NSF LogoNSF Award Abstract - #0325821 AWSFL008-DS3

Analysis of Rice Cellular Expression Profiles

Latest Amendment Date June 18, 2004
Award Number 0325821
Award Instrument Continuing grant
Program Manager Jane Silverthorne
Start Date September 1, 2003
Expires August 31, 2007 (Estimated)
Expected Total Amount $4492329 (Estimated)
Investigator Timothy M. Nelson timothy.nelson@yale.edu (Principal Investigator current)
Hongyu Zhao (Co-Principal Investigator current)
Xing-Wang Deng (Co-Principal Investigator current)
Sponsor Yale University
P.O. Box 208337
New Haven, CT 065208337 203/432-2460
Field Application
Program Reference Code 9109,BIOT,


The study of rice has tremendous potential impact, both because it is a useful monocot plant model and because it is a direct source of molecular tools for the analysis and manipulation of nearly every cereal grass crop. The high degree of synteny (parallel organization) among cereal genomes makes it possible to relate rice chromosomal regions, regulatory patterns, and genes to those of maize, wheat, barley, sorghum, rye, and other key crops. Laser capture microdissection (LCM) makes it possible to isolate RNA and other molecules from individual visually selected cell types. This project combines LCM with microarray analysis of gene expression to prepare a cellular atlas of expression profiles. This will consist of a public database that provides information about the expression of 15,000 rice genes initially, and subsequently on all 60,000 genes of rice in every cell type. This will serve as a resource for studies of physiology, growth and development of rice and other cereals, with an unprecedented resolution. The database will accommodate future cell-specific data collected under special conditions, such as stress or pathogen attack. The project will develop LCM techniques to gain access to every cell type of rice, and will rely on rice whole-genome microarrays being developed in another NSF project.

Specific deliverables of the project will be the further development and testing of LCM in rice and the production of an expression profiling atlas of 125 rice cell types. These will be released to the publicly available website at a schedule of 10 in year 1, 15 in year 2, 50 in year 3 and an additional 50 by year 4.

Outreach and training activities will include participation in Family Science Days at the Peabody Museum on the Yale campus and contributions to museum displays on plant genomics, targeted to a K-12 student audience.

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