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accident Prec 99-90; Op. G.C. 2-78
active duty Prec 8-2001; Prec 6-95; Prec 18-94; Prec 14-94; Prec 13-94 (Void); Prec 17-92; Op. G.C. 17-79
apprenticeship OP. G.C. 9-77
bonus OP. G.C. 8-58
causation Prec 5-2001
child Adv 7-90; Op. G.C. 14-79; AD 985; AD 410; Op. Sol 285-51; Op. G.C. 1-84
claimant Concl 1-2001
common rule Adv 16-2002
concurrent jurisdict 40-48
concurrently Op. G.C. 24-79
constructive receipt Adv 6-2002
continuous Op. G.C. 43-58; Op. G.C. 24-62
course(s) Op. G.C. 11-79
creative organ Prec 2-2000
CUE Clear and Unmistakable Error
cut-off date Op. So;. 110-53
death Op. G.C. 9-73
definite Prec 9-93
duty to assist Prec 12-2001
duty to develop Prec 12-2001
eligibility period Prec 9-2001
eligible Concl 2-98
enemies Op. G.C. 16-54
engaged in combat Prec 12-99
fair use Adv 28-93; Op. G.C. 9-79
geographic means Adv 3-2002
granted assistance Prec 4-95
health care facility Adv 27-1997
honorable discharge Prec 10-92
hospital Op. G.C. 15-79
hospitalization Prec 7-1997
informed consent Adv 9-2003
inherently governmen Adv 4-2001
injury (vaccination) Prec 4-2002; Op. G.C. 6-86
insanity Prec 20-97
institution Prec 3-98
loss Op. G.C. 8-74
marker Adv 15-2002
medical services Op. G.C. 22-75
OGC Office of the General Counsel
Payee Prec 7-2001
PREC Precedent Opinion
VAOPGCPREC V.A. Office of General Counsel Precedent Opinion
VHA Veterans Health Administration

Page Last Reviewed or Updated: February 5, 2003