Figure 4b. Sources and Uses of Health Care Funds for the Uninsured and Medicaid Populations St. Louis ($1000s)

See below for text description [D]

[D] In two pie charts, Figure 4b shows the actual sources (disproportionate share hospitals, Medicare, Medicaid, Grants, Contributions, and Other) and uses (primary care, urgi-care, specialty care, inpatient services, administration, inpatient voucher systems, dialysis, and other services) of health care funds for the uninsured and Medicaid populations in the St. Louis region. The sources of funds are city support ($5,000,000), contributions ($7,517,000), grants ($1,002,000), Medicaid ($5,513,000), Medicare ($5,249,000), other (including county) ($4,857,000), and Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments ($11,700,000). The uses were inpatient voucher system ($1,250,000), administration ($1,700,000), inpatient services ($1,352,000), specialty care ($7,407,000), Urgi-Care ($5,667,000), primary care ($18,583,000), dialysis ($3,630,000), and other services ($735,000).

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