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Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Documents

Documents produced by NREL and many other documents related to hydrogen and fuel cells systems and technologies may be accessed online in several different ways.

  • National Renewable Energy Laboratory Publications Database
    The NREL Publications Database covers hydrogen and fuel cell technology documents written or edited by NREL staff and subcontractors from 1977 to the present. The database includes technical reports as well as outreach publications such as brochures and fact sheets. NREL reports published from 1999 to the present are available as full text PDFs.
  • U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Alternative Fuels Data Center
    The Alternative Fuels Data Center contains many hydrogen and fuel cells documents related to alternative fuels and alternative-fuel vehicles. This database includes publications from NREL and other sources.
  • DOE Information Bridge
    This publications database is similar to the NREL Publications Database, but covers the entire U.S. Department of Energy system, thus including hydrogen documents produced by other DOE national laboratories. It has a growing collection of full text documents from 1995 forward.

Web Sites


  • Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Clearinghouse—1-800-DOE-EREC (1-800-363-3732)
  • National Alternative Fuels Hotline—1-800-423-1DOE

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