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  farm financial performance

Farm operators, land owners, and providers of production contracts all contribute to farm income. ERS measures the distribution of farm earnings among these participants, as well as the providers of land, labor, capital, and managerial inputs used in production, through analyses of sector value-added accounts. Factors that affect the value-added, profitability, and financial performance of the U.S. agricultural sector are presented and analyzed.

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Income, Wealth and the Economic Well-Being of Farm Households—This report examines factors that affect the economic well-being of farm operator households based on USDA's ARMS survey data. The analysis uses a new concept of economic well-being that captures farm household wealth and expenditures in addition to more conventional income measures. The report examines whether farm households are inherently disadvantaged and whether they have lower incomes, lower wealth, and lower household expenditures than nonfarm households. AER-812 (7/02)

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updated: July 10, 2002

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