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State Climate Offices

Alaska Oregon Wyoming Utah Colorado Idaho Arizona New Mexico Texas Oklahoma Virginia Maryland Indiana New Jersey South Dakota Louisiana Mississippi Florida Alabama Georgia South Carolina North Carolina Missouri Illinois Minnesota Wisconsin Michigan Ohio Kentucky Delaware Pennsylvania Vermont New Hampshire Nebraska Nevada California Montana North Dakota Washington Kansas Hawaii Puerto Rico Arkansas Tennessee Iowa West Virginia New York Maine Massachusetts Connecticut Rhode Island This image is a map of the United States illustrating each state

Click on one of the states in the map to link to or find information on a State Climate Office (SCO). Gold colored states are members of the ARSCO.

Please contact us if an existing link is missing or incorrect.

Climate office contact information listed below

Contact Information:

| Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | California | Colorado | Connecticut | Delaware | Florida | Georgia |

| Hawaii | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts |

| Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire |

| New Jersey | New Mexico | New York | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma |

| Oregon | Pennsylvania | Puerto Rico | Rhode Island | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee |

| Texas | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming |

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Additional Information:

  • Regional climate information
  • American Association of State Climatologists (AASC)

Click here to return to state contact information Alabama

Click here to return to state contact information Alaska

Click here to return to state contact information Arizona

Click here to return to state contact information Arkansas

    Dr. John G. Hehr
    Department of Geography
    104 Carnall Hall
    University of Arkansas
    Fayetteville AR 72701

Click here to return to state contact information California

    Mr. William A. Mork
    CA Dept of Water Resources
    Division of Flood Management
    P.O. BOX 219000
    Sacramento CA 95821-9000
    Tel: 916-574-2614
    Fax: 916-574-2767
    Internet Email: morkb@water.ca.gov

Click here to return to state contact information Colorado

Click here to return to state contact information Connecticut

    Dr. Xiusheng (Harrison) Yang
    Associate Professor and Director
    Natural Resources Management and Engineering
    Connecticut State Climate Center
    University of Connecticut
    Storrs CT 06269
    Tel: 860-486-0135
    Fax: 860-486-5408
    Internet Email: xiusheng.yang@uconn.edu
    WWW: http://www.canr.uconn.edu/nrme/cscc

Click here to return to state contact information Delaware

Click here to return to state contact information Florida

Click here to return to state contact information Georgia

    David E. Stooksbury, PhD
    Georgia State Climatologist
    Bioligical and Agricultural Engineering Dept.
    Driftmier Engineering Center
    University of Georgia
    Athens GA 30602
    Tel: 706-583-0156
    Fax: 706-542-8806
    Internet Email: climate@engr.uga.edu
    WWW: http://climate.engr.uga.edu/

Click here to return to state contact information Hawaii

Click here to return to state contact information Idaho

    Dr. Russell Qualls
    State Climate Services
    Biological and Agricultural Engineering Dept.
    University of Idaho
    PO Box 440904
    Moscow ID 83844-0904
    Tel: 208-885-6184 or 208-885-7004
    Fax: 208-885-7908
    Internet Email: rqualls@uidaho.edu
    WWW: http://www.uidaho.edu/~climate

Click here to return to state contact information Illinois

Click here to return to state contact information Indiana

Click here to return to state contact information Iowa

Click here to return to state contact information Kansas

Click here to return to state contact information Kentucky

    Dr. Stuart A. Foster
    Kentucky Climate Center
    Dept of Geography and Geology
    Western Kentucky University
    Bowling Green KY 42164
    Tel: 270-745-5983
    Internet Email: KYClim@wku.edu
    WWW: http://kyclim.wku.edu

Click here to return to state contact information Louisiana

    Dr. Barry Keim
    Louisiana Office of State Climatology
    Department of Geography and Anthropology
    Louisiana State University
    Baton Rouge LA 70803
    Tel: 225-578-6870
    Fax: 225-578-2912
    Internet Email: bkeim@lsu.edu
    WWW: http://www.losc.lsu.edu/

Click here to return to state contact information Maine

Click here to return to state contact information Maryland

Click here to return to state contact information Massachusetts

    Dr. David Taylor
    State Climatologist
    496 Park Street
    North Reading MA 01864
    Tel: 781-676-1000
    Fax: 781-676-1001
    Internet Email: climat@wx.com

