Department of the Interior

Departmental Manual




Effective Date: 4/2/04

Series:    Safety Management

Part 485:  Safety and Occupational Health Program

Chapter 20:  Personal Protective Equipment


Originating Office:  Office of Managing Risk and Public Safety



485 DM 20


20.1   Purpose.  The policy in this chapter specifies the minimum Safety and Occupational Health Program (Program) requirements for the selection, issuance, use, maintenance, and storage of personal protective equipment (PPE).


20.2   Authorities.


A.      29 CFR 1910, Subpart I.


B.      29 CFR 1926, Subpart E.


20.3   Requirements.


A.      Each bureau and office will establish a written PPE program that includes, at a minimum, provisions covering the following:


(1)     Assessment of hazards, selection of the necessary PPE to protect employees, and requirements for employee use of the equipment.


(2)     Identification of items of PPE that the bureau or office will provide and maintain at its expense, and how it will make that equipment available to employees.  (For certain specific types of work, OSHA safety and health regulations require that employers, i.e., bureaus and offices, provide certain types of PPE at no cost to employees.)  In situations where the regulations do not require that PPE be provided at no cost to the employees, the bureau or office has discretion to provide it at bureau or office expense or to require the employees to provide the equipment at their own expense.


(3)     Identification of items of PPE that employees will provide and maintain at their own expense


(4)     Training of employees to know when and what PPE is necessary; how to properly don, doff, adjust, and wear PPE; the limitations of the PPE, and how to inspect, use, maintain, store, and dispose of the equipment.  Employees will demonstrate an understanding of the training and the ability to use PPE property, before being allowed to perform work requiring the use of PPE.


(5)     Proper fitting of the PPE to be worn by employees.  Examples are hearing protectors and respirators.


(6)     Accountability of managers, supervisors and employees for effectively implementing the program.


(7)     Accountability of the bureau=s or office=s safety and health offices for monitoring the program and recommending changes to the program as appropriate.


(8)     Medical evaluations for employees required to wear respirators.


B.      The PPE program will be implemented as follows:


(1)     Employees will use the required PPE.


(2)     The bureau or office will ensure that employees use PPE when it is necessary.


(3)     The bureau or office will assure the adequacy of all PPE, including its proper maintenance and sanitation.


(4)     The bureau or office will provide employees with PPE training.


(5)     The bureau or office will provide, when appropriate, fit testing of PPE and employee medical evaluations.


(6)     The bureau or office will maintain the PPE that it has provided to employees.


(7)     Employees will maintain the PPE that they have provided at their expense.


4/2/04 #3608

Replaces 3/12/99 #3250


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