (Map-Mod) between breakout sessions at the National Flood Conference in Seattle. "'Perking up the program -Map Mod,' is the initiative name for a national scale revision program for flood maps," said Howard. "By producing thousands of new, updated, digitized maps, the National Flood Insurance Program will be raising the awareness of flood hazards for millions of property owners."

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(L to R) Charles McCreery, Scientist in Charge, NOAA/NWS Pacific Tsunami Warning Center; Jeff LaDouce, Director, NOAA/NWS Pacific Region; John Pennington, FEMA Region X Director; Paul Whitmore, Scientist in Charge, NOAA/NWS West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center; Laura Furgione, Acting Director, NWS Alaska Region; Brigadier General David L. Johnson, USAF (ret.), Director, NOAA/National Weather Service; Brigadier General William J. Sharrow (USA Ret.), Special Assistant, Congressman Don Young, U.S. House of Representatives and Jim Eagan, representing Senator Stevens.

NOAA Dedicates Tsunami Center Building In Alaska
Officials from NOAA's National Weather Service joined with community leaders and state and federal officials to dedicate the new West Coast and Alaska Warning Center building in Palmer, Alaska on May 20, 2004. The new facility is the first Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design-certified building in the state of Alaska and received the 2004 White House Closing the Circle Award Honorable Mention for Sustainable Design/Green Building. Its area of responsibility includes all Pacific-wide tsunamigenic sources that could affect California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska coasts.

(L to R) Charles McCreery, Scientist in Charge, NOAA/NWS Pacific Tsunami Warning Center; Jeff LaDouce, Director, NOAA/NWS Pacific Region; John Pennington, FEMA Region X Director; Paul Whitmore, Scientist in Charge, NOAA/NWS West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center; Laura Furgione, Acting Director, NWS Alaska Region; Brigadier General David L. Johnson, USAF (ret.), Director, NOAA/National Weather Service; Brigadier General William J. Sharrow (USA Ret.), Special Assistant, Congressman Don Young, U.S. House of Representatives and Jim Eagan, representing Senator Stevens."

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(Roosevelt High School senior Ivy Ho accepts scholarship plaque from FEMA Region 10 Mitigation Branch Chief Mark Carey. 'FEMA supports the brightest minds this nation has to offer to study the technical sciences,' said Carey.  'We encourage all of this year's attendees to consider rewarding and fulfilling careers in public service.'

FEMA-ACE Mentor Program Grants Scholarships
ACE Mentoring - Seattle, a affiliate of Washington, D.C.-based ACE Mentoring Program of America, culminated this year's activities by awarding $21,000 in scholarships to six talented high school seniors at their 4 June 2004 Scholarship Breakfast at the Seattle Center in downtown Seattle. Ivy Ho, a senior from Roosevelt High School, received a $5,000 award made possible by a donation from both FEMA and ACE Seattle. ACE, a program that promotes careers in architecture, construction, and engineering at the high school level, matches eager-to-learn students with industry professionals who volunteer their time as mentors.

Roosevelt High School senior Ivy Ho accepts scholarship plaque from FEMA Region 10 Mitigation Branch Chief Mark Carey. "FEMA supports the brightest minds this nation has to offer to study the technical sciences," said Carey. "We encourage all of this year's attendees to consider rewarding and fulfilling careers in public service."

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(L to R) U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, Council on Excellence in Government CEO Patricia McGinnis and Seattle Deputy Fire Chief A.D. Vickery field questions from moderator Frank Sesno from Seattle University's Campion Ballroom.

The Council for Excellence in Government, a nonpartisan nonprofit group based in Washington, D.C., hosted the last in a series of seven Homeland Security Town Hall Meetings Tuesday, 6 April 2004 at Seattle University in Seattle, Washington. The town hall meetings are designed to engage and connect citizens, businesses, and government in dialogues on how to best anticipate events and deliver faultless protection and response to the American people. Based on input gathered from town halls, expert working groups and a national poll, the council will publish a set of major homeland security recommendations for action by key government players at the local, state and national levels, as well as business and civic leaders, and citizens.

(L to R) U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, Council on Excellence in Government CEO Patricia McGinnis and Seattle Deputy Fire Chief A.D. Vickery field questions from moderator Frank Sesno from Seattle University's Campion Ballroom.

