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Department of Agriculture


Dairy: World Markets and Trade

December 2003 Issue
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Get Acrobat All of the data and image files below are in Adobe Acrobat [.pdf] and Excel [.xls]. Click on the icon at left if you need to download the Adobe Acrobat reader used to view PDF files. 
  Division Contacts
  Dairy Production and Trade Developments
U.S. Dairy Product Trade
  U.S. Exports of Dairy Products / Cumulative U.S. Dairy Exports   (.pdf)
Milk and Dairy Products Supply, Demand, and Trade Tables:
  Cows Milk Production and Consumption  (.xls) (.pdf)
  Milk Cow Numbers and Productivity Per Cow  (.xls) (.pdf)
  Cheese:  production, consumption, ending stocks (.xls) (.pdf)
  Cheese:  imports, exports (.xls) (.pdf)
  Butter:  production, consumption, ending stocks (.xls) (.pdf)
  Butter:  imports, exports (.xls) (.pdf)
  Nonfat Dry Milk:  production, consumption, ending stocks (.xls)


  Nonfat Dry Milk:  imports, exports (.xls)


  Whole Milk Powder:  production, consumption, ending stocks (.xls) (.pdf)
  Whole Milk Powder:  imports, exports (.xls) (.pdf)
World Dairy Price Charts

For more information, contact the author Paul Kiendl at (202) 720-8870.

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Last modified: Thursday, October 23, 2003