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Nov. 07, 2004  War on Terror   Transformation   News Products   Press Resources   Images   Websites   Contact Us 
American Forces Press Service

Commissary Scholarship Program Enters Fifth Year

By Bonnie Powell
Special to American Forces Press Service

FORT LEE, Va., Nov. 3, 2004 -- The fifth year of the Scholarships for Military Children program is under way.

Administered by Fisher House Foundation and funded by manufacturers and industry supporting military commissaries, the program has awarded more than $3 million through nearly 2,000 scholarships to the sons and daughters of active- duty servicemembers, National Guard and reserve members, and military retirees.

"The Scholarships for Military Children program has become a major community event for commissaries since its inception five years ago," said Patrick B. Nixon, chief executive officer for the Defense Commissary Agency. "The program awarded 500 scholarships in 2004, and ceremonies were held in commissaries worldwide in honor of these outstanding students. The industry members who support this program should be proud. And we hope the fifth anniversary year will be the best yet."

Applications for the 2005 program are available at commissaries or online. Eligibility requirements and other information are also available at the program Web site. Applications, which must include an essay on how the heightened awareness of terrorism has impacted the student's life, are due at commissaries Feb. 16. At least one $1,500 scholarship will be awarded at every commissary location with qualified applicants.

The scholarship program is open to unmarried children under the age of 21 (23 if enrolled in school) of active-duty personnel, reserve, Guard and retired military. Eligibility will be determined using the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System database. Applicants should ensure that they, as well as their sponsor, are currently enrolled in the DEERS database and have a current ID card.

The applicant must be planning to attend, or already be attending, an accredited college or university full-time in the fall term of 2005, or enrolled in a program of studies designed to transfer directly into a four-year program.

The scholarship program can also accept public donations online.

Updated: 03 Nov 2004
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