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Secretary Tom Ridge discusses communication interoperability with Portland Chief of Police Derrick Foxworth in a meeting with first responders after the Terminal 6  presentation (L to R: Secretary Ridge, Executive Director of the Oregon Fire Chief's Association Jeff Griffin, Chief Foxworth and Boring Fire District Fire Chief Dan O'Neil.

Secretary Ridge Visits Port Of Portland
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge addressed innovations in port security during his 5 April 2004 stop at the Port of Portland's Terminal 6 in Portland, Oregon. "I am pleased to report that just one year after President Bush and Congress created the Department of Homeland Security, we have made significant strides in evaluating and securing these areas of greatest vulnerability," said Ridge. "In short, we are safer today than ever before." Secretary Ridge also announced a $2.8 million Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant to the Oregon University System and the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Services to reinforce buildings on the campuses of Portland State and Oregon Institute of Technology to mitigate the worst effects of future earthquakes.

Secretary Tom Ridge discusses communication interoperability with Portland Chief of Police Derrick Foxworth in a meeting with first responders after the Terminal 6 presentation (L to R: Secretary Ridge, Executive Director of the Oregon Fire Chief's Association Jeff Griffin, Chief Foxworth and Boring Fire District Fire Chief Dan O'Neil.

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Regional Mitigation Division Director Carl Cook (L) presents City of Myrtle Creek's CRS 8 Award to City Planner Les Wilson.

City of Myrtle Creek Earns CRS 8 Rating
Residents of City of Myrtle Creek, Oregon will now enjoy reduced flood insurance premiums thanks to their town's active participation in the National Flood Insurance Program's (NFIP) Community Rating System (CRS). According to FEMA Regional Director John Pennington, they'll not only pay less in insurance premiums, but enjoy reduced exposure to flood damage. "The CRS rewards communities for implementing programs and policies which protect their citizen's from flooding," said Pennington. "Myrtle Creek's new regulatory standards, public education programs and open space preservation initiatives have earned a CRS Class 8 Rating."

Regional Mitigation Division Director Carl Cook (L) presents City of Myrtle Creek's CRS 8 Award to City Planner Les Wilson.

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EPA crew in full protective gear evaluate hazards in simulated WMD exercise.

Plan For The Worst, Train For The Worst, Hope For The Best
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) hosted an all-day joint table top exercise with full field simulations Thursday, 8 April 2004 at Magnussen Park in Seattle. The scenario began with investigations of a suspected drug manufacturing lab and rapidly accelerated as initial field tests indicated the pressence of suspected chemical warfare "precursors." The joint exercise provided realistic training for EPA field and command crews, FEMA response cells, FBI liaison and local police and fire departments.

EPA crew in full protective gear evaluate hazards in simulated WMD exercise. FEMA Photo/Mike Howard

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FEMA Regional Director John Pennington outlines 12 months of progress under the new department (L to R RADM Jeffrey Garret, Commander, 13th U.S. Coast Guard District, John Pennington, FEMA Regional Director and Robert Okin, District Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services).

Department of Homeland Security Celebrates First Year
Officials from ten regional U.S. Department of Homeland Security agencies met on 1 March 2004 in Seattle with Pacific Northwest print and broadcast reporters to celebrate their first 12 months under the Department of Homeland Security. On 1 March 2003, the new department assumed operational control of 22 agencies with 180,000 employees, with a single vision: securing our homeland.

FEMA Regional Director John Pennington outlines 12 months of progress under the new department (L to R RADM Jeffrey Garret, Commander, 13th U.S. Coast Guard District, John Pennington, FEMA Regional Director and Robert Okin, District Director, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services).

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(L to R) FEMA Federal Coordinating Officer Bill Lokey; State Coordinating Officer Abby Kershaw; State Disaster Specialist Joseph Murray; State Mitigation Officer Julie Slevin; and FEMA Public Assistance Officer Dennis Burton.

Seizing the Initiative in Seattle
On 26 February 2004, emergency managers from Seattle, Washington state, FEMA and representatives from State Farm Insurance celebrated the city of Seattle's Earthquake Home Retrofit Program's third year in facilitating low income retrofit grants. FEMA Regional Mitigation Division Director Carl Cook described the Seattle initiative as "an aggressive example of how to plan, secure resources and execute hazard mitigation projects that will minimize disaster impacts on its citizens."

