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Preparing to Transmit Your Data

Preparation consists of obtaining authorization to access the system and preparing your data file.


To obtain access to EUS Express you must first be authorized -- EUS Express is a closed system. (If you are currently using the BBS, no new authorization is required since your existing user name and password will have been transferred to the new EUS Express BBS.) New users obtain access by contacting the EDI Center at 1-800-861-3804. They will provide you with a user name and password.

Keep your user name and password protected yet handy as you will need them each time you log on.

Standard Data Files

Data files must be created using the specifications in the booklet Electronic Data Reporting, Standard Flat File Formats.  Prior to the implementation of the BBS, CES and MWR developed separate flat file formats that were unique to their respective surveys. These formats have since been modified to incorporate common data elements, thus reducing the reporting burden on firms. Although the old formats are still accepted, BLS prefers that firms transmit their data in the new 350-character standard formats as specified in the booklet Electronic Data Reporting, Standard Flat File Formats.


Compression is a method by which electronic files can be reduced in size, thus reducing the time it takes to transfer them between computers. There are many methods available to users to compress files. For compression to work properly, the methods must be available to both parties.

EUS Express currently accepts files compressed using either Pkzip or WinZip. (Pkzip is a product of PKWARE, Inc., and WinZip is a product of Nico Mak Computing, Inc.) If you desire to use another compression method, contact the EDI Center. (See Getting Help and Offering Comments.)

Please make sure we can read your compressed files before you send them.

Welcome | About This Guide | About EUS Express | Preparing to Transmit Your Data | Transmitting Your Data
| Logging Off | Changing Your Password | Getting Help and Offering Comments


Last Modified Date: October 16, 2001


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