NSF LogoNSF Award Abstract - #0321711 AWSFL008-DS3

High-density Genetic Map of Maize Transcripts

Latest Amendment Date July 8, 2004
Award Number 0321711
Award Instrument Continuing grant
Program Manager Jane Silverthorne
Start Date October 1, 2003
Expires September 30, 2006 (Estimated)
Expected Total Amount $3691269 (Estimated)
Investigator Patrick S. Schnable schnable@iastate.edu (Principal Investigator current)
Brent Buckner (Co-Principal Investigator current)
Daniel A. Ashlock (Co-Principal Investigator current)
Sponsor Iowa State University
2207 Pearson Hall, Room 15
Ames, IA 500112207 515/294-5225
Field Application
Program Reference Code 9109,BIOT,


To facilitate scientific advances and crop improvement, the thousands of maize genes being discovered during the maize genome sequencing project must be ordered relative to a genetic map. This project builds on prior NSF investments in maize genomics to genetically map 4,500 genes. The resulting high-density transcript map will enhance our understanding of the organization and evolution of the maize genome. These thousands of mapped genes will also provide the necessary sequence-based cross-links to facilitate the alignment of the rice physical map with the maize genetic map. This resource will provide a means to determine the linear order on maize chromosomes of maize genes. One thousand co-dominant genetic markers (Insertion Deletion Polymorphisms [IDP]s) suitable for use in a wide variety of genetic experiments will also be generated and distributed to the public.

The research plan provides numerous, interdisciplinary training opportunities for a diverse group of undergraduate and graduate students at the interface between molecular and computational genomics. The project will use a variety of mechanisms to involve undergraduate students from a research university, an undergraduate college and underserved institutions. These trainees will be provided with intensive mentored research experiences. To help prepare them for scientific careers in a global environment, undergraduate students will visit to the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (Spanish acronym CIMMYT) in Mexico. Trainees will also be encouraged to return to the high schools from which they graduated to make short presentations regarding their research activities. Other outreach activities will include a program conducted in partnership with the Reiman Gardens at Iowa State University (http://www.reimangardens.iastate.edu) to expose elementary school students to plant biology.


4,500 mapped genes and 1000 co-dominant genetic markers (Insertion Deletion Polymorphisms [IDP]s) will be generated and distributed to the public via the project database

(http://pslab.agron.iastate.edu/research/genomics/htp_est/idps.shtml) as well as public databases such as PlantGDB (http://www.zmdb.iastate.edu/PlantGDB/), MaizeGDB (http://www.maizegdb.org/), and Gramene (http://www.gramene.org/).

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