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  farm income policy

Enhancing and stabilizing farm income is a fundamental feature of U.S. agricultural policy. ERS provides short- and long-term projections of farm income and analyzes the impacts on farm income of existing and proposed agricultural policies and programs.

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Income, Wealth and the Economic Well-Being of Farm Households—This report examines factors that affect the economic well-being of farm operator households based on USDA's ARMS survey data. The analysis uses a new concept of economic well-being that captures farm household wealth and expenditures in addition to more conventional income measures. The report examines whether farm households are inherently disadvantaged and whether they have lower incomes, lower wealth, and lower household expenditures than nonfarm households. AER-812 (7/02)

The 2002 Farm Act: Provisions and Implications for Commodity Markets provides an initial assessment of the legislation's effects on agricultural production, commodity markets, and net farm income over the next 10 years. Results indicate that commodity market impacts are fairly small. Net farm income is projected higher than under a continuation of the 1996 Farm Act, largely reflecting an increase in government payments. AIB-778 (11/02)

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updated: November 19, 2002

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