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ECQ 5 Building Coalitions/Communications

This core qualification involves the ability to explain, advocate, and express facts and ideas in a convincing manner and to negotiate with individuals and groups internally and externally. It also involves the ability to develop an expansive professional network with other organizations and to identify the internal and external politics that impact the work of the organization.

Click here for Leadership Competencies.

Leadership Competencies
Interpersonal Skills
Oral Communication
Political Savvy
Written Communication

Key Characteristics:

  1. Representing and speaking for the organizational unit and its work (e.g., presenting, explaining, selling, defining, and negotiating) to those within and outside the office (e.g., agency heads and other government executives, corporate executives, Office of Management and Budget officials, congressional members and staff, the media, and clientele and professional groups); making clear and convincing oral presentations to individuals and groups; listening effectively and clarifying information; facilitating an open exchange of ideas.

  2. Establishing and maintaining working relationships with internal organizational units (e.g., other program areas and staff support functions); approaching each problem situation with a clear perception of organizational and political reality; using contacts to build and strengthen internal support bases; getting understanding and support from higher level management.

  3. Developing and enhancing alliances with external groups (e.g., other agencies or firms, state and local governments, Congress, and clientele groups); engaging in cross-functional activities; finding common ground with a widening range of stakeholders.

  4. Working in groups and teams; conducting briefings and other meetings; gaining cooperation from others to obtain information and accomplish goals; facilitating win-win situations.

  5. Considering and responding appropriately to the needs, feelings, and capabilities of different people in different situations; being tactful and treating others with respect.

  6. Seeing that reports, memoranda, and other documents reflect the position and work of the organization in a clear, convincing, and organized manner.

Other Executive Core Qualifications:

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