NOAA NCDC / Climate Monitoring/ Drought Termination and Amelioration / Search / Help
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Drought Termination and Amelioration

National Climatic Data Center
Asheville, North Carolina

NOAA Homepage
map of precipitation required to end a level -2 PHDI drought in three months for June

Ending Current Drought
Precipitation Requirements

Links to background information, current conditions and precipitation required to end or ameliorate drought across the U.S.
click here to go to top of page  To view maps of precipitation required to end or ameliorate drought across the U.S., please select from the options below and then click "submit".

Type of Drought Reduction:

PHDI Level:

Duration in Months:

The end of a drought is defined by a PHDI value of -0.5.
Drought amelioration is achieved when a PHDI value of -2.0 is reached.

NOAA NCDC / Climate Monitoring/ Drought Termination and Amelioration / Search / Help
Downloaded Thursday, 14-Oct-2004 20:15:53 EDT
Last Updated Wednesday, 07-Jul-2004 07:40:30 EDT by
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