(L to R) FEMA Regional Mitigation Division Director Carl Cook and Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels discuss public/private mitigation strategies.

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(L to R) FEMA Federal Coordinating Officer Bill Lokey; State Coordinating Officer Abby Kershaw; State Disaster Specialist Joseph Murray; State Mitigation Officer Julie Slevin; and FEMA Public Assistance Officer Dennis Burton.

Oregon Winter Storm Recovery
SALEM, OR On Thursday, 25 February 2004, in the state capitol, federal and state officials explained cost eligibility, outlined the application process and explained how financial payments are made, in the first of a series of applicant briefings designed to help public agencies apply for federal disaster assistance.

(L to R) FEMA Federal Coordinating Officer Bill Lokey; State Coordinating Officer Abby Kershaw; State Disaster Specialist Joseph Murray; State Mitigation Officer Julie Slevin; and FEMA Public Assistance Officer Dennis Burton.

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L to R Chena-Goldstream Fire Chief Eric Mohrmann, U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski and FEMA Regional Director John Pennington.

Check Presentations Total $908,319 to AK Fire Stations
U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski joined Department of Homeland Security's FEMA Regional Director John Pennington in presenting checks totaling $908,319 in Assistance to Firefighter Grant (AFG) funds. Recipients included: the Rural Delta Volunteer Fire Department ( $185,899), Chena-Goldstream Fire & Rescue ( $161,100), North Pole Fire Department ( $1 53,328), Fairbanks Fire Department ( $323,062), McKinley Village Fire Station ( $55,650) and Ester Volunteer Fire Department ( $29,380). Presentations took place at the Fairbanks Fire Department in Fairbanks, Alaska on 17 December 2003.

L to R Chena-Goldstream Fire Chief Eric Mohrmann, U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski and FEMA Regional Director John Pennington. 

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Clark County district officals receiving fire grants.

Clark County Districts Receive Fire Grants

Region X Regional Director John Pennington and Washington Congressman Brian Baird present Clark County Fire District No. 10 with a check for $137,376 and Clark County Fire District 12 a check for $169,488. Both checks were for firefighter safety equipment. Pictured from left to right is Clark County Fire District 10 Fire Chief Sam Arola, District 10 Commissioner Rick Johnson, Congressman Brian Baird, FEMA Region X Director John Pennington, Clark County Fire District 12 Commissioner William Hargett, District 12 Public Information Officer and grant writer Henry Von Dem Fange and District 12 Fire Chief Larry Bartel.

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Photo of FEMA Regional Director John Pennington and Spokane Fire District 9 Chief Bob Anderson.

Spokane Fire Districts Receive Fire Grants
U.S. Department of Homeland Security's FEMA Regional Director John Pennington presented fire grant checks totaling $591,298 to three Washington State Fire Districts last week to enhance fire operations and firefighter safety: Spokane County Fire District #9 ($380,457), Spokane County Fire District #10 ($68,447) and Medical Lake Fire Department ($142,394).

L to R FEMA Regional Director John Pennington and Spokane Fire District 9 Chief Bob Anderson, at the Tuesday, November 25 check presentation ceremonies in Spokane.

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Photo of Director Pennington and Washington Governor Gary Locke.

Federal-State Agreement Signed to Initiate Washington Disaster Assistance

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency Regional Director, John Pennington and Washington Governor Gary Locke today signed an agreement that paves the way for federal disaster assistance for damage caused by severe storms and flooding in October 15-23. President Bush issued a disaster declaration for 15 Washington counties on November 7. The counties now receiving individual federal assistance are: Chelan, Clallam, Grays Harbor, Island, Jefferson, King, Kitsap, Mason, Okanogan, Pierce, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston and Whatcom counties.

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Photo of Director Pennington and Harold Kieling.

FEMA Announces New Response & Recovery Division Director

U.S. Department of Homeland Security FEMA Regional Director John Pennington today named Harry Kieling to head the FEMA Region 10 Response and Recovery Division. According to Pennington, the appointment brings closure to months of applications and interviews.

