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First patent drawing

Method and Apparatus for Producing Radiographs

The first patent obtained at Los Alamos National Laboratory was filed in 1945 in the names of Seth Neddermeyer and Donald Kerst, two original Los Alamos employees who were well-known for their creative and unrestrained experimentations into the explosive compression of materials. More

Los Alamos National Laboratory's ability to use the results of its own scientific research and to effectively meet its technology transfer mission depends on the protection of its intellectual property. This intellectual property includes the inventions, discoveries, software, drawings, and technical know-how of the Laboratory's staff. The Technology Transfer (TT) Division works with inventors/authors and the Laboratory's Legal Counsel (LC/BPL) to identify, legally protect, and manage the Laboratory's intellectual property so that partnerships may be developed with industry. These partnerships have a positive impact on both the regional and the national economies, while simultaneously expanding the Laboratory's intellectual property portfolio and generating resources for Laboratory programs.

Comprehensive information on all patents issued by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office can be accessed on the Internet. Nearly 1500 patents have been issued for Los Alamos inventions since 1945. The Laboratory's patent database is accessible through the Research Library.

Patent and Licensing Awards Ceremony honors Laboratory innovators and entrepreneurs

Los Alamos National Laboratory

Operated by the University of California for the US Department of Energy
Office of Technology Transfer | Technology Partnerships Working Group

TT Only | Science and Technology | Library

Copyright © UC | For conditions of use see Disclaimer

Last Modified : 6/26/03

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