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Prohibited Personnel Practices
Prohibited personnel practices are those things a Federal employee with personnel authority may not do. A Federal employee has personnel authority if they can take, direct others to take, recommend, or approve any personnel action. Personnel actions include: appointments; promotions; discipline; details; transfers; reassignments; reinstatements; restorations; certain performance evaluations; decisions concerning pay, benefits, awards and education or training if they may reasonably be expected to lead to an appointment, promotion, performance evaluation or other personnel action; decisions to order psychiatric testing or examination; and any other significant change in duties, responsibilities or working conditions.


  1. Don’t DISCRIMINATE on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, handicapping condition, marital status, or political affiliation.
  2. Don’t SOLICIT or CONSIDER any recommendation or statement not based on personal knowledge or records of performance, ability, aptitude, general qualifications, character, loyalty, or suitability.
  3. Don’t COERCE a person's political activity, or REPRISE against them for their refusal to engage in such political activity.
  4. Don’t DECEIVE or WILLFULLY OBSTRUCT any person with respect to such person’s right to compete for employment.
  5. Don't INFLUENCE a person to withdraw from competition.
  6. Don’t GRANT any preference or advantage not authorized by law, regulation, or rule.
  7. Don’t APPOINT, EMPLOY, PROMOTE, or ADVANCE a relative.
  8. Don’t RETALIATE against a whistleblower, whether an employee or an applicant.
  9. Don’t RETALIATE against employees or applicants who exercise their complaint, grievance, or appeal rights; testify; cooperate with an inspector general or the Special Counsel; or refuse to break the law.
  10. Don’t DISCRIMINATE based on actions not adversely affecting performance.
  11. Don’t VIOLATE any law, rule, or regulation implementing or directly concerning the merit principles.
  12. Don’t VIOLATE veterans' preference requirements.
n 5 USC 2302;
Avoiding prohibited personnel practices will not guarantee a decision or action will not need to be defended, but it will provide a firm basis upon which to base a defense.

Individuals should remain conscious of:

  • merit system principles and prohibited personnel practices;
  • problems that can be created by not keeping the legal requirements in mind.

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Revised: 11/18/98
DOI University
National Business Center
U.S. Department of the Interior

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