"Harry has extensive and impressive experience developing citizen preparedness programs, risk communications and disaster response systems, and embodies the precise mix of experience and leadership I've been searching for to lead our R&R division," said Pennington. "His broad knowledge and experience in management and operations will help FEMA Region 10 better meet its needs into the future as we continue integration into the Department of Homeland Security."

DHS-FEMA Regional Director John Pennington swears Harry Kieling in as Response and Recovery Division Director for FEMA R10 (a geographic jurisdiction including Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington). FEMA News Photo Mike Howard.

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Photo of FEMA and Washington State personel holding a check.

Clallam County To Coordinate $6 Million DHS Grant
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency Regional Director, John Pennington, will present Clallam County with a check for $5,765,100 to fund Phase I of the Olympic Peninsula Safety Communications Alliance Network (OPS-CAN) Project on Thursday, 9 October at 2:00 p.m. at the Clallam County Courthouse (223 East 4th Street) in Port Angeles. According to Pennington, the Interoperability Communications Grant program is run by FEMA and the Department of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) for demonstration projects that explore equipment and technologies to increase interoperability between emergency responders.

Port Angeles, WA (9 October 2003) FEMA Regional Director John Pennington (c) displays check graphic representing almost $6 million in federal dollars for the Clallam County Olympic Peninsula Safety Communications Alliance Network (OPS-CAN) project. (L to R: Washington State Patrol Officer Bob Schwent, Clallam County Commissioner Steve Tharinger, FEMA Regional Director John Pennington, Washington State Emergency Management Division's Don Miller and Clallam County Sheriff Joe Martin). Photo by Clallam County Sheriff's Office Administrative Specialist Sue Sanderson.

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L to R FEMA Regional Director John Pennington, 4th District Field Representative Afton Swift and Congressman Doc Hastings

Congressman Doc Hastings Visits FEMA Region X
U.S. Representative Doc Hastings (4th Congressional District, Washington) visited FEMA Region 10's Federal Regional Center Monday, 29 September for informal briefings on preparedness, all-hazards mitigation and local first-responder initiatives. On March 1, 2003, FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. FEMA's continuing mission within the new department is to lead the effort to prepare the nation for all hazards and effectively manage federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates proactive mitigation activities, trains first responders, and manages Citizen Corps, the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration. FEMA News Photo/Mike Howard

(L to R FEMA Regional Director John Pennington, 4th District Field Representative Afton Swift and Congressman Doc Hastings).

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Photo of Michael Brown at the NEMA Conference.

Seattle Hosts NEMA Annual Conference
Hundreds of emergency management professionals from across the nation are meeting in Seattle to attend the 6-9 September 2003 for the National Emergency Management Association's (NEMA) annual conference. Panel discussions, subject matter experts, vender displays and exhibit showcase the present and immediate future of homeland security and emergency management.

Michael D. Brown, Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Emergency Preparedness and Response fields questions from an assembly of over three hundred emergency managers from across the country and representing virtually every state and territory. FEMA News Photo Mike Howard

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Photo of Tom Ridge.

Science & Technology In Seattle
Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge visited Seattle Thursday, July 24 with a busy schedule incorporating briefings on last May's Top Off 2 terrorism exercise, a "Town Hall" meeting with local DHS employees, and a tour of Boeing Field in Seattle. Secretary Ridge briefed Boeing employees on the importance of using science and technology to protect our homeland. "The American people and the American Homeland are more secure today than ever before," said Ridge. "But, we're not there yet."

Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge addresses Boeing Company employees and Pacific Northwest media on the importance of science and technology in protecting our homeland.

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Photo of FEMA and Fire Department Employees holding checks.

FEMA Awards Washington State Fire Agencies $575,688
Department of Homeland Security FEMA Regional Director John Pennington presented fire grant checks to five Washington State fire districts for upgrading self-contained breathing apparatus to current standards. The presentation ceremony took place at Vancouver Fire Department at their 7110 NE 63rd St. Headquarters in Vancouver, Washington, Wednesday, July 23, 2003.

Grant Recipients include:

  • City of Vancouver Fire Department ($377,510).
  • Cowlitz County Fire Protection District #5 ($20,021).
  • Clark County Fire District #3 ($118,125).
  • Clark County Fire District #13 ($17,169).
  • City of Stevenson Volunteer Fire Department ($42,863).

