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  -; Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources
  -; Subcommittee on Fisheries Conservation, Wildlife, and Oceans

- Grants Information -

   Congressman Tauzin is committed to help Louisiana residents, businesses, institutions, and municipalities in obtaining federal grants and assistance to improve the quality of life in Louisiana. The following links have been provided to assist constituents in their search for information regarding federal assistance programs and the grants process. Please contact your local state office for more information.

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance
- Contains financial and non financial assistance programs administered by departments of Federal government.

Non-Profit Gateway
- A network of non-profit links to Federal government information

The Foundation Center
- An independent, clearinghouse for private and corporate funding, along with information on grants process.

Federal Agency Links:

Department of Energy -- Financial Assistance Home Page

Department of Education -- Programs and Services

Department of Health & Human Services -- GrantsNet link to

Department of Housing & Urban Development -- Funding

Department of Justice -- Grants and Support Programs

Department of Labor -- Grant and Contract Information

Department of Transportation -- Grants and Cooperative Agreements

Economic Development Administration

Environmental Protection Agency -- Grants and Fellowship Information

National Institute of Aging -- Grant Review and Funding Process

National Institute of Standards and Technology -- Grants/Awards Programs

National Institutes of Health -- Guides for Grants and Contracts

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