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- Biography

   Congressman Billy Tauzin of Chackbay, who represents Louisiana's diverse 3rd Congressional District – stretching from the mouth of the Mississippi River to the outskirts of New Orleans, Baton Rouge and Lafayette – is currently serving his 12th term in the U.S. House of Representatives. He was first sworn in in 1980 in a special swearing in to fill the seat vacated by Dave Treen, who resigned from Congress after becoming Governor of Louisiana, and now has served the 3rd District longer than any of his predecessors.

   Congressman Tauzin has won 12 consecutive races, receiving an overwhelming popular vote on each occasion (averaging more than 90%) on his way to becoming the Dean of the Louisiana Congressional Delegation.

   On January 4, 2001, Congressman Tauzin became the first Louisianian ever to be named Chairman of the influential House Committee on Energy and Commerce, which has jurisdiction over all interstate and foreign commerce, including energy, telecommunications, health care, biomedical research, consumer protection, the environment and travel and tourism. In addition, he is a senior member of the House Resources Committee.

   Congressman Tauzin also serves as Deputy Majority Whip, making him the only person in the history of the U.S. House of Representatives to serve in the leadership of both major political parties. What's more, in an effort to promote a spirit of bipartisan cooperation on Capitol Hill, he co-founded and served as Co-Chairman of the Mainstream Conservative Alliance, better known as Republican "Blue Dogs."

   Prior to being sworn in to Congress, Representative Tauzin served with distinction in the Louisiana State Legislature. He was Chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee and Chief Administration Floor Leader. Twice he was chosen one of Louisiana's "Ten Best Legislators."

   Known as a fiscal conservative, as well as a national leader on the issue of tax reform, Congressman Tauzin recently barnstormed across America on a 40-city tour with House Majority Leader Dick Armey, debating the need to abolish the federal income tax and the IRS. He also has left his mark on issues ranging from natural gas, airline, trucking and electricity deregulation to the Clean Air Act, Superfund and the historic Telecommunications Reform Act of 1996. In addition, he was the original author of the Securities Litigation Reform Act and the Cable Act – the only bills over the past decade to become law despite a Presidential veto.

   Over the years, Congressman Tauzin has been honored by such diverse groups as the Chamber of Commerce, Farm Bureau, National Federal of Independent Business, B'nai B'rith, Concord Coalition, Business Software Alliance, National Association of Manufacturers, Christian Coalition, Boy Scouts of America, National Association of Broadcasters, the 3rd Congressional District Black Caucus, and many more.

   An author, amateur actor and native Cajun, Congressman Tauzin proudly reflects the culture and values of South Louisiana, where the "joie de vie" (the joy of life) is celebrated with a gusto that is envied across the nation.

   Congressman Tauzin received a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Nicholls State University in 1964 and a Law Degree from Louisiana State University in 1967. He is married to the former Cecile Bergeron of Crowley, Louisiana, and has five children by a previous marriage.

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