Left to Right: Clark Co. FD #3 Fire Chief Steve Wrighton, Cowlitz Co. FPD #5 Deputy Fire Chief Vic Leatzow, City of Stevenson Caption Trever, Clark Co. #13 Erv Beard, Vancouver FD Fire Chief Don Bivins. FEMA News Photo Marvin

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Photo of Regional Director Pennington presenting Yakima County Fire District with a grant.

Department of Homeland Security FEMA Regional Director John Pennington presented Yakima County Fire District #5 with a $622,350 grant to enhance fire operations and firefighter safety, Wednesday, July 16, 2003, in Zillah, Washington. FEMA News Photo by Marvin Nauman.

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(L to R) John Pennington, David Miller, Tom Ainsworth, Hugh Beven and David Liebersbach, following Tuesday's recognition ceremonies.

(L to R) FEMA Regional Director John Pennington, Fire Chief David Miller, National Weather Service Meteorologist in Charge Tom Ainsworth, City Administrator Hugh Beven and ADES Director David Liebersbach, following Tuesday's recognition ceremonies. FEMA Photo by Chris Jonientz-Trisler

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Photo of traditional Alaska Native art form of blanket weaving.

Teri Rofgar captures the March 27, 1964 Alaska earthquake and tsunami in the traditional Alaska Native art form of blanket weaving, during a weaving demonstration at the Sitka Historical National Park. FEMA Photo Chris Jonientz-Trisler

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Doug Hutchinson (L) and Klickitat County Fire District #14 volunteers on hand during the June 30, 2003 presentation of a $14,000 Department of Homeland Security Assistance to Firefighters grant for the purchase of personal protective equipment.

Fire Chief Doug Hutchinson (L) and Klickitat County Fire District #14 volunteers on hand during the June 30, 2003 presentation of a $14,000 Department of Homeland Security Assistance to Firefighters grant for the purchase of personal protective equipment, structural fire fighting gear and Wildfire protective equipment. The fire engine was purchased in with funds from a 2001 grant of $207,000.

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Photo of OCIPEP Regional Director Paul Crober.

Over one hundred emergency managers and planners from across Canada and the United States met in Vancouver B.C. 25-27 June 2003 to participate in the "Northern Response IV" cross-border terrorism exercise. Co-sponsored by Transport Canada and the U.S. Department of Transportation, the three-day exercise concentrated on cross-border challenges from terrorism and potential impacts on transportation infrastructure.

Canadian Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection and Emergency Preparedness (OCIPEP) Regional Director Paul Crober championed bilateral networking and relationship building in enhancing cross-border coordination.

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L to R Deputy Fire Chief Eric Andrews, FEMA Regional Director John Pennington and Fire Chief Rick Eastman.

FEMA Awards Snohomish Fire District $209,000
Federal Emergency Management Agency Regional Director John Pennington will present Snohomish County Fire District #7 with a $208,944 grant to help support local firefighters Thursday, June 12, 2003, 8:30 a.m. at their 8010 180th Street S.E. Headquarters in Snohomish, Washington.

The FEMA Assistance to Fire Fighters Grant Program is designed to increase the effectiveness of fire fighting operations, firefighter health and safety programs, new fire apparatus, EMS programs, and Fire Prevention and Safety Programs.

L to R Deputy Fire Chief Eric Andrews, FEMA Regional Director John Pennington and Fire Chief Rick Eastman.

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Photo of Region X Director John Pennington and Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge.

Homeland Security Helps Train Citizens For Emergencies With $19 Million For Community Emergency Response Teams
Michael D. Brown, Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Emergency Preparedness and Response, announced today the availability of $19 million in grant money to train citizens to be better prepared to respond to emergency situations in their communities through local Community Emergency Response Teams (CERT).

FEMA Regional Director John Pennington and Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge at the May 20, 2003 Regional Presidential Appointee Conference in Washington, D.C. Topics discussed included regional CERT initiatives, Citizen Corps and the recently completed "Top Off 2" Weapons of Mass Destruction terrorism exercise.

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Last Updated: Wednesday, 27-Oct-2004 17:51:06 EDT
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