NWS Hydrologic Information Center
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Drought statements were issued recently by the following NWS Forecast Offices:


Web Sites Providing Real-Time Background 

Maps Providing Drought Information

1.NOAA's Drought Information Center

2. Drought Monitor

3.Water Supply

4.National Resources

5. Regional Resources

6. State/Local Resources







U.S. Drought Monitor Image Seasonal%20Drought%20Outlook%20Image Weekly Precipitation Image
U.S. Drought Monitor
Map and text specifying drought conditions in the U.S.
Seasonal Drought Outlook  
Provides indications of drought trends over a 3-month period
Weekly Precipitation
Precipitation totals for the most recent week ending on Saturday
Keech-Grym Drough Index Crop Moisture Index Image Palmer%20Drought%20Image

Keech-Byrum Drought Index
Provides a measure of wildfire risk

Crop Moisture Index
Generally indicative of shorter-term drought conditions (days-weeks)
Palmer Drought Severity Index
Generally indicative of longer-term drought conditions (months)

*Site Information

1. A roundup of the various NOAA Web
sites and information on drought and climate conditions

2. Site is a collaborative effort among Federal and non-Federal agencies to provide a centralized source of drought information

3. Information on water resources and outlooks

4. Links to Web pages provided by national organizations (e.g., NOAA, U.S. Geological Survey) with drought-related information

5. Links to Web pages provided by regional organizations (i.e., river basin commissions, etc.) with drought-related information.

6. Links to Web pages provided by state or local organizations with drought-related information

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Page Design Last Modified:
January 05, 2004
Page Author: Denise George