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Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS): publication and use of ARMS data

Data from the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS) appears in research monographs, analyses, and other ERS research products (see Importance of ARMS data and Recommended Readings). However, much of the data has also been summarized and is available on this website. In addition, access to the data can be obtained for appropriate research uses, in accordance with proper safeguards for the respondents' confidentiality, which must be ensured as a condition of the survey program.

ARMS data on the ERS website

There are four primary research areas that have summarized ARMS data, corresponding to the survey design:

production practice data

Field-level production practice data is summarized from ARMS and predecessor surveys in a series of data products on field crops and fruit/vegetable crops. Data from the individual records of the Cropping Practices Surveys from 1990-95 are also available in data sets that provide more flexibility in exploring relationships between pesticide, nutrient, soil, seed, and irrigation management in surveyed fields. These data are discussed and illustrated in the Agricultural Chemicals and Production Technology briefing room.

cost-of-production data

Estimates of production costs for major crops and livestock based on ARMS and predecessor surveys are provided that range from 1975 to the present. These data and the estimation methods are documented here, and discussed more generally in the Farm Income and Costs briefing room.

farm business and financial data

Summary data on farm businesses and their finances are provided in an extensive array of tables, graphs, and downloadable spreadsheets covering 1996-2000. Aggregate estimates of farm business and financial data derived from the ARMS data are provided as downloadable spreadsheets in the Farm Income and Farm Balance Sheet data pages. Estimates of sector business and financial data—including national and State income estimates; asset, debt and balance sheet data; and national forecasts of farm income—are available in the Farm Income and Costs and Farm Financial Management briefing rooms.

farm household data

Data on farm households, encompassing both the farm business and other economic activity engaged in by farm household members, is reported in both the full ERS farm typology and a more compressed typology in a large number of tables, graphs, and downloadable spreadsheets. These are discussed and illustrated in the Farm Structure briefing room.

obtaining special tabulations of arms data

Users of ERS data often need special tabulations of ARMS data to supplement or extend published tabulations and reports. Some may require the knowledge and expertise of agency staff in preparing these tabulations. An ERS policy provides for reimbursement of agency expenses for special tabulations when appropriate, and ensures consistent and fair treatment of individuals, institutions, and businesses requesting ERS help in providing these tabulations.

ERS will consider requests for special tables if all of the following conditions are met:

  • The request can be serviced in a reasonable time without affecting work on priority agency projects;

  • The tabulation cannot be done from published agency information and data; and

  • The data requested meet agency conditions for the dissemination of statistical information, including conditions on the release of tabulations of microdata when appropriate.

Requests for special tabulations of ARMS data should be sent to Ralph Heimlich, Acting Data Coordinator of the Resource Economics Division.

direct access to arms data

ARMS data can be made available to researchers and other government agencies who have collaborative projects with ERS or NASS that contribute to USDA's public sector mission (an ERS brochure discusses these procedures more fully). These projects must be formally administered through a contract, cooperative agreement, or memorandum of understanding between ERS and a responsible research organization. The level of disaggregation of data available for access depends on the project specifics. ERS will attempt to meet data needs with publishable aggregations whenever possible.

All reports, publications and releases based on ARMS survey data must pass strict nondisclosure reviews. Entities and individuals outside USDA with access to confidential survey data are subject to the same Federal statutes that apply to USDA and its employees. Under these statutes, individuals who unlawfully disclose confidential data are subject to fines and other penalties.

The following steps are required to get approval to access ARMS data:

  • After preliminary consultation with ERS staff, applicants complete a project outline, including a brief project description and objectives, a detailed description of the data needed, and the planned uses of the data.

  • ERS and NASS staff review the proposed project to determine the level of aggregation that can meet the research demand, whether there are adequate samples available to support the analysis, and whether the analysis accounts for the complex ARMS survey design.

  • Once formal agreements have been signed, access to ARMS data is provided at ERS or NASS headquarters or at a NASS State statistical office, depending on availability of office and computer resources.

All individuals who access ARMS data are required to sign a confidentiality agreement prior to accessing any unpublished information.


for more information, contact: Mitch Morehart
web administration: webadmin@ers.usda.gov
page updated: November 21, 2003

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