Click here to return to state contact information Michigan

    Dr. Jeffrey A. Andresen
    Assistant Professor, State Climatologist
    Department of Geography
    417 Natural Sciences Bldg.
    Michigan State University
    East Lansing MI 48824-1115
    Tel: 517-355-0231 ext. 107
    Fax: 517-432-1076
    Internet Email: andresen@msu.edu
    WWW: http://climate.geo.msu.edu

Click here to return to state contact information Minnesota

    Mr. Jim Zandlo
    State Climatology Office
    University of Minnesota
    439 Borlaug Hall
    1991 Upper Buford Circle
    St. Paul MN 55108-6028
    Tel: 651-296-4214
    Fax: 612-626-1276
    Internet Email: climate@umn.edu
    WWW: http://climate.umn.edu

Click here to return to state contact information Mississippi

Click here to return to state contact information Missouri

    Dr. F. Adnan Akyuz
    Missouri State Climatologist
    Missouri Climate Center
    University of Missouri-Columbia
    369 McReynolds Hall
    Columbia, MO 65211
    Tel: 573-882-8599
    Fax: 573-884-5133
    Internet Email: AkyuzF@missouri.edu
    WWW: http://www.mcc.missouri.edu

Click here to return to state contact information Montana

    No State Climatologist at this time.

Click here to return to state contact information Nebraska

Click here to return to state contact information Nevada

    Professor John W. James
    University of Nevada
    322 Mackay Science Hall/154
    Reno NV 89557-0118
    Tel: 755-784-1723
    Fax: 755-784-1058

Click here to return to state contact information New Hampshire

Click here to return to state contact information New Jersey

Click here to return to state contact information New Mexico

    Dr. Ted Sammis
    New Mexico State Climatologist
    Dept. of Agronomy and Horticulture
    New Mexico State University
    P.O. Box 3001/Dept. 3Q
    Las Cruces, NM 88003-8003
    Tel: 505-646-2104
    Fax: 505-646-6041
    Internet Email: tsammis@nmsu.edu
    WWW: http://weather.nmsu.edu/

Click here to return to state contact information New York

Click here to return to state contact information North Carolina

Click here to return to state contact information North Dakota

Click here to return to state contact information Ohio

Click here to return to state contact information Oklahoma

    Dr. Ken Crawford
    Oklahoma Climatological Survey
    University of Oklahoma
    Sarkey's Energy Center
    100 East Boyd, Suite 1210
    Norman OK 73019-1012
    Tel: 405-325-2541
    Fax: 405-325-2550
    Internet Email: ocs@ou.edu
    WWW: http://www.ocs.ou.edu

Click here to return to state contact information Oregon

Click here to return to state contact information Pennsylvania

Click here to return to state contact information Puerto Rico

    Dr. Amos Winter
    Dept of Marine Sciences
    College of Arts and Sciences
    University of Puerto Rico
    Mayaguez, PR 00681-9013
    Tel: 787-265-5416
    Fax: 787-265-2195
    Internet Email: a_winter@rumac.uprm.edu
    WWW: http://atmos.uprm.edu

Click here to return to state contact information Rhode Island


Click here to return to state contact information South Carolina

Click here to return to state contact information South Dakota

Click here to return to state contact information Tennessee

    Mr. Wayne Hamberger
    Tennessee Valley Authority
    400 West Summit Hill Dr
    Knoxville TN 37902-1499
    Tel: 865-632-4222
    Internet Email: lwhamber@tva.gov

Click here to return to state contact information Texas

Click here to return to state contact information Utah

Click here to return to state contact information Vermont

Click here to return to state contact information Virginia

Click here to return to state contact information Washington

Click here to return to state contact information West Virginia

    No State Climatologist at this time.

Click here to return to state contact information Wisconsin

    Professor John A. Young, Acting State Climatologist
    Lyle Anderson, Manager
    State Climatologist Office
    University of Wisconsin
    1225 West Dayton Street
    Madison WI 53706-1612
    Tel: 608-263-2374
    Fax: 608-263-7679
    Internet Email: stclim@aos.wisc.edu
    WWW: http://www.aos.wisc.edu/~sco

Click here to return to state contact information Wyoming

For changes/updates to this page please contact Tim.Owen@noaa.gov.

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Last Updated Wednesday, 23-Jun-2004 07:35:09 EDT by ncdc.webmaster@noaa.gov
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