Figure 4a. In 1998, There Were Approximately 164,000 Uninsured Persons in St. Louis

See below for text description [D]

[D] Figure 4a shows the scope of coverage by payer source (private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid) for St. Louis and the surrounding county. It also indicates that, in 1998, there were approximately 164,308 uninsured persons in the St. Louis area. In the city of St. Louis, there were 177,448 privately insured individuals, 60,572 with Medicare coverage, 44,437 enrolled in Medicaid, and 55, 037 uninsured. In St. Louis County, there were 696,378 privately insured individuals, 149,389 with Medicare coverage, 50,697 enrolled in Medicaid, and 109,271 uninsured. For the combined area of St. Louis city and St. Louis County, there were 873,826 privately insured individuals, 209,961 with Medicare coverage, 95,134 enrolled in Medicaid, and 164,308 uninsured. The total population of the area was 1,343,229.

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